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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Looks like Mel Gibson is doomed to endure pesky paparazzi as long as he has a career in show business. It’s Mel’s own fault – he gets himself tangled up in outrageous situations that tabloids LOVE. Paparazzi are drawn to the temperamental actor/director, and he cannot resist making a huge fuss. Mel is not above making an angry scene in public, yelling at photographers, accusing them of stalking him. Sometimes he turns his smartphone camera on THEM, for some inexplicable reason. We think he should be flattered that the photogs still CARE about him…

Above, Mel yelling at a photographer in Malibu

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Prycer

    I had to work with him a couple of years ago and he was the biggest a$$hole. He lost it in front of me and than when the star of the show came he did a 180 and was super nice to her. And I do believe that he is a racist.

  2. Natalie Pinkhams

    He fell for the old Russian honey trap a few years back. An old classic

  3. Diva

    What a jerk.