Rumors are frantically circutating on the internet that Jennifer Aniston hooked up with Kevin Federline at a club recently and, after many cocktails, THEY LEFT TOGETHER!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Rumors are frantically circutating on the internet that Jennifer Aniston hooked up with Kevin Federline at a club recently and, after many cocktails, THEY LEFT TOGETHER!
Whatever you think of aniston, she has so much money, she couldn’t piss it out fast enough.
who the hell knows what really happens with these people behind closed doors.
The only good thing about Aniston was Pitt. They say Aniston is super needy and controlling and Pitt finally couldn’t stand it anymore. He wanted a family and she wanted her career. Aniston is another actress that courts the cameras then acts upset when they snap her photo. She’s addicted to fame. It will be interesting to see how long she can keep her career rolling since Pitt is long gone.
Hedda Bopper
The only thing Jen Anniston has going for her is a good hairdresser.She reminds me of a kindergarden teacher from the midwest that got some money and had a good makeover.Her career isnt that hot,nor is her face.I guess hooking up with another loser will get her beak in the papers.At least kevin has a huge peice of man candy,unlike coked out hairy backed Vaughn….Oye Vey.
FedEx? What, Carrot Top wasn’t interested, Jen?
Okay Dave I just googled hot karl.
Thankfully, I’m that unsophisticated.
Is that what you do to your dates…you sick little pig!
Yeah. And I can’t get Brad Pitt to stop hitting on me.
Jen…and we thought that we knew thee. No wonder Brad went elsewhere!
Yep, more clicks = more revenue.
But she HAS a brain.
Doesn’t she?!
There’s no way she would hook up with that slimeball. I can’t even believe this rumor would be believed for a second.
Totally impossible. As if! I believe Janet is being paid to hype KFed as well as Borat.
I didn’t know that Fed-Ex knew how to spread rumors, it must be one of his less half-witted friends that’s doing this.
Courtneey Cocks
iwwww– i bet she’s pregnant already, too.
Janet’s newest attempt to create more interest in her site. More clicks=more revenue.
I think he’s cuter than Brad. Younger and I bet good in the sack. Definitely a stud as the evidence shows. If she was with blotted Vince why not Kev. I think Kev’s what the Dr. ordered for Jen. She could help him into acting and he could give her the big O and keep her from becoming a childless spinster.
No way. The rumor claims it happened in New York City after she attended a premiere with her former Friends castmates, that premiere went down in LA not NYC so it doesnt even make sense. I dont think there would be enough liquor in existance to make Aniston go home with K-Fed. Though she does want to have a baby & one night with K-Fed & his super sperm could probably turn that dream into reality. Ew!
after he’s been in Brit’s choochie? no way
If it DID happen…Jen must have been EXTREMELY bombed!! Imagine her complete HORROR waking up the morning after with that greasy loser beside her! One hell of a good reason to give up alcohol that’s for sure!
What is it about this man?
Jennifer Aniston has WAY too much class to be seen with that white trash.