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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


2010 was not a bad year financially for ALL of us. We were surprised and delighted to learn that Tyler Perry was the highest paid man in the entertainment industry that year, earning 130 million dollars! Prolific Perry has several TV shows on the air and he wrote, directed, produced, and starred in three movies last year. He may also be the hardest working man in show business. Imagine – according to – he even topped Steven Spielberg at 107 million dollars, Simon Cowell at 90 million, and Dr Phil at 80 million.

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  1. nicky

    madea quotes (love the Madea Movies!!)

    Brenda: If I call the cops, they will be here in *ten* minutes.

    Madea: Good. Then that give me nine to beat the hell outta you.

    Madea: I remember this dude made me so mad, I didn’t even know how mad I was until I went to his funeral.

    Helen: Why were you so mad at him?

    Madea: Because he hit me. Yes he hit me… and I didn’t even know how mad I was until I saw him in his casket, he’s 8 feet under.

    Myrtle: 6 feet, that’s how they bury people,

    Madea, 6 feet under.

    Madea: That’s what I’m trying to say, I thought I was over what he did to me until I saw him at the funeral, I was so mad I BEAT HIM DOWN 2 more feet.

  2. Tinchy

    Tyler Perry is a gay man.And that’s a badly kept secret.

  3. Caren Mead


    Hold me baby. I’m feeling really vunerable right now. (as I fling myself across the chaise lounge)

  4. pusssykatt

    Considering the horrible childhood he had…good for him, and I hope he isn’t sharing any of it with the people who treated him so horribly.

  5. Casonia from seattle and hope that elisa is kicked off the show soon and, hope this womans downfall on the fish is the end of her on Hells kitchen.

    He is a good kind soul and really funny and knows how to take life and value it to a large degree and really happy for him.

  6. Casonia from seattle and hope that elisa is kicked off the show soon and, hope this womans downfall on the fish is the end of her on Hells kitchen.

    Very good that he does not have to worry about money and bills and… Good that is can from rags and made riches and it is truely a blessing that his life has come to a full circle.

  7. Casonia from seattle and hope that elisa is kicked off the show soon and, hope this womans downfall on the fish is the end of her on Hells kitchen.

    Tyler Perry has been throw hell and worked really hard at his career and healing and…I don’t want any one to take advantage of him and use him because of his money and truly hope he finds love and some one to care about him.

  8. Caren Mead

    Where is Strom’s comment? Baby, didn’t you have something to say? Hold me honey.

  9. Nicky

    Strom is a woman too.

  10. forrest gump

    pssssst: SHOW ME THE PROVE!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Dawn Davenport

    Yes flyover girls. Share this at the beauty parlor with Laurline and Hazel and all the other Frau Cows. He’s straight as they come. Loves the pu$$y.

    Just hasn’t found the right gal pal yet.

  12. Palermo

    I like his movies, maybe not the Madea ones so much but the why did I get married type movies.

  13. Muffin

    No I don’t think he is gay. I heard somewhere that he said he has a girlfriend. Not that this at all matters.

  14. Caren Mead

    Just because he was molested it doesn’t make him gay.

  15. Indy

    It’s pretty common knowledge he is gay. When he was on Oprah a few months ago, he described in detail his horrific childhood. Also, he was asked on another show if he was gay and he refused to answer, which shows that he is.

  16. Hello

    He does have a couple shows on tbs, but my god, they are so loud!! Im like someone paid up front for that mess!! God bless him.

  17. Seriously?

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  18. Caren Mead

    Something about someone making 130 mil a year makes me a little bitter. lol

  19. Pit BuLL LOVER

    is he not gay?
    it’s unbelievable to me that the kinds of degrading movies he makes net him so much money……i don’t get it…..then again i am not a black person….they seem insulting to me…low class, redundant as hell and just meh……most of them,anyways…..

  20. Muffin

    Who in the hell paid this guy this kind of money?!?! His best friend Oprah must have had something to do with deal. She’s the only person that would be rich enough and silly enough to pay this ridiculous amount of money. Although he seems like a nice guy, his CRED with me, just went WAY, WAY down!!

  21. Denise

    A dude in a dress making $130 million a year. God bless America.

  22. yoyo

    2010 not a bad year financially for all of us? Janet, not everyone makes 130 mil annually, some people are living off food stamps & the grace of God. Take the “all of us” out of the equation.

  23. Casonia...Hells kitchen Paul is nice and can really cook and so can Will but Tommy needs to speak up in order to Win and Elisa is going to drive those men crazy with her company...She is mean and disliked and hope and pray she is next on the chopping bloc

    Be careful and take it one day at a time and hope that you get some one really nice and kind and thoughtful and concerned and worried. Take it easy and take your time.

  24. Casonia...Hells kitchen Paul is nice and can really cook and so can Will but Tommy needs to speak up in order to Win and Elisa is going to drive those men crazy with her company...She is mean and disliked and hope and pray she is next on the chopping bloc

    Good luck in finding love and wish you well for the future and have a great life and you need to stay away from two faced liers and back stabbing two faced leaches and Bums and loser.