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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


rachel uchitelcut

Are YOU thinking what WE’RE thinking about Tiger Woods’ “accident?” Surely it’s not a coincidence that this drama happened the day after the National Enquirer released the story about Tiger having an affair with New York party girl Rachel Uchitel. (photo above) Their Dec 7th issue detailed at least three trysts that Tiger and Rachel had in hotels in Las Vegas, Melbourne, and New York. (It gets lonely on those golf tours!) The odd circumstances of the crash – Tiger racing out of the driveway at 2:30 AM and hitting a hydrant and a tree, not to mention the “lacerations to his lips” and the fact that his wife Elin smashed the rear widow of the SUV with a golf club. Sounds to us like a few holiday cocktails and a scandal set off a family firestorm. We expect Elin will be getting a big diamond SOMETHING soon…..

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  1. strom

    moshe said it best:

    By moshe
    On November 28, 2009 at


  2. Wow

    We condone domstic violance now. Ive read every nasty thing about chris brown and you people are cheering her on. And you think its ok if he cheated or not she has no right to hit him with a club cause a car reck and then be protected by him cuz she should be in jail this wold is amazing.

  3. Meg

    Rush, soooo what would you say now? After few days since this news came out?

  4. Jenkins McGhee

    Oh Wow.
    Is this gonna be the spawn of a new kind of Cuckiold porn?
    Female cuckolds?

  5. E

    JJ, I absolutely loved “Tiger has many cars and now a hole in one.”

  6. Neena

    ‘Victoria’- i agree with you.

    I have a feeling that Elin’s known about his cheating for years…but turned a blind eye.

    I bet this isn’t the first time he’s cheated and probably won’t be the last.

  7. Rush

    People, where do you get off and when do you stop! To assume one is guilty before fact’s are given is wrong! This is America, presumed innocent untill proven guilty. You guy’s have given the man a guilty charge with no facts or otherwise except what the media has sensationalized upon.

    Li’l Off Broadways statement, Buddhist/Christianity, dude or dudess, get real. Do not blame your misfourtunes on religion. Religion is the biggest hijacker of human life. Point blank. Do not compare and just do your best. You are just as lost with your Christinaity mumbo jumbo as are the rest of them and Jesus is “Gay”. Bet you did not know that. Look up what did not go into the bible.

    I have seen Tiger play, and seen him with his wife many times. They are very normal while being under pressure from public.

    I bet most of you are not golfers and just ordinary cheese crackers, potato chips crunchng coucjh potatoe people, who loves drama, to make yourself’s feel good.

    For women you are all judgemental cause you can’t be a whore like “whatever her name is” if the story is true, cause you never got around to him, weather you are white, black, green or yellow. Get a life poeple, leave him and his family alone. He is a good golfer.

  8. RobK

    Send Elin Woods to jail. We don’t need another Phil Hartman tragedy.

  9. RobK

    Wow .. what a double standard. People are crying for Briana but when psycho woman goes nuts on her husband its ok.

    Ive got news for you. Its not. I dont care if a guy or girl are humping everything with a pulse in 100 miles. In this day and age .. grow up.. If you cant handle it .. walk away. If you want to act like a freek… you belong in a jail or lobotomized.

  10. Strom

    Wow the yids see to be getting a bit edgy! Especially the one Tiger is boinking.

  11. lindy

    Since when is Judaism a RACE? Last time I checked, it was a religion

    Ok so put in the word bigotry..feel better?


  12. Miss Eva

    Since when is Judaism a RACE? Last time I checked, it was a religion–so what’s with the dumb allegations of “racist” comments by this so-called “Denise”?

  13. jojo

    in rachel’s dreams. she probably started the ruckus herself.

  14. bbobby

    Wonder what that set of tits cost Rachel? Not as much as it will cost Tiger in the end.

  15. Acajudi

    Elin acted like a southern lady, who will kick A$$, if you mess with her man.
    I still feel tiger boy is in love, and he will move on to hoochie-tail. Elin will go to jail for domestic abuse, so that is why they are scared, even if Tiger does not press charges. If I was tigerboy, I would move out, for she may get out the super glue for little bear, or take a Bobbett cut of little bear. “Bear” is hoochie-tail aka uchitel’s name for him. She probably set tigerboy up, so she can be the next Mrs.Woods.
    How come Tiger did not learn from the McNair murder/suicide? How come he did not learn from all the other little boys busted for not keeping it zipped?

  16. Victoria

    Elin has to put up with a lot. She was a babysitter when he met her! They were not exactly on equal terms.

    The only thing that is lousy is he got caught by the Enquirer. That is what Elin is pissed about – the public embarrassment.

    And, Elin’s image as the golden girl is destroyed. Tiger needed someone else for sex!

    Now, any stripper can go after him. Tiger is not off -limits and everybody knows now.

    You think Elin doesn’t know he cheats? But now all the world knows…

    There goes her status.

    Tiger got his light-skinned, beautiful children and Elin got a life of luxury and a mansion.

    With that mansion comes other women.

    Mel wanted his old family to accept his new family and have a big FLDS living arrangement – that is why Robin freaked out and got a divorce.

    Robin put up with a lot, so long as it was young girls in Thailand…but when he got photographed with the alien-faced lady on the beach, and told Robin she was pregnant, it was all over.

  17. Jasper's Goat

    The commenter named ‘biscuit’ summed the whole thing up better than anyone.

  18. angelface

    Sorry, remind me why he’s called “Tiger” again…

  19. sabrina

    That’s hot! You go white girl!

  20. vanessa

    GOD- what is it with men these days?? Do they all have pussies where their dicks should be? Control your woman!!! Are you telling me that you’re not stronger and can’t bring her and your golf club under control(WITHOUT beating the crap out of her like Chris Brown)?? I’m a woman and I wish men when they cheat would just step up to the plate and say “Look baby, I’m a man. Deal with it”. The problem is deep down they know they’re wrong. They get married because they want a cook and housewife- so they just prefer to lie about it and run away when they get caught. PATHETIC. I’m becoming a lesbian…

  21. Guest

    DRAMA!!!! Lol.

  22. mipero

    tiger got what he had coming,how long before the other women comes out & gets paid to hear her side of the story.

  23. strom

    It seems Pinkstar either disagrees or see’s that it closely hit’s home.

    Hopefully Janet will let each poster speak for themself and not try and play hall monitor.

  24. right

    Bettye Bluejay

    how many women have you dated. The 9’s & 10’s I have dated and known, marry for money first. Then they try and love the guy. The other women marry for security. Men marry for sex.

  25. pinkstar

    By strom
    On November 29, 2009 at

    Tiger went after Rachel, a money hungry jew
    Janet please delete these racist comments..

  26. biscuit

    Tiger’s lawyers are working feverishly on this incident even now, but they can’t put the quietus on the fact that he is a SERIAL CHEATER.
    And that is bull cr*p about her busting out the back window to get him out. Do you think a frail thing like her could lift a semi-conscious man out of the Caddy? The glass cuts on him were not as a result of the glass supposedly being busted out, but it’s probably from her throwing plates at him, until he got fed up and peeled out of the driveway. He is busted, and she is a liar.

  27. strom

    Tiger went after Rachel, a money hungry jew, who was willing to do anything…she may have leaked the story to help break up his marriage and take the place of the wife.

  28. Bettye Bluejay

    Excuse me, but women marry for sex, and men marry for security. Yes, it’s true. Great for Elin for taking a golf club to his car, and beating the shit out it. Tiger should be grateful she didn’t aim for his head. Yeah, the cops spun a real good story.

  29. dandy lion

    This will be in the tabloids for a long time to come. I think Elin is prettier, and if she has found out that he is cheating, she should cut IT off so he will have to pee out of a straw. That’ll put a crimp in his game, and his golf game, too.

  30. tjf

    Yeah, she deserves “something really expensive for this caper” ….like a check for $300 million! Community property, baby!

  31. Meg

    He is an asshole and an ugly one. Good for Elin to beat his ass. Hope she gets half of the money and finds someone better than that piece of crap.

  32. Jack

    What does a woman do when she loses interest in sex? She gets married.

  33. Jack

    I admit it: All men are sluts.

  34. sari

    Rachel Uchitel, aka Urkel, is probably getting a kick out of this. I hope she is happy how she has destroyed this family. Hope Tiger and Elin put it back together again. Elin does not deserve this and ultimately, the children do not. Tiger, you did wrong!

  35. Denise

    I appreciate the reporting Janet, but I could do without the racist comments. Perhaps a “remove” button on your site would be helpful.

  36. right

    Blaming any man who cheats with another attractive woman is the same as holding a compass accountable for pointing magnetic north.

  37. JJ

    Tiger has many cars and now a hole in one.

  38. L'il Off Broadway

    When the most well-known sports figure in the world is a man and a billionaire, he is no longer just a man……he is a man that can have anything and anyone he wants; he is an icon. I think Elin knew from the beginning and all along that he is and was cheating. All that matters is she will get bookoodles of pre%ents (ala Kobe Bryant)….(or) divorce and get bookoodles of money. Either way, she wins and hopefully he caught a disease, but did not give it to her. Buddhists can’t be trusted, since they are far from Christianity as possible. All men are the same and all whores that go after men with money are the same.

  39. right


    The revised statement was given off the record to a reporter already (yesterday). With Tigers approval, the story was “leaked”. He realized nobody was going to believe the original cock & bull story.

    The police have attempted to conduct a post incident report, but the Woods’ have lawyered up. Doubt charges will be filed because the original officers to respond, looked the other way so fast, they all currently have whiplash.

  40. Belissa

    I heard just now on NPR that they’re going to release the 911 tape. Can’t wait!

    Tiger and Elin can’t be happy about that! Wonder if they’ll release a revised statement beforehand.

  41. right

    It’s about time you posted a picture on here with a decent set of breasts. btw- tigers temptress is denying the story. Unfortunately for Tiger & Elin, I believe this to be true.

    No matter how much a man loves a woman, he needs variety. It’s just a fact. The richer a man is, the more opportunity he has to take advantage of said variety.

  42. Fat Frau

    Ooga Booga
    Steal dat cah
    Take me where da white women are

  43. pinkstar

    All men are the same..

  44. Julianne

    Sounds like she coldcocked him, chased him, scared the living shit out of him, and he crashed his car. Go Elin!!!!! She deserves something really expensive for this caper. Turns out Tiger is a cheating dog just like we all knew he is.

  45. moshe


  46. Agent Ego

    It appears that sometimes black celeb men marry white women perhaps thinking they can “play” them… misunderstanding that white women are passive under the skin women are women.

    Saying that, Elin Woods is straight up GHETTO… beating her man with a golf club…GHETTO as hell, a very hilarious and stereotype breaking, the mouse that roared!!

    Next up, Khloe Kardasioan beating the hell out of her cheating bad-dad new hubby LA Lakers Odom Whatshisname…

  47. cal

    Yes I’ve previously read on goss sites about his philandeering ways too.

    She looks such a cutie in that pic.

    She should have shoved that club as far up his a*s as it would go – make him think twice about doing it again.

  48. clementine

    yes, its all tied together, any nincompoop can see the writing on the wall…good for Elin for going after him – what she might not know (or maybe she does) is that this isn’t the first time he’s hooked up w/ a hooker, its only the first time its made it into the Enquirer…he’s been cheating on her for years…

  49. captain america

    get rid of them.