Vintage advertising just gets us in the mood for Christmas. Back in 1951 you could get a snazzy shirt for $6.00. Do they still make Van Heusen shirts?
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Vintage advertising just gets us in the mood for Christmas. Back in 1951 you could get a snazzy shirt for $6.00. Do they still make Van Heusen shirts?
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Six bucks for a shirt?!!
How much was a hooker and a bottle Stoli?
The brand is still around…then they were made in America
If you look in local shops (ie: not Wal Mart) you may still find deals like this. We have a local store that has sold quality clothes and linens for generations…no one goes there anymore but if they DID they’d find Italian shirts (like above) on sale for $10 down from $80 AND that includes a matching tie! I bought 5 for Christmas and I’m done now ;-p
Van Heusen dress shirts are still sold at JC Penney everyday. Nice shirts. $25.00-30.00usd
hooker and a bottle Stoli? Sounds like you are forwarding your Christmas list to Charlie Sheen. lol
that is the year i popped onto this flying rock
o m g…….
That brought back memories of my dad.
Are they still made in the USA?
Not made in USA any more
So that’s the way the OLD fogie’s used to shop? Interesting
I like to see the old ads.
cheer up Strom those shirts might still be made by BLACK people somewhere for pennies per unit in some sweat shop. yah yah i know “it’s not about the posters”. i’m just sayin you missed a jab there old boy.
The ad is a cutie! I was at a partie two nights ago and somehow a man there I didn’t know wound up telling me his shirts are $160! I almost swallowed my cranberry sauce in a gulp of shock!
Oh REta. Nice tailored shirts are always at least that.
Not really, the shirts are mostly made by slant eye’s today with some made in the tropics and many marked “Made in Italy” but none in actuality.
Canada is much more expensive than the States. Piss me off.
REta!! You can swallow ALL of that cranberry sauce in ONE gulp?!
Listen, I wanna give ya my phone number.K
Patrick, does Santa just ask if you’ve been naughty or naughtier?