Two Lines of Coke

This handsome young actor had a beautiful longtime girlfriend and they both started getting very successful in Hollywood around the same time. They seemed like old fashioned sweethearts but were far kinkier than we realized. The founded what they laughingly called The Hollywood Spanking Club. These private celebrity get-togethers were actually orgies and participants were encouraged to live out their wildest fantasies. Activities were fueled by an abundance of drugs. More often than not, our straight actor and his girlfriend ended up wih partners of their own sex. The actor’s motto was: “The difference between gay and straight is two lines of coke.” A few years have passed and they’ve both moved on to new relationships. Both of their new partners would be VERY surprised to hear about the old days!

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52 thoughts on “Two Lines of Coke

  1. This is a good one Janet! I’m stumped but soon it’ll be all over the interwebs and this nut will be cracked.

  2. robert downey jr. and sarah horseface parker–she always marries FAGS–she got da ugly wart infested horseface!

  3. I had to laugh at most of the guesses on here…Robert Downy Jr. and Hugh Grant are wayyy on the WRONG side of Young. But Hollyweird got me to thinking and wondering…it could very well be Kirsten and Jake..Kiki’s always desheveled and sort of drunk looking and Jake was spending a LOT of time with Matthew Mccconna(whateverthefuck) and Lance Armstrong (until people started noticing that is)

  4. Thanks James. The big hole in my theory is who they have moved on to??? I don’t recall hearing about Kirsten with a new BF. I’ll have to keep guessing…oh my, the plot thickens!

  5. is orlando bloom dating anyone at the moment? If he isn’t then it’s not he and Bosworth.

  6. Janet should pAY a visit to rachael zoe and jonathan the hair stylist for new hair. says:

    what’s with the “whodunit”
    … never reveal.

  7. to the last comment…that’s the whole idea…they’ll never reveal..duh

  8. Can’t be Orlando and Kate because the clue says something about the couple having been broken up for a few years. Orlando and Kate have not been broken up for that long.
    Yes, Orland is dating, according the tabloids, Kikky is his new gf.
    ‘young hollywood’ Leonard and Giselle, she is not hollywood, he is, but he doesn’t seem the type to do drugs.
    Hugh Grant hardly qualifies as ‘young’
    Chris and Kate haven’t been broken up a full two years and again, they didn’t seem like the type to do drugs.
    I would probably have to go with Jake and Kikki. Until a better guess comes along

  9. What is to prevent a 100% totally made up story if you never reveal the answer?

  10. Omar (lovely screenname, by the way), that is the WHOLE POINT of blind items. Many, many gossip columns run blind items (Page 6, Ted Casablanca, The 3am Girls, etc.) and they NEVER reveal who the subjects are because of lawsuits. That’s why the columns run guessing games. To guess. Jesus.

  11. How about Jared Leto and Cami Diaz? He looks like he’s no stranger to a coke infused dong fest.

  12. Hugh Grant is now with heiress Jemina Khan and Liz is with some Indian retailer. Didn’t they tease long ago about her spanking him? And didn’t Steve Bing tell Vanity Fair Liz and he had a threesome in Las Vegas & their relationship was not exclusive?

  13. Could be a recycled Hugh & Liz story, unfortunately. Grant is super pervy and we all remember his taste for hookers and risky auto Willy encounters. Always the buttoned-up stiffies who turn out to be the biggest freak shows.

  14. How about Kate Hudson and whatever the ex-husband’s name is?

  15. I immediately thought of Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp … I realize they’re not young hollywood now, but they were when they were together

  16. It can’t be Jared Leto because she says they’re BOTH with people now. What about Ben Afflek and Jlo?

  17. Michael Vartan & Jennifer Garner.
    You’ll absolutely need to trust me on this one.

  18. It’s gotta be Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears… gotta be…

  19. Rebecca Romjin and John Stamos – although they were married too, hmm.. so maybe not.

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