Remember WHERE you read this when it happens, as Meghan Markle is confiding to friends that she’s ready to make peace with her ailing father Thomas! The 79-year-old patriarch isn’t in the best of health, and Meghan’s biggest fear is that she will never forgive herself if her dad passes away before they reconcile. Plus, Meghan knows the optics of her father dying with them on the outs will make her look as bad as she feels. Behind very closed doors, Meghan has asked her mom (Thomas’s ex-wife, Doria Ragland) to offer an olive branch. Time has begun to heal this wound and while Meghan will never forget what she feels Thomas did to her, she knows she HAS to forgive him for many reasons…
Monday, December 4, 2023
Apparently there is a story circulating that the British government is considering taking their titles away. Then she will be a nothing, I really hope this happens as she is a disgusting pile of shit
Meghan Markle only does things for $. She’s a grifter and chose the most broken royal for a reason. Love had nothing to do with it! Take away those stupid titles. She will be nothing! She knows the world detests her and sees right through her….
At some point, adults should realize their parents are human and forgive any offenses they think their parents have committed. Sadly, I believe that Ms. Markle ONLY puts this out to the press via sources to make herself more marketable. Wasn’t it quoted that her mother, Ms. Ragland, always told her never do anything unless you get paid for it? That lesson seems to have stuck.
Will believe she has contacted him when I hear it from poor Mr. Markle, who does not deserve the cruel ghosting he got from both M&H.
And, Meghan seems to release these types of source stories when she has to deflect from her other negative press.
elainey gossip
Meghan is a heartless grifter. She will Always be a TV game show briefcase girl
He’s the one to apologize, as he sold her out by selling her letters to him to the tabloids in London!
PS: If not for her daddy’s $$$$$ she woulda been scratching fleas. Woof woof.
Meghan the nasty trash bag got a set of chompers courtesy of her dad.