Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Vince Vaughn seems a tad surprised by the massive group of photographers snapping him outside of Koi. Has he forgotten that he’s in another league -photographically- since he dated Jennifer Aniston? That means his photos are worth more money. Before he dated Jen, he hung out at dive bars in Silverlake and nobody paid much attention to his comings and goings. Now that he and Jennifer are history, Vince is still “of interest” because the press wants to see who he will date next. Life after Aniston may never be the same.

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  1. I think he looks great,like a normal person…not some star wannabe.

  2. I agree…he looks like a normal person….no plastic man for us REAL girls!

  3. Vince is a smelly wort hog that appeals to fat ugly woman that feel they have a chance with him.He likes woman that do drugs like he does,hes disgusting with smelly clothes and long nose and ear hair,a real loser

  4. My Dears.In my day,A true gentelman would NEVER have left the house looking like a common gutter rat.Has he not heard of a bar of soap and a comb? Simply put,he looks like someone that just crawled over the boarder and mowing my lawn.Filth.

  5. He was hot in Swingers. Like, hmm, 13 years ago. He and Chinnifer should have stayed together.

  6. Lazy Susan.I bet your chins hang lower than your breasts.You old slapper.Take a shower and clean your fat folds they smell worse than vince vaughns mangina

  7. Vince could play jabba the hut if sally struthers is booked.

  8. Bev, your Herpes infused genitals haven’t gotten any love since Vince Vaughn was born. You and Aniston should throw yourselves a pity party but no one would come. Wonder why.

  9. Susan Susan,I heard your vag has more dust in it than the deserts of vegas.If any poor soul could get near your vag or find it the smell alone would kill them,you filthy old hag.Take a bath with a shower hose and clean that stench out.

  10. Oh and susan,your so manish looking you make aniston look female

  11. I heard lazy susan has a hairy back,and looks like a man.

  12. Bev would spend her entire yearly allowance of KFC on Vince any day for a full minute. Extra Crispy.

  13. Vince Vaughn is foul.Why would any sane woman with any sort of self esteem want him?Good lord these woman need to call me a.s.a.p. for help.

  14. Why is it Don Imus got fired and Issah Washington keeps his job?? Double standards?

  15. Fire that nasty fug Rosie. Imagine the stench of her breath after a night with Kelly?

  16. Rosie is great. fire that prick issah washington and his filthy black ass

  17. wow has he aged badly.hes gotten fat and bloated.too much booze,drugs and hookers,and dating manish looking woman like chiniffer

  18. Who’s Jennifer dating these days?
    Heck, I’ll bet if Vince got a bath and combed back his hair he might look like Tom Jones and chick would be falling all over him.
    You ladies are just too vane.
    What do you say we pile in the car and go down to the local Dairy Queen and all get a Banana Split… yum,yum.
    When was the last time you had one of those?

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