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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

After a summer of observing celebrities in tiny bikinis, we confess we were a bit flabbergasted by Madonna’s modest choice of swimwear. THIS is what she wore for a swim in Portofino, Italy. Madonna has never hesitated to show her body – remember she hitchhiked NUDE in Miami for her “Sex” book. Now she’s pulled a fashion about-face and concealed herself from neck to knee is a loose black basketball style ensemble with her name on the front. She also had a black sun umbrella to match. Could this new modesty be kabbalah influenced?

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  1. Agent Ego

    The broad is boss she just is, no matter how she looks if she dropped dead all of you would be lauding her achievments .

  2. Ana

    I don’t particularly love or hate Madonna- but either way she needs to stop with all the excessive exercise and plastic surgery- it’s really starting to make her look OLDER. Her body looks put through the ringer.

  3. Road

    I love the shape of her arms. She sculpts her body to be very specific and she dont give a shit what you peoples opinions are. Madonnas the one who just made 43million in one week of touring. and shes touring for 8weeks. You do the math.

  4. E

    Madonna always cycles her look; I am just hoping that this time she will *not* get back to revealing clothing!

  5. Moshe

    That is the picture her men will wake up to in the morning…a real fright!

  6. ObamaDrama

    Sorry but EVITA was outstanding. YOU need to watch it again when you are sober because saying it was anything less than Oscar worthy means you obviously are/were on drugs.

  7. Beachy

    Nasty! I’m her age and would be FRIGHTENED to look like her.

    She’s a freak.

  8. Miss Eva

    Madonna couldn’t act her way out of a paper bag. EVITA was simply a horror, and let’s not forget DICK TRACY and the worst of the worst: her remake of the Italian film SWEPT AWAY, utterly bereft of the salient parts of its first-rate, original version. Similar to what happened to HEARTBREAK KID when they remade it, whitewashing it by leaving out the whole Jewish princess angle that made the original so poignantly funny!

  9. ObamaDrama

    Madonna is a VERY good actress. Evita was a brilliant film and so was the next best thing.

  10. ObamaDrama

    Geez. What is wrong with aging people? who said in life that we have to look younger forever?
    She is HEALTHY and has more going for her than any of you in comparrison. She takes better care of her body than 99 percent of the people out there. Shacking up with the Juvie is a bit icky but I only wish I was half as lean as she is!

  11. MamaSan

    Vadge must be mortified. Hope her make-up artist makes a biiiig salary, ’cause fixing up her mug is a big challenge.

  12. Miss Eva

    Her skin is so sickenly blue/white that it resembles a roquefort cheese, and those buffed up arms are simply hideous on a woman. She’d look a lot better if she went to the gym less and spent a few hours just lying in the sun with a nice margarita to cool off!

  13. Christy

    Don’t criticize people for getting older. What do you want people to do go off and hide? We are all hopefully going to get older. Now, if you want to criticize her acting I’m with you on that one.

  14. Liberal Media Is Corrupt

    I don’t work out, I just work, and am the same age as Moronna and look 100 times better.

    Once a skank, always a skank.

  15. Etienne

    Meh. Just Madonna doing whatever she can to stay in the spotlight. I wonder when she’ll wake up and realize she isn’t relevant at all anymore?

  16. bingo

    Italy was sweltering hot last couple of weeks and Portofino along that Ligurian coast was grilling spot. I imagine Madonna must have playfully taken a dive in the pool to cool down. She look OK to my eyes for her age and her active lifestyle.

  17. right

    Even 100mg of viagra wouldn’t be enough.

  18. Jenny Lens

    Modesty has nothing to do with it. The clock is ticking. No amount of exercise, diet, etc will stop it. I think she’s been through a ton of stress. Her failed marriages and acting career, and her relentless ambition does take a toll. She should just lighten up and enjoy life.

    It’s the Picture of Dorian Gray. Not saying she’s evil, but our faces tell our lives. Think Jeanne Moreau, who felt her wrinkles tell the story of her life. See “The Summer House” 1993, and how radiant she was in that!!

    Isaak Dinesen, Lillian Gish and Bette Davis, after the stroke. One can age gracefully with wrinkles. It’s all a reflection of one’s inner soul. Acceptance and living in gratitude are the first steps. Giving is another element. ’nuff said.

  19. Meg

    dandy lion… good point. this is how your many years of hard partying and obsessive behaviour will make you look.
    everything in moderation is the key, obviously M is about to figure it out when it’s too late.

  20. captain america

    you feel horny now?
    ………GO & SEE A SHRINK!!
    (a good one)

  21. Bettye Bluejay

    Reta’s got a point about the no fat not providing a cushion for the skin. Well, that’s what happens with aging. That swimsuit is totally classless.

  22. pinkstar

    She has old women knees…

  23. Reta

    PS…by the way, in this shot she looks like a shriveled old Jewish man taking a dunk in the river, ugg, look at that mug!!

  24. Reta

    No, this new modesty is “old age influenced”…. haven’t you SEEN the skin on her arms and even those knees? She’s hiding all the rest because time finally caught up to her, and when you take all the FAT out from under the skin, the rest looks pretty bad when it’s old. Just look at anybody’s old hands to see what I mean. Her FACE looks like holy shit here too, she’s just got to admit her beauty days are over without a gallon of make-up plastered on. ICK!!!

  25. dandy lion

    Many many moons of hard living. Many many moons of “been there, done that”. Yet, this pic is still quite shocking.

  26. Deb

    This photo of Madonna immediately made me think of the mute maid from the movie, “Murder By Death”.