Can anybody out there translate what’s written on the back of Victoria Beckham’s neck? We’d also like to know just how LONG this tattoo is (down to her waist?) and what language it’s in. Was it perhaps inspired by the characters in Apocalypto?

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  1. It is in Hebrew and it is a biblical quote. It is from the Song of Songs Psalms of David “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.”

  2. It either says “please feed me” or “these implants hurt”

  3. Hello!!! It’s Hebrew!
    David Beckham has a Jewish grandfather and Beckham himself is said to be some what observant.

  4. If Beckham were observant of his religion he would realize that Judiasm is opposed to tattos and such.

  5. You’re right 4:32 p.m., but it’s not just forbidden for Jewish people who are observant it’s for Christian’s or anybody else who cares. To be more specific it’s in Leviticus 19:28.

  6. Its Hebrew, it means: I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me.

  7. Tatoos are so vile. Why do women or men for that matter get them. Are they trying to prove something. If so, what?

  8. I think it does run down to her waist. The whole thing says:I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me and to his former assistant and to all the other Ho’s who he’s f…..

  9. This is written in her native tounge of “Moronish”Its directions to her home and her cell phone number.It also includes her name of “Stick Figure”……Oh No!
    P.S. She will always be “Snout Spice” to me!

  10. This is written in her native tounge of “Moronish”Its directions to her home and her cell phone number.It also includes her name of “Stick Figure”……Oh No!
    P.S. She will always be “Snout Spice” to me!

  11. This is written in her native tounge of “Moronish”Its directions to her home and her cell phone number.It also includes her name of “Stick Figure”……Oh No!
    P.S. She will always be “Snout Spice” to me!

  12. I says “I am a whore so please deposit your man seed here”

  13. Of course the tatoo is in Hebrew. But tatoo’s are ugly and a permanent(unless painfully and expensively removed by laser)disfigurement. Posh will soon one day regret her ugly tatoo.

  14. it means, david’s dong belongs to me and to him. ding dong witchy hoes who want my hubbies dong, be gone.

  15. it would been a helluvah less painful if she had just gotten the (K) symbol tatooed on her
    forehead. yeah, i hear that forehead tatoos are the next trend.
    the tatoo is in hebrew, but what it really says is: david, i swear to god, if you ever leave me i will take half.

  16. She refused to move to Spain with David when he was wih Madrid so she could stay in the UK and try to revive her lost career. I don’t blame him for cheating. She’s smart moving to California with him. If they divorce and it is filed there community property laws will give her half of everything earned in the marriage.

  17. if the beckhams convert to scientology…will she be required to remove the hebrew text, or is it just after their $$$?

  18. I hope they don’t get taken in by Scienco bs like sad sack Travolta and Cruise. I don’t think it’s a coincedince that Tom and John both have sexuality and daddy issues and needed something to believe in.

  19. Anyone who thinks Scientology is not dangerous look at
    I’m sure Tom and all the other nuts in this cult don’t want people to know about all the mysterious deaths of Scientology members.

  20. Tom Cruise is an evil dwarf cult member,His movies should be boycotted along with travolta,alley,and the rest of these scurge.

  21. Google Sea Org or Jesse Price to find out about Scientology. They force Sea Org members to have abortions. Look up Susan Meister another recruit who died mysteriously that they tried to cover up. These people are dangerous.

  22. “My beloved {God} is mine and I am his who grazes among the roses”

  23. Wasn’t there something last week that Posh put the kibosh on Scientology since it requires members to pony up the big bucks? Posh is NOT joining something that is going to take away her pocket money…
    Maybe Posh isn’t so dumb after all…
    Scientology is for weak-minded freaks who can’t or won’t think for themselves.
    And seriously, SPACE ALIENS. How fucking wierd are you to worship space aliens and call it a “religion”?
    I keep “praying” that Xenu will beam Snooze, Travolta, Remini and that freakshow Jenna Elfman up to the mothership and blast the fuck off forever.


  25. Her husband totally cheated with his assistant. Who can blame him though, Rebecca Loos is so hot and hasn’t destroyed her face and body with bad surgery.

  26. It is absolutely hebrew… no offense, its pretty obvious. and it does mean i am my beloved and my beloved is mine. But its written the wrong way…

  27. i hope they dont get suckered into scientology. all scientology gives a crap about is making money. its founder l.hon rubbered said it himself, that the quickest way to make a lot of money is to invent a new religion, he even penned books on how to brainwash people. the scientology folks are manipulative mean assholes. theres nothing glamorous about it at all.

  28. She’s copying Angelina. It says “look at me! look at me!” I just can’t stand this has been. I mean what the hell has she done lately to get so much attention? She’s married to a soccer player and she shops…

  29. She’s very insecure w/abandonment issues after David’s affair(s), this tatoo came after their ‘reconfirming their vows’ phase.

  30. I’m dyslexic so I would have to start reading it from her ass up.

  31. I’m dyslexic so I would have to start reading it from her ass up.

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