CNN’s Anderson Cooper was dazzled when he met the Obama family and he particularly hit it off with the First Mother–in-Law, who also lives in the White House. Recently he bought Michelle’s mother Marian a gift – a photo album – and he put several of his own photos in it for her. When he told his CNN co-anchor Erica Hill about it, she just HAD to get into the act – she coaxed him into including some photos of her too – she’s a huge Obama fan.
Anderson Cooper Barack Obama Erica Hill
Anderson 360 is one of my favorite shows.
Cool. Losers all like each other. We get it.
Did Anderson include a photo of himself and his boyfriend? That would have been a very nice touch.
This is why i never watch his show..
Can’t trust him anymore cause now you
know how he leans…
I don’t have a problem with how he leans. It’s that he is a closet case who presents himself like he is some sort of casanova; and when he is talking about gay issues on his show trying to act neutral, I spend more time wondering how he does that than actually watching.
Maybe he can be president of Obama’s fan club. Has the media completely lost their mind? Of all the stories that appear on this website this is the sickest of all. Could CNN be just a little more biased? I think not!
He’s sucking up to mama-in-law because he wants to have a faggot coming-out party in the White House. Much like the one Al Gore and Bill Clinton did (and possibly others). They had a big bash for the GLBT community (paid for by our tax $$). When Anderson officially comes out, he wants it to be a big big affair. His high society, blueblood background will help him pull it off.
You guys are crazy if you think Anderson and Erica are Obama fans. They are probably both Republicans and they don’t seem the least bit enamored with The First Family. They just do what CNN tells them to do.
BTW, Grandma Marian would LOVE a photo of Anderson’s hot French boyfriend Ben.
I myself don’t think he’s gay, but if he is, so what? Isn;t that HIS business? What the fuck does it matter to any of you? Grow the hell up people, this is 2009 already, time to realize all people are equal.
he drinks sperm………….JUST LIKE MILK, folks!!
He’s gay, no question about it.
I guess his high society upbringing and having everything possible that money could buy, maybe he just wanted something new…..and he liked him, he liked them.
I’m so sick of you gay bashing freaks on this site! Grow the fuck up and realize what year we’re living in. It’s nobody’s busines but their own what sex they are, or like, certainly NOT yours. GAWD! What a bunch of assholes!
That’s Anderson and his muscle man bar owner boyfriend Ben Maisani in the link above.
Mother in Laws are Cool and it is nice of him to take notice and really look at the fact that she is a nice and very sweet woman who is excited about the future and get to share those special moments at the White House and it is like looking at a Book in History to be able to say Hello and Wish her well is a real Honor.
I bet the mother in law loved looking at his Big Beautiful Blue Eyes and his Big Smile that is incredible and she was taken with his company and blushed to some degree but All in All a real treat and something she will always remember for the rest of her life.