This is our idea of a holiday season video that is filled with pure joy. Our fellow dog lover and blogger Stephen Saban at The Wow Report found this video that is guaranteed to chase away the holiday blues. Two labs are overcome with delight as they “dogsled” without benefit of sleds on deep snow. Nothing beats a happy dog.
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HaHaHa! There you guys go again, dropping a fantastic straight line. So…
Of course this video must do the job, because, unlike dogs, we cannot warm our own cockles.
Btw, is anyone else who owns or has owned dogs thinking the same thing I am when watching the video?
Sure it is cute when they do that in the snow, but usually they are doing it in a steaming pile of crap!
Sebastian, I do own a dog, and always have, perhaps you’re just jealous because they can lick their own balls? And would you if you could? I know strom would, but only after someone beat them until they turned black!
I bet Patrick can do it. Hence his infrequent posts — he only writes when he comes up for air.
Actually Sebastion I was considering choking Reta to death in that manner.But it sounds like she’s already got a niiice dog.
Reta, you are really something else. Some thing else. And, believe it or not, I truly missed your brief absence.
Thank you for sharing this video with your readers.
Thanks for the reminder of Carrie Fisher’s show
(Wishful Drinking) on Sunday night. It was very
entertaining,and enjoyable.
I know that you ran that famous Norman Rockwell photo for Thanksgiving,please consider the same for the Holidays (Holydays). With Everyday Appreciation as a viewer Janet Charlton’s Hollywoood.
With Everyday Appreciation as a viewer *of Janet Charlton’s Hollywood.
Love yellow labs, they are the sweetest dogs on earth
Is it just me, or is Patrick’s last post a threat?
Sebastion, it’s only the fictional internets. It’s just you.
Reta hysterically shrieked at me to lick her from belly to bum. Smacks of bestial to me.
Is your dog a big boy Reta? Just wondering.
I’m a total animal enthusiast with 2 equally clownish Burmese cats myself. Love this kind of post!
Patrick, your tin-foil cap is obviously askew.
I already told you Sebastion.
I have Borderline Down Syndrome.
The less you change the more you stay the same.
Patrick, how DARE you insult those lovely people with Down’s Syndrome? You couldn’t POSSINLY in your wildest dreams be as attractive or as intelligent as they.
Patrick, I fully await the new asshole you will bring me over my above typo, shall I bend over, or do you prefer the long way ’round?
I used to have a Chocolate lab so this vid was a nice reminder of how wonderfully playful they are. For those who obsess my doggie weighs 7 pounds and is a black Yorkie female. Sorry to take away your fantasy Patrick, but you really MUST get a visual that doesn’t involve my dog and I…first of all, she’s BLACK, and YOU’RE strom!
And yes, Sebastian, that WAS a threat that the old dear made above, a “DIRECT Threat” I might add. Funny how Mr.”Patrick” cums out swingin when I make a post directed at STROM, isn’t it?
Patrick adds in his post to YOU:
“Reta hysterically shrieked at me to lick her from belly to bum”…hey, just wondering Sebastian, does that ring any bells for you? For one thing -I don’t shriek, never raise my voice in an argument, let alone become hysterical, so he must be confusing me with say, maybe his mamma? I wonder if he has been running around with hin dry tongue hanging out just starving for a living creature to shove it against and drag up the periphery and then back down the center part like a schoolboy lapping at one of those swirly colored lolipops!? Go ahead Patrick, we’ll wait here for you.
Please, one ask Janet to install a delete button; let one say what one wants to say. love it.
Oh Reta.
I love Yorkies.
No, really…the black Yorks are the best eatin ones.
They can be tough the little older ones though, best braised in a red wine reduction with shallots and chanterelles.
Some crusty french bread to soak up the juices.
Mmmm. Yorkies.
Reta, yes, I am pretty sure I agree with you. In fact, my theory is that Strom and Patrick are two of several personalities we have encountered here.
just one thing………….KILL ‘EM ALL!!!!!!
Sebastian, you are CORRECT Sir, as Ed McMahon used to tell Johnny Carson as “Carnac the Magnificent” while both of them unsuccessfully tried to stifle a spasm of giggles and stay in charactor.
Much as here, it didn’t always happen and everybody always knew it was Johnny of course. Just wearing a big stupid fancy hat does NOT a disguise make, but at least Johnny had humor to back HIM up.
Perhaps Patrick/strom’s hat is just on too tight, or it’s filled with Yorkie shit which he says he loves so much. That would certainly make it slip over his eyes on occaision, resulting in his stubby deformed fingers (which are slippery as well due to his constant licking off)…(see above hat description) missing the correct keys on the computer and therefore him coming off over and over and over as the obsessive stalker/shit eater he is.
Is that your tummy rumbling Patrick? Don’t let US disturb you.
Strom was Sunseeds.Can’t you equate the Memphis sensibility Sunseeds would portend to Strom the southern racist?
You spelled occasion wrong.
My dog’s even cuter on the snow I think. Maybe I’m showing bias?
Awwwww…a dog in the snow always looks delicious…I mean “adorable”.
Very cute, thanks for including this Janet