The Tiger Woods cover-up continues! Not only is Tiger refusing to reveal the details of his “accident” early Friday morning but he’s hiding the Cadillac SUV involved in the situation. After his car was towed away it was moved to the middle of a car storage area and it is the only one on the lot totally covered up by tarps. Lots of clues might be found on that vehicle. We’ve seen photos of the collision area but what might be even MORE interesting are the windows broken by Elin’s golf club. Did she bash the back of the car while chasing her husband in a rage? Did she knock Tiger OUT? Tiger and the Cadillac are both in hiding.
Monday, November 30, 2009
If they had it they would have used it. And since the case is now closed, sweetie, might I suggest YOU brush up on the law? Thanks.
Bettye Bluejay
Maybe Patti and Trudi will bash in their husband’s cars with guitars.
FHP will not get a search warrant despite what TMZ says, because they need probable cause and they don’t have it.
I don’t know where you went to law school, but you had better ask for a refund. The FHP has probable cause to get several warrants.
There is something not being revealed here, and the sooner Tiger comes clean, the sooner it will all go away. But I’m not holding my breath that he will admit anything. As someone on another board asked, if Tiger isn’t obligated to meet with police, why are the police making such a big deal of it? If he provided everything to them that he needed to, why do the police keep saying that he won’t meet with them? I’m confused.
Palermo, with all respect, that’s not true. If the so-called victim doesn’t want to press charges in something like this, the charges will be dropped. I know from experience when I stupidly dropped charges against my ex despite the fact he broke my nose.
P.S. Forgot to say, even if Tiger did not want to press charges, these days the police can charge the abuser any way. and thank God for that.
dee cee
If he fell for that used up ‘skank’ he deserves to suffer more than a few cuts to the face, pain and the loss of property and his good name for a while. I think there were drugs involved and his good and trusting wife fought madly, bravely and saved him from sinking entirely into the hellish pit of decantant wealth and indulgent fame that nasty party crowd of people tricked him into joining with her public display of outrage and fury.
Why do people keep saying it’s a matter between Tiger and his wife? If it’s domestic abuse then it most certainly isn’t a private matter, it’s a law enforcement issue.
captain america
I think everyone needs to STFU and step off. This is a matter between Tiger and Elin. FHP will not get a search warrant despite what TMZ says, because they need probable cause and they don’t have it. All they needed to know is if the car was legally registered and insured, and if Tiger’s license is up-to-date, which they found it all to be. If she did smash the windows of the car, that’s her prerogative as the owner of the vehicle so it’s not vandalism. As far as Elin delivering a beatdown, even if she could be arrested for it, he wouldn’t press charges so the matter would be dropped anyway. This is now a matter to be resolved between this husband and wife so they need to be left alone to do that.
Gloria Allred is the female Al Sharpton. The only difference between the two is he screams “racism” and she screams “chauvinism”. They are both just notorious attention whores who will use any and all incidents (mostly imaginary) to get in front of the cameras.
The skank who started this whole thing is panicking now that she sees how far it has gone. She is freaking out and emphatically denying anyting happened because it totally backfired on her and she is in danger of losing the VIP life she freely admits she craves. No payoff will occur from Tiger because he will never publicly admit he did anything, provided he even did do something which has yet to be proven. His sponsors will stand behind him and so will Elin.
The drama here will shift to Allred and what she and her whore client can milk out of it. No way on God’s green earth will the notoriously private and penurious Tiger part with one red cent for these two losers.
It is obvious what happened. Including that shrew glorias involvement. There is going to be a payoff to keep the other woman quiet forever. Probably in the million dollar range. The corporate sponsors will be happy, if Tiger doesn’t have to admit the affair publicly.