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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Suddenly it turns out that Switzerland is not the superior progressive country we always thought it was! Screenwriter/director Petra Volpe has let us in on Switzerland’s dirty little secret in her new movie The Divine Order – women didn’t get the vote there until 1971! Impossible to believe, but TRUE. Switzerland’s patriarchal system kept women oppressed THAT long! Despite the timely subject matter, the movie, about small town women waking up to the desire for equality, is charming, sometimes funny, and quite likeable. The best part about it is it teaches men what they did and still do wrong. It’s a nice lesson to be learned.

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  1. N81Dermn

    Posting here as someone who used to live and work in that country: the posit that Switzerland is ‘progressive’ is utterly ludicrous as it is the most conservative country in Western Europe. Nor is the fact that women did not have the vote all until fairly recently their only dirty little secret not touched upon in the glossy tourist brochures: an economy supported by secret bank accounts of dictators, drug lords, & corporate criminals, a prime sex trafficking hub, & one of the highest AIDS rates (comparable to Russia’s) due to an outsized number of intravenous drug abusers. Like you, I am glad the deceptive pretty little picture the Swiss present to the world and themselves is being fractured a bit with this flick.

  2. brake

    this is a muslim country too?

    ………….so sad.

  3. sheila

    very odd film