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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We absolutely LOVED Jeremy Piven’s series Mr Selfridge so we were disappointed when he was accused of sexual misconduct (some of it quite appalling) by several women. Piven jauntily called himself “collateral damage of #MeToo, and angrily denied everything. He even took – and passed- a lie detector test to clear himself. But when no less than 8 totally separate women came forward with misconduct claims that were eerily similar, his series, Wisdom of the Crowd, was cancelled. That absolute denial of ALL charges seemed to cook his goose. He’s still in denial, but doing okay – he’s been performing stand-up successfully and has no less that 5 films in postproduction.

Above, Jeremy Piven’s French Bulldog Bubba seems to disagree with him.

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  1. Drove my Chevy to the levy

    Janet, shouldn’t this digusting seks offender be behind bars? What are you talking about?

  2. Wilson

    Mixed thoughts about Mr. Piven.

    Have heard he’s an absolute jerk to work with. No surprise if there were complaints about him from women for any reason!

    On the other hand, the Me-Too Movement has gone too far in some cases and Piven is very talented. Loved that show.

  3. Beachy

    For such a women’s libber, you sure showed your TRUE colors by giving this POS any positive press.

    You never cease to amaze me with the people you admire…even if they are disgusting lowlifes.