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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

It’s inevitable. Teenage bride Courtney Stodden, 17, and her actor husband Doug Hutchison, 51, will eventually have their own reality show. And Courtney won’t stop parading around in public inappropriately attired until it happens! Offers have already come in, including VH-1’s offer to appear on Relationship Rehab for over $150,000, but the odd pair haven’t found any of the ideas to be “appropriate.” After all, their relationship is fine. (Above, the couple again livened up the shopping experience at The Grove mall.)

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  1. Patrick

    Coreck this Ebunny.
    lik my bum

  2. enchantedbunny

    @patrick….how dare you tell me to fuck off! what the hell did i do to you you smug piece o shit. you are certainly not as an advanced literate as you secretly wish to be, which btw is why i corrected your punctuation! you are nothing more than an immature mindless half-wit with the intelligence of a starfish. in fact you come across as smart as sponge bob squarepants best friend…patrick starfish who is an absolute moron manboy! not a compliment if you need help figuring that out.

  3. The Face

    You can bet as soon as she turns 18 another porn star will be born!!!!!!

  4. Patrick

    Ebunny. fuck off

  5. Serena

    Dear Sister Carol, I don’t think Courtney knows what interesting means, let alone be it …. what she was trying to do was be photographed, and she succeeded admirably. btw Sunnycloud doesn’t belong in the same group as Strom at all, as I think she was being ironically derisive in her post, not literal.

  6. enchantedbunny

    @patrick. should not there be a ? mark following your oh so original retort aimed at johhny1960. p.s. don’t let strom catch you or he will fire a “it’s not about the posters” your way and then you won’t be able to play together anymore.

  7. Patrick

    Johnny1960, I know you are but what am I.

  8. Patricia

    And back to Courtney Snodden, has anybody seen the birth certificate, how can she possibly be only seventeen?

  9. Patricia

    I guess I must need to read more posts, because the only kind of vile, nastycomments made by Strom about anyone are always black celebrities–

  10. Johnny1960

    kind of a tard aren’t you Patrick ?

  11. Strom

    Reality tv has made possible the riches of the talentless Kardashians and Courtney is seeking her chance. Shame on us if it suceeds.

    In the news today was the breakdown of a fame whore judge on a reality show after a 13yr old contestant was booted off and cried. What kind of example is being set here and if any potential singer or entertainer could not accept defeat gracefully and then strive to bounce back stronger what does it say about them? Frank Sinatra (or Elvis or the Beatles) might have been unhappy at being booted off the set at 13 but it would not have caused a crying meltdown that stalled his future……send the crying girl to Disneyland or Tulsa and the fame whore judge back to wherever she came from!

  12. XYZ

    He’s gay and she’s a fame ‘ho, this is how I see it. Period.

  13. Patrick

    Kind of a bag, aren’t you Erika.

  14. Erica K.

    Cujo, what an apt moniker.

  15. Kitty

    Is that a streetwalker and her pimp?

  16. Cujo

    Strom, I must remain anonyomous, but I see exactly what you post . In everday life. People don’t get it, especially those who are bleedng heart liberals.. Just get to to the down side of life everyday. I had to get loaded just get through the day where I work, and it’s the lowest of the low. So, everyone, just shut up with your liberal bleeding heart views. They are worth shit.

  17. Patrick

    Strom is unique to the others you mentioned.
    Forrest used to be Captain America, comes off witless but I have been noticing similarities to Hello.
    Mel used to go by Rick I believe, had a hissy fit with Strom and blamed Janet for allowing him. He went off the reserve a while back.
    Sunnycloud is a new handle.

  18. Sister Carole

    She is trying to hard to sexy and interesting. She needs a real manager & probably some acting lessons. The old guy is just happy to have his picture taken.

  19. Sister Carole

    Sunnycloud, Strom, Mel and forrest gump and three or four others all seem to be have similar views but they don’t seem to like each other either.

  20. Denise

    I caught the writing desk reference too Patrick. I have long suspected that despite what appear to be racist rants, Strom is actually (dare I say it) an intelligent being.

    Imagine using that intelligence for the good of mankind.

  21. Patrick

    Strom, is it fiction or non?
    Perhaps molecular genetics?

  22. Patrick

    Strom. Writing desk?!

  23. Strom

    Sorry…my comment was directed to EK.

  24. Strom

    Hello Hello and why dont you keep personal comments about another poster to yourself…there is no racist or hater sitting at this writing desk but obviously your mind is far too shallow to understand that it is about personal responsibility, something many dont have or want…they prefer it as a gift bag, handed to them as they stand in the line to buy a new set of gold look ghetto hoops.

    Hello’s point on personal assistance is that not that they get wealthy, but it prevents them from being forced to leave the chair to look for work. At least the twin trailer trashlike people here are trying to work…even if it is on a reality show.

  25. Reality shows need to DIE

    17 years old, looks 42, dressed like a cheap porno slut with a 51 year old perv for a hubby. Where are the parents and why isn’t he in Jail??? Does his child bride even go to school?

  26. Erica K.

    Hello meet Strom, Strom this is Hello … you guys deserve each other, a real festival of hate… what a pair of nutters.

    Imagine the offsprings, – a grotesquely re-combined mutation of Hezbollah and Himmler. Get a room you two, on Strom’s Island of Love.

  27. Hello

    What does her dressing up have to do with black people?

    If anyone who gets wealthy on public assistance is the state iseral.

  28. Nina

    These two are just gross.

  29. Strom

    Not sure if they have been enabled. Trailer trash certainly, but at least are working and not collecting welfare from the government and for what its worth are married and not just popping out kids via frequent short term encounters….ooops, I am sure I have offended a large portion of the BLACK race here (the other portion understands what I am saying and are ashamed of EEOC BLACKS behavior too).

    I HAVE A DREAM did not mean a govt. supplied pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

  30. Edward

    For a 17 year old she looks like a pretty rough stretch of highway! Wait for the sex tape!

  31. forrest gump

    even if she is expected to do fifty blowjobs in one hour, folks?

  32. Hilary's Duff

    The difference between Courtney and Madonna are striking. Madonna slept with many Entertainment executives and their wives when she as in her teens. At least Courtney got married to one man. They both are fugly.

  33. selene

    LMAO at Sunnycloud !!!!! thats perfect…ahhahahhahaa….

  34. Cal

    LOL @ Patrick.

    Bunny, what are you eluding to… the talk? Do tell…

  35. Bluejay

    Remember the freak shows at fairs? You had to pay to get in, and I was too young. Now the freaks are running around loose for free!

  36. enchantedbunny

    can you smell the agents of pornography breathin on her doorstep just waitin for the day she turns 18(yrs. old) and surely her pimp daddy will turn her out for a little scratch and maybe a turn with another ‘starlet’. all in an honest days work.

  37. Muffie!!

    This little TRAMP sure is hard on the eyes! Yikes! She will never be very famous. She says she wants to be famous like Pamela Anderson. Pfff, yeah right. Maybe in an OLD perverts dreams. She isn’t the least little bit photogenic! That ain’t no lie.

    As for OLD dude, FRRRREAKSHOW!!!

  38. enchantedbunny

    no rich, doug is not having sex with courtney in that picture. have you not had the ‘talk’ yet?

  39. Rich

    so he is, like, having sex with her?

  40. Christine India

    Patrick: LOL

    enchantedbunny: Right. If they ever entered a Christian church, the walls would cave in. The Church of Satan is more their speed. Pitiful.

  41. enchantedbunny

    i’m guessin they ain’t christians. oh how the good lord would have a field day with these two angels.

  42. Deb

    I will boycott any channel that airs any reality show of this skank and her father figure.

  43. Patrick

    The conversation must be profound..

  44. Vivi

    OMG, she is 17 yrs old??? She looks so much older and desperate. He is just gross.

  45. Erica K.

    too funny

  46. Sunnycloud

    these two are examples of what happens when you coddle or enable the white hetrosexual races. Clearly a strong black gay influence would have ensured that this type of crass coupling didn’t occur. They should have to move to Racist Ranch with Strom.

  47. Denise

    Looks like an old derelict with a hooker.

  48. Palermo

    They are both gross, hope never to see them on a reality show

  49. Strom

    She wants to be a Kardashian. Skinny legs and a rough looking face w/o layers of makeup.

  50. Diva

    Her parents must be so proud!