When we heard about the new ABC reality show Celebrity Wife Swap we wondered whether celebrities would actually embarrass themselves and cooperate, but obviously they will – for the right price. The premier episode on January 2, features two celebs with opposite eating disorders – Carnie Wilson (singer from Wilson Phillips) who battles obesity despite stomach stapling surgery, and “Growing Pains” actress Tracey Gold, an admitted anorexic. The three day “swap” reveals that Carnie is a casual housewife who doesn’t mind dirty dishes piling up. Tracey is portrayed as a neat freak who makes lists and runs a tight ship at home. Opposite marriages reveal the big differences in their husbands. Carnie ends up envying Tracey’s close and communicative marriage. We’re already hooked and plan to tune in.
Sir Justin Ross
Both woman have come a long way and have been throw ups and downs and what was great about the show…Both woman know how to have fun and let loose and really take there lives to another level but Tracy Gold is a great woman and has been throw so much, She is strong and really puts everything together really supper and great and bust a move and gets the job done….She is smart and Beautiful and loves her husband and her children deeply and so does Carnie Wilson works really hard at working hard…I Think it was great for her to do the show and learn at the same time to have a stronger relationship with her husband….Two ships passing throw the night! Her Husband worked all the time and did not have time to sit down for Dinner…Carnie has love of the people around her and her husband really works hard and often feel creative and moved by his actions but I think both familys learned so much from each other and they can take it back to there relationships and make it stronger and more loving and thoughtful as time goes by…Only time will tell and we will see what happens down the road.!
Kelly Ripa kids around all the time. She doesn’t take herself seriously and is very sarcastic. There is a rumor that Mark and Jerry’s wife are having an affair.
I have a blanket apology statement {my wife} would like me to read to all my friends and family.
I am very sorry I ran with Charlie Sheen for the last ten days.
I’m sorry honey, I know I was just supposed to get a loaf of bread.
I will try to be a much quieter…quiet person.
Much shame. Patrick
Christine India
Denise: I think that too is true. I think she drinks way more than she eats. LOL
Indy, I would’ve thought her hesitation to get on the motorcycle had more to do with the fact that she’s a bag of sticks. He dumps that bike and that will be the end of her.
wait. before anyone thinks I’m a bad mom, I was just joking around.
Many blessings to you all for the new year.
OMG! I only made it through the first comment (Palermo) and began LOLing. I agree. Queen carne should NOT be opening a cheesecake company. However, I f*&king LOVE wife swap. That show is great.
I too have gotta say, kudos to Gold for having her marriage last this long (she’s married to the Blind Faith murdered mom’s kid, right?), and actually Carne too. I’ve never had a relationship last more than a couple years. Parental relationships included (and why lie, I’m counting down the days till I can get the kiddies emancipated, screw waiting till 18). 😉
Christine India
Why thank you, Patrick. I am very well and blessed and hope you are too. Happy 2012 !!
Indy, I noticed you were M.I.A. I’m glad you are well. I have been busy trying to get REta, but she ignores me. I think she’s starting to crush on Strom.
Christine India
Reta, darling Reta,…
I had an uncle who got fat from constant eating; some called him lard-ass to wake him up. Soooo, he had the stomach stapling surgery, 10 days later he got an infection, and almost died. Now, he is OK and follows a healthy diet. (U will note that Carnie is still battling obesity despite the surgery). Tis better to eat healthy. OK, that’s enuff on that subject.
RE: Kelly Ripa. Apparently you did not see it when one of her male guests was heavy into motorcycles and said he went everywhere on his Harley. He said he would be glad to take her riding sometime. She looked at him and said…Quote…”With this face, surely you must be kidding”. She is constantly looking in the camera and you would be blind not to see how she adores herself, but whatever, right?
RE: Mark Consuelos. Apparently you did not see the show a few days ago where Jerry Seinfeld was the guest co-host. They were talking about Mark going to the gym, etc. and Jerry said…”Well, I guess he is free to do all that since you are the breadwinner”. Immediately, Kelly laughed and said “I sure am the breadwinner”.
RE: Mark (again)…His last job was a small part in a gay play Off-Broadway, called Standing on the (forget the last word). Well, that’s enough on Mr. Ripa.
Reta, I love your comments and could care less if you like me or my comments. But I still wish you a full recovery, so you can have a glass of champagne on New Year’s Eve and think of your old friend, Indy, who is sorry for your recent healthy issues. Cheers!!!
Christine India
Bluejay dear, I mentioned walnuts, (and almonds) which contain a cancer-preventing agent. However, I forgot to put apples on the list. lol
Indy, great diet, but you left off dark chocolate, kettle potato chips, and walnuts.
I remember that. Gold’s husband, as a supposedly-responsible adult, should not have let her drive.
Say Something Nice
Didn’t Carnie have a recent flirtation with bankruptcy?
And Tracey Gold will take ANY OFFER of work coming her way—no mystery there.
Remember when she insisted on driving her family a few years back—despite her drunkenness!—and ended up ROLLING THE CAR with her husband and kids inside? She was charged with felony child endangerment, among other goodies. She “runs a tight ship,” indeed! LOL
Something Nice: we are relieved to hear that she’s (finally!) no longer yakking up her lasagna! 🙂
PSS Indy: Why either would you, again, as a “Christian” have objection to anybody saving their life by hving a life-saving operation to reduce (rapidly) hundreds of pounds more often than not the last resort for the morbidly obese? One of my best friends still has her husband thankfully due to this process and to day he is healthy and normal (mostly, other than for other previous conditions). He would have been dead for sure by now because he didn’t HAVE the normal amount of time needed to lose the weight and his heart was taking the toll of the weight. It’s gone now and he’s safe and my frend has her husband and their children still have their father. Ideally it would have been nice to not become that size, but he did and it was either have the surgery to save his life or die. I guess the way your “God” taught you was to “have no sympathy for the fat-ass”…Hmmmmm whatever happened to “Do unto others…”?
Indy’s Ghost is right in a few things Indy that I’ve pointed out to you before as a so-called “Christian” you seem excessively judgemental and negative towards others. I thought the supposed “teachings” of Jesus/son of “God” (and not the writings of mere men) that you say you believe in tells you to love thy neighbor as thy self among other noble aspirations of kindness and acceptance. No?
PS: How could you POSSIBLY know what Kelly Ripa “thinks” of her own face? Sounds suspiciously like jealously to me. Also, how do you happen to know whether or not Mark, her husband is currently employed? He’s an actor. As far as I know, MOST actors go from job to job and so, between jobs would be UNEMPLOYED, right?
Nasty, Indy, very nasty!
As I’ve said on this site before about other stories, reality television is, sadly, all about two things these days: fast and cheap. “Good” is not in the equation.
Indy's Ghost
You always sound cold hearted Indy…and racist, intolerant, ignorant, backwards, …. oh gosh I could go on and on
Christine India
Denise: LOL. Glad you mentioned Kelly; I’m still obsessed w/ dislike for this phony extension-wearing diva, who obviously thinks she has the prettiest face on God’s earth. If her parasite unemployed Mark Consuelos is hired as co-host, I’m afraid I will have to check my blood pressue frequently. LOL 🙂
Actually Indy, I thought you might be auditioning to be Kelly’s sidekick on Live! with Kelly.
Christine India
Since I have been gone a few days, I bet most of your were worried sick that I was not coming back on w/ my gossip pearls of wisdom…..Just kidding 🙂
Christine India
This may sound cold-hearted, but I have no sympathy for a fat-ass to be anorexic or get stomach stapling. These, needless to say, are very dangerous.
Common sense would say that for at least 2 months just eat:
salmon steak
celery and carrot sticks
lettuce and tomato
a few almonds/walnuts
low fat yogurt
broiled chicken
lean cut of steak
BTW, Carnie’s pinched nose would indicate bad nose job? And, I HATE all reality shows, with exception of DWTS.
The Hammer
Totally agree with you Palermo, the reality show craze has hit the fan like Sh*t. No more!!!
Is there just no end for reality shows, ever?? I used to like both of these women but they are crazy. Tracey almost killed her family driving drunk, Carnie tells us she’s having Dr. Oz help her lose weight and meanwhile she starts up a cheesecake business or some such? It’s all loony.