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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Did you know that Vanessa Hudgens was one of the stars in the HIGHEST GROSSING film of 2020? She can thank Covid-19 for walloping the boxoffice and thrusting Bad Boys for Life (luckily released Jan 17) to the top of the heap. High School Musical star Vanessa has the face of an angel but she likes to be perceived as naughty sometimes. Above we have a photo of Vanessa after a workout – did you happen to notice those little chains dangling from her shirt? One could jump to the conclusion that they were attached to some sort of piercings, but they aren’t. Vanessa likes to combine body chains with almost everything she wears- from swimsuits to evening gowns. She looks so good in them that she’s given the body chain business a boost.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Who ordered the deviled cheese and ham?

    Nobody in Hollywood can stand her or will work with her. She apparently did not attend her own father’s funeral because she was more interested in money Sickening.