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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


The immaculately attired designer is beloved by many female fans, but Tom Ford’s new film Nocturnal Animals is dead proof that he privately despises women. Tom has no problem being accused of OBJECTIFYING women (remember he posed fully dressed on the cover of Vanity Fair with two naked actresses half his age.) But after seeing his film, we insist that “objectify” is not a strong enough word – he HATES women! It’s sometimes a decent movie, BUT it opens with two mature, morbidly OBESE stark naked women in garish makeup DANCING and rolling on the ground flapping their rolls of fat in all directions. No men, just women. That sets the inexplicable mood and theme of the movie: Tom theorizes that -like it or not – all women eventually turn into their mothers and hurt the sensitive men around them! Tom is fond of bragging that he can identify with women because he’s gay, but he couldn’t be more off-base. His contempt for women burns up the screen in this movie and it’s a shame he’s so oblivious because he is a talented filmmaker.
(Above, Tom and the film’s excellent star Amy Adams)

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Mona

    “…surrounded himself with them–and befriended..”

  2. Mona

    And Janet, for a man who supposedly hates women, he certainly has surrounded himself–and befriended at least some–over a long fashion career.

    More likely, perhaps: it’s women’s *bodies* he hates–not uncommon among some gay men, and hence, the gratuitous and insulting wrestling scene you describe.

    For all of his (presumed) aversion to vaginas and the female form–in all its varieties, one might think TF came out of a test-tube, or spontaneously generated.

  3. Mona

    A Single Man was watchable, but grossly overrated. And the reviews for this latest project have been middling, at best.

    Not surprising that his films seem more inclined to rarefied style, than substance.

  4. Tooty McPooty

    Mulder you seem to know a lot about what gay men like or don’t like. I’ll bet the closets in your house have very strong doors on them.

  5. Avila

    Great point. Thank you for saving me money. Always has hated women especially fat ones. Recently he apologized saying it was his alcoholism that made him do that, but clearly it’s deeper than that. Boycotting his crap films is a great idea.

  6. Rudy G

    Americans can not afford to see these awful films . 50 million are on food stamps.

  7. Mulder

    Let me let you in on a little secret Janet, MOST gay men secretly hate women. Gays can be quite bigoted in private when they’re not running around with their rainbow flags yapping about “equality”.