We love this househusband photo of Kevin Federline but let’s face it, his career comes first. Speaking of his career – get your TIVOs dusted off – we just heard that K-Fed will be performing onstage at the 2006 Teen Choice Awards on August 20! This is a big deal for him. We don’t know if he’s on the ballot as a potential teen favorite performer, but suddenly he’ll be in everyone’s living room. There’s bound to be a lot of speculation, but Don’t count on Kev’s better half Britney Spears showing up at the big TV event. She prefers to let Kevin bask in his own glory and not draw the spotlight to herself.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Art Chic
Jethro is King of the Wiggers he is trifling and ghetto and lucky as a whore during Fleet Week.
p.s. that photo is old, taken in his black babymama’s house.
Also, notice the cottage-cheese ceiling and the shower shoes with socks.
Is that their tacky low-ceilinged house? Enquiring minds want to know! Can’t wait for Teen Choice! Thank goodness for Tivo!
Gossip Columnist
He’s a skank!
Britney will stay in the background. Come on girl just posed nude for Harper’s Bazzar. Get a life.
He must be good in bed for Brit to put up with him.
Shocking to say the least.
I’ve always liked Kevin and I understand him…he’s from Cali, so good man and I hope your marriage last.
Ahhh, K-Fed. Biggest media whore around.
Kevin is hot
The photo is brill!