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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Last Spring ABC revealed that they were putting together a talk show for Tori Spelling and they were searching for the perfect gay guy to be her sidekick. They were hoping for a “Will & Grace” vibe. It turned out Tori had a lot of chemistry with “Flipping Out” star Jeff Lewis so he’s the lucky wisecracking co-host. The still untitled show was filming at The Grove Monday where the new Will & Grace studied menus, sampled edibles, and talked to people about eating, so the show must have something to do with food.

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  1. Casonia Sade Logenberry and Hells kitchen..Your words have to match your actions and do what you say and say what you do. Sabotage is not good when it comes down to your team

    Tori is a hard working woman..Who really puts her Heart and Mind and Soul to what she is doing and she is a wonderful mother and a great wife and she is in amazing shape and really looks fantastic and I wish her well.

  2. wim

    HALLELUJA, the hollywood miscarriages are back in town!!

  3. SebastianCanada

    Sal, I would bet that Jeff’s attitude is that you poop in the morning, before you leave your house, or in the evening when you get back home. I have to admit I kind of hold the same attitude — I do not like people dropping a load in my bathroom. People are not dogs or babies and should have some control over there bodily functions. I am just saying. And I know it is kinda nuts.

  4. Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel

    Don’t know “Something..” I haven’t seen enough of him to know much other than the remark about his lips he made on an interview.

    What the hell does he expect people to do when they have to GO? Head out back to the bushes, TP in hand?

  5. Indy

    Lenny: That’s perfect.

  6. Lenny

    Tori, SJP, and Rumer Willis are sisters, and it’s not good.

  7. SebastianCanada

    Poor Tori. She should have gotten her mother’s looks* and her father’s talent, but it ended up the other way round.

    *Tori’s mom was quite a looker in her day.

  8. Indy

    Poor Tori, everything about her face and hair is all wrong.

  9. SebastianCanada

    Bluejay, there is a “scene” in one of the later shows of Jeff’s Flipping Out, where Jeff tells his staff (he runs his business out of his house) that they may not do number twos in the bathrooms. If I remember correctly, there is a later scene where someone is in the bathroom too long, and Jeff asks Jenny in a pained voice if the person is pooping in there.

  10. Something Nice

    Oh, and Sal, did Jeff have his breasts done, too? Or is that just the coat he’s wearing?

  11. Something Nice

    Tori has such a great face for radio! Why is she wasting her time with this TV thing? 🙂

  12. Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel

    Jeff once said he was not going to have stuff done to his lips anymore because whatever he was using has given him very bad results and he had that troutpout for a good long while and looked horrible. Looks like he’s gone back down to normal now.
    It’s too bad Poor Tori didn’t keep HER original face. It couldn’t have been worse than this version. She’s a nice person and all but getting harder and harder to look at. And way way too thin. I don’t know what they could possibly be thinking if this show idea is true. After all, how the hell many such double-hosted shows must the public suffer through?

  13. Lenny

    I don’t think strom knows that, all he sees is white.

  14. Bettye Bluejay

    Canada, just where did you get the inside poop? Really.

  15. SebastianCanada

    Lenny, Tori and Sarah are Jews.

  16. Lenny

    There’s white Tori Spelling as strom would put it or not. I can’t tell her from Sarah Jessica Parker.

  17. Monah Garrett

    should be “you can bet”

  18. Monah Garrett

    You can be he already resents her for bogarting control of the mic. BITCH FIGHT in 3…2…

    And one good Santa Ana gust will have Jeffy’s rug gone with the wind. 🙂

  19. Seriously?

    Look-it’s Bad Plastic Surgery Barbie and Ken!

  20. SebastianCanada

    Is everyone involved in the project aware that Jeff will not let anyone poop in any of the studio bathrooms? That won’t be a problem for Tori, but everyone else is going to be very uncomfortable.

  21. SebastianCanada

    Rick , Jeff always rubbed you the wrong way? Lots of chaffing huh?

  22. Palermo

    What the HELL would she know about eating? Another ridiculous show coming up.

  23. Muffin

    Can’t wait. Tori Spelling is amazing!! She so real and honest. As for the dude, not so much. Seen snippets of him on his real estate show and he seemed like a real DICK.

  24. PerezSux

    The only show these two should be hosting would be about the perils of cosmetic surgery. Double barf.

  25. Denise

    Another show I won’t be watching.

  26. cal

    No idea who the guy is.

    Judging by the photo above, looks like he’s been stuffing around with his face.

  27. Rick

    Jeff Lewis has always rubbed me the wrong way. He must treat Tori better than most, and probably just because of her family’s money.