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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Commuters got on and off the subway train headed uptown in Manhattan and they were all very busy on their phones. If they weren’t so self-involved they might have noticed they were sitting near a movie star. And the movie star – Katie Holmes– is the only one reading a book instead of staring at her phone! Apparently phone addiction makes it much easier for celebrities to go about their business doing everyday things unnoticed!
Footnote: Katie is reading Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Wilson

    How can she lean her head against that filthy wall or window? Yuck!

  2. Rae

    I admire her! I commute on a train and I am one of the few people who reads a book rather than stare at a phone!

  3. Cynda

    Howwww do you know the starring at phone wasn’t a book as well? I often read my kindle on my phone. Maybe it is you that is the one with a small mind.

  4. AlwaysMIA

    Geez, didn’t think the divorce with Tommy boy was that bad she has to resort to public transit & a book.

  5. katy

    Very odd how she is not allowed to be photographed with Jamie Foxx for commercial reasons.