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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We just got an email from our friend, idiosyncratic author Matt Maranian, regarding the Heritage auction of Zsa Zsa Gabor’s personal possessions. He said “Looks like the prince has finally figured out a way to squeeze some money from that marriage!” YOU MUST SEE THIS!
Here’s the link to the huge online estate sale at Heritage Auctions:

We were surprised to see that Zsa Zsa’s husband must have cleaned out every closet and drawer in the house – he’s selling everything from Zsa Zsa’s drivers license and Saks Fifth Ave credit card to her satin clothing hangars AND PRESCRIPTION BOTTLES! Of course there’s plenty of furniture, movie posters (yes, Queen of Outer Space) faux jewelry, and frivolous clothing. This collection is fun to look at, and many items start at $1.00! Something for EVERYBODY!

Above, Prince Frederic von Anhalt and friend in Beverly Hills

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. producer

    so we are filled with grieve now………….

  2. Diva

    He’s going to get every penny from her.

  3. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Well, he *did* stick with her until the very end–and she, him.

    We LOVE that Zsa Zsa’s house was used as Liberace’s in “Behind The Candelabra.” And we miss her “spunk” to use a Lou Grant term 😀 .

    She once infamously smacked a Beverly Hills cop when he ticketed her, and then asserted at her trial that their contretemps was down to his being “GAY,” and “therefore inherently and insanely jealous of all the men Zsa Zsa had had–and would continue to have.”

    She was one in a million; and her sister Eva was a hoot, too.

  4. alwaysMIA

    So in other words: Prince von Asshat is having a garage sale.

  5. Gemma

    How this grifter was never arrested or deported is odd.