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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


DJ AM’s drug related death at 36, is another Hollywood tragedy. While Adam Goldstein’s celebrity friends are calling attention to themselves by twittering about how upset they are about his abrupt departure, one person remains silent. That would be his MOTHER Andrea Gross. She was the first person Adam called from the ambulance after his near fatal plane crash. Adam’s heartbroken mother supported him all his life – through drug addiction and several visits to rehab. She took care of him after his gastric bypass and after his plane crash. When he was starting out as a DJ, she coaxed her friends into hiring him for bar mitzvahs and weddings. Andrea never gave up on her son, and it’s a real shame that he couldn’t control his addictions, and enjoy his abundant life.

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  1. To Taffy Daven Port My name is spelled Casonia not Carsonia first of all,Like mother like daughter is your life! Cps spending should be cut, They have close to a Billion dollars tighted up in funding for that program? Chris Gregoire is hiding the funding

    Some one so close…never being able to spend time with them and have a drink or talk about music and style and other issues is Hurtful.

  2. To Taffy Daven Port My name is spelled Casonia not Carsonia first of all,Like mother like daughter is your life! Cps spending should be cut, They have close to a Billion dollars tighted up in funding for that program? Chris Gregoire is hiding the funding

    Friendship is all about sharing good times along with the bad times.

  3. To Taffy Daven Port My name is spelled Casonia not Carsonia first of all,Like mother like daughter is your life! Cps spending should be cut, They have close to a Billion dollars tighted up in funding for that program? Chris Gregoire is hiding the funding

    Failure to understand what the problems where and could not understand why this person could not talk to you.

  4. To Taffy Daven Port My name is spelled Casonia not Carsonia first of all,Like mother like daughter is your life! Cps spending should be cut, They have close to a Billion dollars tighted up in funding for that program? Chris Gregoire is hiding the funding

    It has to hurt to lose a dear friend that was wonderful to talk to in his time and means.

  5. karl anglin

    Your mom seems like a good woman
    May she find strength at this difficult time.

  6. right

    How about you leave Dr. Screw out of this. (thank you mary carey)

  7. celeste

    That’s why I have said over and over that you have to be SAVED by Christ, thru his sacrifice on the cross, for repentance and forgiveness of sins. We never know when the grim reaper will come calling. But before many can read it, I am called nasty names and then usually deleted. Well, I’m saying it again, so go ahead on.

  8. jennifer

    Wow, that was very cruel. I would have understood if this was written about michael jackson, but adam.

  9. susan smith

    Janet – Please, you really need to look at the story you posted.
    DJ AM along with Travis Barker were in a horrible plane crash, that they survived!
    Due to his injuries from the crash, he relapsed. Everyone needs to say a prayer for his soul. It was all a horrible accident.
    If you don’t believe this, they you need to call Dr. Drew and he will tell you.

    God Rest DJ AM……

  10. dani

    Janet, that last sentence was really smarmy of you. He was in an horrific plane crash. He was a recovering addict. He was prescribed drugs that re-trigger addiction. It didn’t have anything to do with controlling his addiction. If you were a diabetic and a doctor prescribed Snickers candy bars to you for pain–and you went on a sugar binge after years of not having sugar like this–who is responsible? Partially the doctor, partially your addiction. Partially you.
    Don’t knock DJ janet. Until you’ve experienced something as horrific as the plane crash he was in–you don’t, won’t and can’t understand his need for xanax to fly again. His job depended on him flying (cars/busses would have been too slow). He needed pain killers for the burns. Did you know that burns are the most painful of injuries?
    As an addict, the temptation was obviously too much. Yet even a normal person may have become addicted with the cocktail of drugs thrown at them after an experience like he had.

    Instead of criticizing him. It is a wonder he held out against all the drugs as long as he did.

    RIP Adam.

  11. right

    He was a drug addict who was prescribed Xanax. This should be looked into. His mom sounds like a wonderful woman.

  12. BeeBee

    “Control” and “Addiction” are mutually EXclusive. You KNOW that. C’mon Janet, do we even know what killed him yet? He was a nice guy who survived a catastrophic event. That alone would be enough to send most over the edge. His past addictions are just another piece of his soul. Please, let him rest in peace.

  13. captain america

    yep, AND SOME BILLS TOO, folks!!
    (this is still america)