Ever since Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon introduced their adorable six month old twins Moroccan and Monroe to the world, there has been a lot of whispered speculation that the babies don’t look like Nick at all. They seem only to resemble Mariah and have fair skin. Was there a mistake during the fertilization process? Was the wrong test tube full of sperm used? Probably not. An expert told us that mixed race babies are often born with light skin that darkens as time passes. By the time they go to pre-school, the kids will probably look more like daddy. (Above the family is costumed as Disney’s “The Incredibles” at a charity event)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Mel Zipskin
Those kids are 3//4 black 1/4 white, as Mariah is half white. I am sure in time they will darken up, not being racist… I’ve seen it happen.
As another poster mentioned, Mariah’s mother is white. There is more white than black on Mariah’s side, so the odds of the children being very light skinned is pretty high.
Complaintant is hiding behind a pseudo it seems
this is one of your stupidest posts ever, JC
Amazing post and complaint about a site that noone forces a person to visit.
Hopefully the children being indroctinated in PC will see quickly through the folly of this and the damage it has done to the USA.
Maybe next consider opening the home as a refuge to illegal immigrants and Affirmative Action blacks who Herman Cain is rightly critical of.
No doubt Obama will continue to get the vote of the PC bunch as most are employees of the govt in some manner and riding the taxpayer gravy train.
Catherine K
This site itself is a study in genetic folly, admittedly one situated at the shallow end of the gene pool. Sub-literate racists posters , coupled with a slow witted hostess makes for amusing, if slightly sinister entertainment.
But, take it all with a grain of salt, as assuredly most of the more ridiculous posters ( Strom, Gump et al ) don’t really appreciate ( or likely even care ) how absurd they are.
When I read a really obscenely stupid post – like this one, or one of Strom’s more bellicose screeds – about those horrible Jews, or Blacks or Gays, or Liberals, I’ll have my older kids read them and then try to explain how the author, has a piece missing, or has been somehow broken by life.
But, I hope there’s room for all sorts of different opinions, especially here, and I for one am thankful for all the posts, in particular the unintentionally funny ones about Herman Mcain and Gay Island. too much !
Bi-racial children come in all shades and colors from whitest white to blackest black. So whoever question the paternity must be really stupid. Do all white children look like their fathers? If Irish and Itlaians marry the children may look like one side of the family or the other or a mixture. No one questions it. A black man has a baby with a biracial woman and people question what the children should look like?
I Just Do Not Get It
F–k Janet just keeps getting more and more ignorant.
People even “black people” come in all different shades. White people come in all different shades. Wait a minute! All people come in millions maybe even billions of variations of skin tone.
Who gives a flying F–k what shade their children are other than…Janet “I’m Not Racist, I’m Just Really Ignorant” Charleton.
No matter what your opinion might be I think this post is really offensive this is the type of thing you only say in your head
True very suspect as well as delusional and certainly ready to march hand in hand to a PC convention.
She’s not very bright, sane and at times childish judging by her interviews. Poor Nick is treated like the Help.
The babies are beautiful. I think the little boy looks so much like Nick.
You can definitely tell that Strom & Forest are 2 distinctly different people. However, there are others on this board that are highly suspect.
Mariah has the half breed look up close and certainly speech. Maybe this makes the kids 3/4 black.
Hopefully they will not have the arrogant attitude of mom but that might be hard to prevent.
Mariah’s mother is white. The babies look adorable.
Strom is far too articulate to be Gump.
Gump is silly and confusing with his racism.
Strom is calculated and on topic.
I married a red-headed, Cousin It.
We gave birth to baby, Its.
Deep diving into the gene pool.
It’s like those old vending machines that had the “take a chance”option.
Get it? Got it? Good!
I’m with Denise. This question is just RUDE!
Indy aka Christine India
My very white male cousin married a very black girl and they have 2 little girls, age 2 and 4. They are both whiter than white with black curly ringlets, and have won 4 baby beauty contests. (I am not a racist in saying the words white/black, but just wanted to say that, because who can figure what they will look like due to genetics).
Oh, and by the way, those babies are gorgeous.
This must be the most ridiculous “news” item I have ever heard. They’re babies for God’s sake. Who the hell would speculate that he’s not the father because of their coloring?
Mariah is a half breed also. Nick is probably the smarter of the two.
Strom = Strom
Skeleton Bride
They really are cute babies. Congrats to both of them!
Janet, how did mAriah get her color?
St. Mark
hmmm let see, maybe … I’m just guessing here, that it’s perhaps because the babies are not just yet in their twenties ? jeez …
But, admittedly, it is amusing to see Janet – that your understanding of elementary childhood development is right up there with your acute comprehension of political and economic theory.
I’m assuming that like Strom and Forrest before you, there wasn’t much in the way of schoolin around your trailer park.
Erika K
too funny, too true … Strom = Forrest
Not Japanese, Dutch
Dear Forrest, what does any of that actually mean ? It’s entirely incoherent …. wait …oh … hold on … now I get it ….. wait …Forest = Strom, a ha ! the clone of our favorite secret Jewish, Black, Liberal, Lesbian, Gay, pedophilic basement dwelling creep.
If the experts say he’s the dad who are we to question it. Those kids will have everything money can buy and a lot of love, they are very fortunate.
The J-Man
They are beautiful whatever the skin color: white, dusty rose, mauve, eggshell, or cocoa. I hope the four of them have a happy life together.
forrest gump
(these were just bought from a sperm donor)
anyway……..I sad so.
Who cares?!
I have a half black nephew who is white with blue eyes. He is getting tan, not really black but golden so they don’t have to be black if one parent is.
Gemma from Manchester
Who on Earth is Nick Cannon? Do Americans recognize him as a celebrity? I have never heard of this Man.