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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#loneranger #janetcharlton

And, needless to say, one of the most eccentric. Director Tim Burton and actress Helena Bonham Carter have been together for eleven years and have two children together. They say the secret to their happiness is the fact that they live in two separate, but joined, houses. Helena says her fashion inspirations are Vivienne Westwood and Marie Antoinette but she dressed down in this photo of the couple taking a stroll in London. Actually, they look like a perfect match from front and back. Helena just finished filming Lone Ranger with Tim’s pal Johnny Depp.

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  1. TheRejects

    Are they homeless ?
    are they sick ?
    they look like they have been on heavy drugs.
    Stay away!
    stay FARRR awaaaaaaaayz

  2. Noblecascade

    he must have something really good that we can’t see, but of course she is not much better.

  3. walt cliff


    “I think they are tetched in the haid.”

    LOL!!!! They are brilliantly “tetched” in the head.

    At least her head is beautiful. Those sweet eyes and face don’t need makeup but a dollar store hair brush could certainly help her to smooth out those lovely locks! : )

  4. dandilion

    Their whole life is fun and cosplay.. not hurting anyone. She’s very pretty.

  5. clothesWHRE

    clothing and appearances are very, very, very, very important to us.

    but for some people, it’s not a priority.

    these folks dont give a shit about clothes or appearing well groomed!

    live and let live!

  6. Christine India

    We would all freak out if:

    1) The mags left out her middle name of Bonham. It’s always stuck in there and somehow it is irritating.

    2) They ever combed their hair and at least looked neat and clean (with soap).

    Therefore, I think they are tetched in the haid.

  7. yoyo

    They need to stroll on over to Kmart & demand a refund for those duds.

  8. MissEva

    It’s like Jackie O. said to her son John back in the day about Darryl Hannah, “She looks like a perpetually unmade bed!” Ditto for Helena.

  9. Kait

    They’re really well matched. That’s great!

  10. Crusher

    Really love this duo. Bet they’re wonderful parents. So glad to see someone who isn’t seduced by silly fashion.

  11. walt cliff

    I suppose what bugs me the most about her attire is that she has such a beautiful face.

    The clothes are always such a distraction from her beauty.

  12. walt cliff

    @mish mash


  13. Bluejay

    “They were going down the drive to get the morning paper,” sounds more believable than going for a stroll in public. In any case, nice bathrobe.

  14. Strumpet's Trumpet

    step away from the keyboard Frank

  15. Frank Long John

    Im only here because im addicted to expressing my feelings
    for the love of my life who I deeply and sincerly care about.
    She is who comes to mind
    When I look at these two.
    Helena I love you so much.
    Only if you knew how quick I’d give my life to you…

  16. mish mash

    She looks like she has a day pass from the asylum.

  17. Kitty

    They both always look demented to me. She always looks like a bag lady.

  18. clint

    pssst: THEY WERE DRESSED AS TRAMPS FOR SOME MOVIE, so NO panic please!!