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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


R Kelly has been very smug and superior about sexual abuse charges against him – no doubt fortified by the fact that he has triumphed in court before. But EVERYTHING changed after the Michael Jackson doc Leaving Neverland aired last weekend. Viewers learned exactly HOW an abuser (especially a wealthy and famous one) can seduce and entrap a victim – and keep the victim from complaining. They also learned WHY it often takes YEARS for victims to confess the truth. Jackson’s two accusers were so sincere and believable that many minds have been changed. Accusations against R Kelly are similar and he now KNOWS he’s more likely to be found guilty and face prison. THAT’S what set him off on that crazy tirade. The public is smartening up and his days are numbered thanks to that documentary.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Diva

    Lock him up

  2. becca

    I’m not a Russian troll & never have been one.
    Go ahead & click on that link, it will take you to the Chicago Sun-Times article on Kelly’s former lawyer!

  3. wiwi

    …………he is a transgender?

  4. ChrisTo

    Never click on links from Becca who was outed as a russian hacker

  5. becca

    Kelly’s lawyer from his first trial in 2008, Ed Gensen, gave an interview to the Chicago Sun-Times reporter, Neil Steinberg & said Kelly was “Guilty as hell” then & that the had him on drugs to keep his libido down.
    Full column at

  6. kiki

    his coffee was out?

  7. Gemma

    Put him and Chris Brown in the cell together

  8. Cheerio

    Wrong the miniseries about rkelly and his proclivities did him in, the public was outraged!