We’re hearing that it’s finally OVER for Tea Leoni and “Californication” star David Duchovny and it’s a shame. They’ve been together for 14 years and have two children, Madelaine, 12, and Kyd, 9. They split in 2008 but reconciled after David spent time in rehab for sex addiction. Last June they separated again (perhaps David started hitting the porn websites again) because we’ve been told their divorce has quietly, and without fanfare, become final. Now maybe Tea will do something about her “crush” on Billy Bob Thornton.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Its very boring just like the people in question…get a life
Ming-ming Wonderpets
There’s a saying: “If you can’t beat them, join them”.
Ming-ming Wonderpets
Thank you. Hope I make you happy.
And still, you can’t stop posting here:) You are obsessed with this thread. I’d say, go somewhere else to post your crap.
What a joke to think that Ming has any followers anywhere…this is just delusional ranting over some has beens who had a very short amount of fame. GA and DD being together is just a front as GA has had several bouts recently with lesbian sex with cow like women. DD is taking on most any groupie he can shag.
Poor Tea has become even more dough like in looks and in actions and her days are numbered in showing up in any revealing clothing…more like Susan Boyle than the old Tea.
Take your silly thread to somewhere that cares!
Once more, you rock Ming;) Just my two cents, Blue passed away some time ago unfortunately. I have a feeling Gillian’ll be in Cali:)
Norma Jane
@Ming-ming Wonderpets,
Thank you so much love for the info. Tears in my eyes especially #9. #8 too. DD really loves Blue. He is his best friend. Oh, so sweet… GA shared the good news (that she was pregnant at that time) with DD and Blue too.
Ming-ming Wonderpets
Especially for you and tjose who love DD and GA togetherness. I quoted from: http://gillovny4ever.tumblr.com/
The author of this blog/website wrote on March 22, 2012:
This post is especially for my followers here in Brazil, cause yes, we hardly ever have access to these exclusive things. (And yes, i always get angry about this, so i always complain that here in Brazil we have zero access to these exclusive items from our favorite series/actors. Even if you try to buy from the internet it takes 4 months just like in my case). But, anyway…i was thinking, maybe i should write it in portuguese, but i know that some of you don’t have this dvd and don’t speak portuguese, so i’ll write in english.
First of all: I know everybody knows that, but i’ll say it again: Gillian and David…they have chemistry even when they’re not playing Mulder and Scully. I mean, they’re a beautiful couple!!! It’s just incredible how they fit well together.
Another thing: Someone who watched this dvd, please tell me…it’s just me or Chris Carter was really unconfortable?
Anyway, here are the best moments:
1# Gillian asking David what he misses the most about The X Files, BESIDES HER. And his answer: “Aww…you took away my answer”. #DEAD.
2# David telling Gillian that she looked adorable in the pilot, under the rain, screaming:”THERESA, BILLY MILES…etc etc”
3# The sadness in Gillian’s face cause David said that he probably wouldn’t give her a part in Californication (he thinks that Scully and Mulder are like a sacred thing, so he prefers to keep it like this, in other words, he likes that people remember them as Scully and Mulder. And he thinks that giving Gillian a part in californication would stain this precious relationship (MSR) in the public’s mind.)
When David said to her that he probably wouldn’t give her a part in Californication she said “ok” but she looked so disappointed that David looked at her and said: “OK…i’ll figure out something…we’ll think of something…” SUGGESTING that he would think about it better later. It looks awful, but guys…i swear…it was SO CUTE. He was really worried about her feelings. #DEADAGAIN
4# Talking about TXF 3: Chris Carter said that he was already thinking of something (having ideas for the film). And Gillian was soooooo happy when he said that. She really looks interested in doing another XF movie. (David said earlier in the interview that he would like to play Mulder again, in another oportunity. At this point David wasn’t there anymore, Chris Carter arrived and 15 min later David had to go)
5# David leaving and asking Gillian a final question: Who was her favorite co-star.
Her answer: “You know…there was this guy in the early 90’s…i don’t remember his name, but he was very handsome…” (at this point everybody was screaming…of course she was talking about David)
6# GILLIAN’S MEMORY: OMG, she doesn’t remember A THING from the episodes, or the x files in general…i mean, obviously she remembers something, but David remembers almost every episode, and she couldn’t remember almost anything. For example, she doesn’t remember that episode: MONDAY, where a bomb explodes in a bank…And David was like: “YOU DON’T REMEMBER A BOMB EXPLODING???” David (and the audience) laughed a lot cause Gillian’s memory sucks.
7# David saying that if he could play a character forever it would be Mulder. #TEARS
8# David saying that, when the x files ended, he noticed that Mulder’s shoes, were warmer than his own shoes. #TEEEARRSSS
9# The silence between Gillian and David, when she remembered that he was the first person who knew that she was pregnant. His answer: Yes, i remember that… Gillian: And Blue was there… David: Yeah… Chris Carter (akwardly looking to the floor): … *SILENCE* (after 5 minutes or so) Audience screams. Me: SOB IN THE CORNER.
10# Gillian asking about David’s meditation practice, making it sound like she was asking about his sex life: Gillian: “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your meditation practice?” David: “I don’t mind you asking…my meditation practice is…” Gillian: “How long is it?” *everybody laughs* Gillian: Where do you usually practice?? In your trailer??? *everybody laughs including David* David: At home usually… (laughs). But…i don’t know what we are talking about anymore…
11# Gillian saying that she would play a part in Californication FOR FREE. “I’ll do it for free, babe”. David: o.O “waw”.
@Strom, if you don’t like it stop posting! And stop posting crap as well!
GA is no longer interested in men as anything but a cover. She has become a hard core lesbian and being with DD allows him a chance to dally with plenty of skanky women. The English women are unusually ugly and that suits his looks too. The rumor is lot’s of dressing up games!
Tea is rapidly aging and looking more like her granny than her younger self.
Stop this stupid thread!
Hey Alex, is that your crystal ball talking or you have info?:D Please, share with the class!
I feel very sorry for you people, growing so addled over these 2 very plain has beens. Tea even resembles BB Thornton so maybe they will be together. The question becomes: who cares?
Anyone calling themselves Ming no doubt is Chino! M/F or some of each.
Alexander the Crystal Seer
Scrying using my crystal ball, this April or May, GA will announce that she is no longer with Mark. Then, DD (after 5 or 6 months separated form T)will announce that he is in a relationship with GA.
Ming-ming Wonderpets
No prob at all. I will.
Another lovely site dedicated to DD and GA:
Opps… I hear my noodle shouting.
ROTFLOL Ming-ming, you rock! Please, if you have any info let us know!
Ming-ming Wonderpets
Good idea! But, I suggest you give them Propofol or Lorazepam instead of Tylenol.
Ming-ming Wonderpets
You can’t judge people by their name. Mind you, I’m not Chinese and I’m not “her”. I feel sorry for you of your narrow minded assumption.
If she/he has had anything to do sexually with these nobody’s they may need penicillin
Do you need Tylenol? lol
you delusionals make me sick
Give us a break in this longest running thread in the history on JC about the most boring people who are not even in Hollywood, or even able to find a job now.
Tea is so PLAIN and doughy looking it is no wonder there was some cheating. GA is a rampant lesbian and this wont end very well for either.
Please bring it to an end and hopefully Ming will return to her Chinese noodle stall.
Ming-ming Wonderpets
Thank you Wendy, Kitaro and Norma Jane. You make me cry.
It’s okay, just stay calm and smile when people said ugly things to you. That was what my granpa told me. You are not going to loose any thing. thank you grandpa, may God bless you!
Norma Jane
@Bree, @Strom, @Stopfantasies
This is a free country. Everbody free to say anything. Why must we get so mad or sad when people have different opinion from us? We are living on earth not heaven. Try to accept others differences.
Why must you said such ugly words to Ming.-ming? What’s wrong with 12 years old? Is that age so bad/childish to you? Why must you pick 12, you can pick other numbers as well. Don’t forget, that there is always a child inside of us even though we are adults.
@Ming-ming Wonderpets
I agree with Wendy. My Mexican Wave especially for you. You rock, Ming-ming!!!
All hail to Ming-ming!!!:D
Ming-ming Wonderpets
Age is not a matter. I’m soooo sorry that I can’t repeat after your phrase because I can’t understand any of your word. But one thing for sure that I really understand is I want to believe in DD and GA togetherness!
Oh, what ever! I didn’t hear stuff. Put your fingers on the keyboard and tpye the web address: http://gillovny4ever.tumblr.com
What ever… If my post bothers you or make you sick, well don’t waste your time by giving any comment. Silence is golden!
Take your boring fantasy and the very plain T & D and go away. This site isnt about posters and certainly not about years old posts that everyone finds nonsensecal. The last poster’s fantasy w/ Ming is bordering on underage perversion!
@Strom if they are not worth it I don’t understand why are you still here, just go away.
@Ming-ming Wonderpets
you have proved us in your post how delusional you are, saying that you hear stuff from pictures LMFAO!!
The real delusion is that Tea is anything but extremely plain and DD must have a mental sexual sickness from playing the bisexual games with GA.
These people are not worth the print of an extra post and only stay relevant on a site like JC.
Looks like the delusional gang has arrived lol!
keep dreaming…
@Ming-ming Wonderpets
Are you 12 years old or is that just your mental age? Try repeating this phrase “Mulder and Scully are characters, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are real people.” Not the same thing.
This whole snogger idea is beyond silly.
Norma Jane
Yey! A brilliant comment from you…
DD and TL have been finished for years but divorced for about two years. The tabloids and fans can’t find the divorce papers because they don’t want them found.
DD and GA are together. Geography doesn’t matter. They are.
H8ers can say whatever, but they’d be wrong.
Thanks Ming-ming Wonderpets for the website address.You are right about them.Bravo!
Ming-ming, you are such a wonder…cute pets.
Ming-ming Wonderpets
@Norma Jane and Wendy
Thank you so much. Long live Norma Jane and Wendy too! For those who love DD and GA, their togetherness, and believe in miracle, please don’t hesitate to visit http://gillovny4ever.tumblr.com
Judge for yourself. Every picture of them tells a thousand stories, especially their love towards each other.
The truth is Tea is a VERY PLAIN WOMAN and GA is much more than bi sexual off screen…she is ramapant is bedding other women…mainly first timers is the rumor. David was able to strike up a few sexual relationships with pretty but very dumb women who were impressed by his acting.
This is the longest running JC thread, kept alive by mainly wanna be’s and it deserves to hit the trash button, just like TEA and David.
Long live Ming-Ming!!!
Norma Jane
@Ming-ming Wonderpets
I 100% agree with you. Long live Ming-ming Wonderpets!
Ming-ming Wonderpets
I don’t bother either if you ask or not. It’s just a general statement.I think David doesn’t want GA in Cali because he knows that fans of X-File hard to accept GA with different character other than Scully. If DD and GA in a romantic-comedy movie maybe yes, but not in Cali. Not because he hates GA or what. Please… snoggers aren’t sad of your assumption. Snoggers are happy people and forever will be happy for DD and GA togetherness. They Want to Believe, so do I!
@Ren Yes, she is. She’s using this subject to promote herself, not because she wants to be honest. Well if she was such a gay supporter why hadn’t she come out during those 90’s years? Hypocrite!
@ Ming-ming Wonderpets
we didn’t ask you if you care or don’t. It’s just a fact Gillian is bisexual. On screen couple yes! off screen don’t think so LOL David doesn’t want her on Cali. Snoggers must be so sad LOL
Whatever it is, as on of the X-File’s fans, I bow to DD/Mulder and GA/Scully in salute for their ability to inject fun and excitement into the series, and I love their on and off screen chemistry.
I think David is a manwhore but all the rumors that have swirled around him for years have been with women. Even TedC and Perez think he’s 200 percent straight.
Nicole is correct, Gillian is a skank lesbo who has used gay when it helped her and hidden from it when it didn’t. Actually these people are nobody’s and dont deserve a thread this long. Tea is a very plain looking woman with mediocre talent. DD is even worse and may well have played the part of a queen in some porn flicks. The show is a goner, and hopefully they fade away into NE Manitoba or somewhere similar.
Unfortunately Gillian may keep turning up like a badly bent shilling and in time we will see that she is about that straight. Joan Jett or Jenny Shimizu could be an appropriate companion, Ellen has become too dumpy and settled. Hillary Clinton, maybe if she could slip away from her staff while in London.
@Nicole Gillian’s not a hypocrite because she never claimed that she was 100% straight. She’s also been an advocate of the LGBT community since the 90s. David Duchovny is a hypocrite for repeatedly claiming over the years that he wasn’t a sex addict, when he obviously was.
Ming-ming Wonderpets
I don’t care if Gillian is a bisexual. GA and DD – the best on/off screen couple.
Stop crying for your bisexual GA, she’s clearly disfunctional and a coward for waiting so long to tell this LOL what a hypocrite, now that she’s going around the world to sell herself and nobody cares she has to tell us her nasty life to promote herself.
Ming-ming Wonderpets
Ouch, ouch, ouch! I’m sorry…
Ming MIng, I think you hit the nail on the head:)
Gillian has ALWAYS been known as quite the lesbo and has gone for the muff whenever, and wherever it helped her (lack of) career. Tea had the occasional bisexual fling but kept it quiet. DD on the other hand tried to have it both ways and in many instances went both ways! All in all they are a trio of nothings who arent worth a thread, even on JC. The picture above shows their plain looks. Tea is certainly no head turner, clothed or naked.
Ming-ming Wonderpets
I hope I brightened up your day for I made you smile or laugh at my hilarious username.