We’re hearing that it’s finally OVER for Tea Leoni and “Californication” star David Duchovny and it’s a shame. They’ve been together for 14 years and have two children, Madelaine, 12, and Kyd, 9. They split in 2008 but reconciled after David spent time in rehab for sex addiction. Last June they separated again (perhaps David started hitting the porn websites again) because we’ve been told their divorce has quietly, and without fanfare, become final. Now maybe Tea will do something about her “crush” on Billy Bob Thornton.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
@Ming-ming Wonderpets
First things first, your username is beeping hilarious.
It was rumored back in the late 90s that Anderson had relationships with Jodie Foster (Foster was said to be smitten with her), Gina Gershon and Melissa Etheridge. She was seen kissing Gershon at a Rock for Choice fundraising concert. She was also seen getting cosy with Ellen Degeneres at one point (the photos of them kissing can easily be found on the interwebs).
Anderson is not the type of celebrity to get involved in publicity stunts. Anyone who has any real knowledge of what she’s like should be aware of that – and she was being interviewed for Out magazine as well, for chrissakes, hence why the subject of her sexuality was even introduced.
Ming-ming Wonderpets
The relationship with woman that she involved in was in the past. Maybe she just said that she is a bisexual just to tease the media and maybe it’s one of her strategies to wake up Hollywood, especially and elsewhere – like “Hello… I’m still around and doing very fine in London and people in London treat me like a queen.”
OK, let’s try this again…
By Kym
On March 13, 2012 at
Well now that Gillian has basically admitted she’s bisexual (no problem with that) can the snoggers admit that Duchovny is not the love of her life?
Um, how would Anderson’s bisexuality preclude Duchovny (or any other man) from becoming the love of her life? You must have missed the part of the interview where she said the relationships she’s had with women were the exception, not the rule. And just to clarify, I am as far removed from being a snogger as you can possibly get.
I think she is someone that needs to change partners once in awhile to he happy
Even though she’s lived happily with the same man for the last six years…
By Kym
On March 13, 2012 at
Um, how would Anderson’s bisexuality exclude Duchovny (or any other man) from becoming the love of her life? You must have missed the part of the interview where she said the relationships she’s had with women were the exception, not the rule. And just to clarify, I am as far removed from being a snogger as you can possibly get.
Even though she’s lived happily with the same man for the last six years…
Yeah, right. A lesbian who dates men. Must be a new type of women;)
Well now that Gillian has basically admitted she’s bisexual (no problem with that) can the snoggers admit that Duchovny is not the love of her life? I think she is someone that needs to change partners once in awhile to he happy.
it’s been what?? 8 month?? I don’t see any divorce papers yet!!
Norma Jane
@ Scully
Oh yeah? Well, the honour and pleasure is all mine…
@Norma Jane
Hey! They are talking about you
Norma Jane
Whatever… Dreaming is cost free.
Pebbles in PA
You know what I’m amazed by? The fact that people tout that they some how “know” what goes on in the privacy of their home when in reality they haven’t a clue. Not to mention that since divorce decrees are made public records, why has no one found such a thing? Why? Because it’s not out there! In case it escapes everyone’s notice the TERMS of a divroce CAN be kept quiet and sealed but the actual divorce DECREE that simply states “David VS. Tea officiated on this day, month, year, has been officially filed” End of document. THAT IS of public record and if anyone wanted to truly know and do the leg-work involved? You could find it IF it has indeed been filed. Since no one has coughed up a document as proof, I think all of this speculation is bullshit and shows there are some lovesick as well as psycho fans out there full of wishful thinking and dreams.
I want the truth!
Thank you! Now, what are his two movies?? I guess I could look it up myself but that’s how I found this page! And this isn’t really what I was looking for. I want to know if there is going to be a 3rd XF movie.
David lives in New York and generally spends four months a year in LA filming Cali. He has two movies coming out this year. Gillian is very busy with film and TV projects as well as charity events in London. For two people who supposedly live together they spend a lot of time apart.
I do think David and Tea are divorced but continue to coparent, which is a very good thing. I think David is playing the field.
I also think Gillian’s relationship is on the rocks she doesn’t look very happy lately.
I do not think David’s divorce nor the potential for Gillian’s relationship to be ending have anything to do with each other. He’s going to move on and maybe so will she to other people – NOT to each other. Personally, I cannot think of two people less suited to be together unless it was Sarah Palin and Obama.
I want the truth!
What is a snogger? And why do they live in caves? If a snogger is a fan of David D, then no, I’m not one. But I do like Fox Mulder. And I don’t get Cinemax or HBO so I don’t watch his new show. Gossip is the only thing I know of him right now. Has he been in any movies lately? Haven’t heard a thing. But I heard he was studding himself out in Hollywood, if that counts.
I don’t remember she got cervixitis, she passed out from our lovemaking in a sauna…
@I want the truth!
ok, snogger, you can go back to your cave 😉
I want the truth!
These celebutards kill me with their candid tell all interviews when things are going great. They like to throw up in people’s faces how exciting their lives are, how rich and beautiful they are, and how in love and hot they are with eachother. I don’t remember DD and TL caring about their privacy when they were telling everybody how David banged her so hard and so much that she passed out and got cervixitis, or whatever. NOW they want their privacy respected? I call BS on these celebs. I want the dirt! Look how all that exposure blew up in Demi’s face. You can’t have it both ways, celebs. You crave attention..but on your terms? I was on a blog and people are saying GA is no longer with her “partner”. What happened?? Is it true that DD and GA are a couple, or not? I remember a blind item about it, and people are saying her partner hasn’t been spotted with her since December. I wanna know, dammit. Then there are people saying Gillian A is gay. Gillian doesn’t seem gay. If anything, she seems kind of spontaneous and promiscuous with men. Men like her. I bet David Letterman smashed that. This is confusing but soooo salacious and better than anything on tv right now. I do think DD is divorced, though. Or close to it. People who know the truth need to tell it. Surely somebody really knows what’s going on. Just spill it already!
shut your mouth, don’t talk like that about MY WIFE
Tea may be muff diving on the side but no one with a DD moniker or chest is likely to capture her for good. She is a total buffoon to everyone who knows her and it is rumored she may emigrate to Prague.
@Norma Jane
LOL, sorry but that’s not gonna happen. Keep dreaming.
Norma Jane
Be strong Wendy! IWTB too…
Gotta say this right.
Téa will be mine again!
Tea will me mine someday!
Wow Wendy you are actually mentally challenged aren’t you. I am not whining I just want YOU to put your money where your mouth is and PROVE what you are saying. Give me some evidence and I’ll consider it – that’s what intelligent and reasonable people do. Is that too difficult a concept for you to grasp?
Well, it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but them. They don’t have to give anyone any explanation:) It is what it is: the TRUTH. Keep whining and moaning:)
Wendy you have no argument (a word you spelled incorrectly) beyond “I know the TRUTH.” Why should anyone believe you – a nobody on a gossip site? Prove something beyond your own assertion and maybe someone might consider your words.
For what it is worth when asked about the “truth” supposedly revealed on BG and CDANs Janet Charlton said she had never heard that rumor.
Can I believe David and Tea are divorced and may have been for months – yes because it makes sense. How anyone can say they “live” together when they live in two different countries is insane rantings – flying back and forth becomes physically impossible and does not given their respective children a solid homelife with one parent always missing – whatever else either may be they seem to be both good parents to their completely separate biological children.
Wendy – I recommend a Xanax and a dictionary.
bree, you still have no arguments:D
@Wendy It will be nice when you learn how to type properly, punctuate sentences appropriately and spell words correctly. Oh and that other thing; become a rational human being.
I didn’t admit to anything, you just did:) And it’s you who need to grow u and accept that neither Duchovny nor Anderson are perfect or saints. I repeat, I’m not saying this si good or bad, its what it is. They want to be together. That’s it I don’t need to get desperate about anything. But you on the ther hand need to change your attitude and be more open minded. You know what they call in psychology what you and people like you do? Reverse psychology:) Maybe when you grow up we can have a mature conversation.
if you dont care, how come you admit you promote your delusions online???
The only one who’s desperate is you and your delusional gang LOL. Always asking for patience because you think someday your delusion is going to be real. I pity you really, but I hope you grow up one day.
LOL You really think they didn’t sue because of that??? My God, how close minded of you! You see, you’re showing how desperate you all are if you even have to follow me on twitter:D It is TRUE. They are together under your noses
@Wendy, they didnt sue because no one reads that crap, It hasnt been even published on a major news mag, channel … Your rumor doesnt exist for the world, thats why you are so desperate to spread that fantasy on twitter. LOL
Yes, of course delusionals ever existed and they are exacerbated by people like you. I don’t blame you, your stubborn mentality gives you away:D You don’t want to accept it? Fine. It’s your problem, not mine. I just simply know the TRUTH. Duchovny and Anderson ARE together, not because I wanted to but because they decided to:) Kee moaning and whining and again, LOL
I’m not divorced yet muahahahaha
That’s your fantasy, you’re so lame, blaming us for your delusions is not going to make it real. LOL
Delusionals always existed, since the show started, so keep lying to yourself.
Well, evidently having all that is not enough for yuo since you are still here. LOL All true, by they way. I never lie. It’s obvious that it means a LOT to you that this is not true, I told you I could care less but I just know it’s TRUE. Why do you think Duchovny’s people didn’t have the blind items removed? Simple, you can’t sue if it’s true:) Reporters like Janet and all the rest do not have a need to have their “fantasies come true”, they just report true facts. In any case, I don’t see you whining to them for posting “oh this awful insinuations” lol
@Wendy you are desperate for it to be TRUE because it means so much to YOU. There is not one shred of evidence other than the rantings of overgrown delusional teenagers and some low-rent gossip sites.
Get a real job, real life and a real man/woman and you’ll be much happier. I have all three.
I repeat; things are what they are, whether people like it or not. It seems the only thing fans who can’t accept it do is just call others names. Face it, you are all out of arguments. You can’t even fathom the idea without having a heart attack. And most of you care much more than anybody else, you sound desperate for this to be untrue. You’re trying desperately to find a shred f evidence to deny a relationship between Duchvony and Anderson. Keep trying but they are doing it under everyone’s noses. I’m not saying this is good or bad, it just IS.
Well Wendy for someone supposedly “doesn’t care” you have the snogger partyline down pat. Why not be honest? Personally, I think Duchovny is warming the beds of more than one woman and Gillian is doing whatever it is she does (seemingly go to parties theses days). Unless they admit being a couple or really incriminating photos come out I am never going to believe the soap opera/fantasy that snogger try to peddle. I have more respect for Gillian than that.
It seems YOU can’t do the maths:D Keep moaning all you want and trying to justify your obvious and insane need to maintain Duchovny and Anderson apart. I don’t care what those two do but the truth is the truth. Period. It seems you can’t take it:)
No, it seems YOU can’t do the maths:D It doesn’t make a heck of a difference to me one way or another but things are like that. Though it seems it does affect you a lot. Why so nervous?:D
@ Seems you can’t do maths well, Mark had sex with Gillian 😛 you like it or not. You’re very crazy if you want to start looking resemblaces with DD.
You’re stupid or naive if you think the fact that Duchovny hasn’t been seen in public means he’s working on his relationship with his ex-wife. That’s couldn’t be further from the truth. As of Mr Griffiths being during the IWTB movie, that’s a lie as well. He dropped Anderson in Canada and came back in March. Has nobody found it a bit suspicious that she was like 5 month pregnant when she appeared in public with Mr Griffiths? You will probably say, “well, she was not going to show up with him if she had not officially announced her separation/divorce”. Then how come she didn’t have any problem showing up at events with somebody else during the previous months??? Doesn’t make sense at all. Griffiths just turned up overnight.
Lastly, there are no new pictures of her boys out there so it’s viertually impossible to say who they look like. And from the old pictures, they look nothing like him. And there’s a reason for that.
I’m wondering the same, and Téa’s BDay is coming too, would David see her? or at least wish her a Happy Bday??
I thought that is was so over, but after the lastest David interviews (mentioning Téa) — they gave a me hope! I can only wish them well. Whatever happens.
skeptic too
Those are only the men you think you know about. You left out the one that supposedly beat the sh*t out of her. Now THAT would be a misogynist. Face it, unless you’re a stalker, like Kate, you only find out stuff after the fact..and even then it’s only a fraction of the story. You guys are frightening in your allegiance to this woman. Seems to me she’s not interested in your worship of her. She’s too busy being ultra rich and beautiful to care what any of us are saying about her. If it makes you feel better, I wish Gillian continued success, I hope she spends ridiculous amounts of quality time with her children, and I hope her relationship is solid, and lasts 50 more years. Six years is a long time by today’s standards. I honestly wish them the best.
Also, since I was asked, I think Brad Pitt looks like he’s on heroine half the time, and I hate how he and Jolie are being held up as some kind of relationship/lifestyle people are supposed to envy. They seem faux glamorous, and strung out.
Also, does anybody really think Duchovny DIDN’T cheat on his wife?? Wow, that’s…wow.
@skeptic too
You sound like a female misogynist. You’re not giving facts here, you’re jumping to conclusions. GA did NOT date a rapist. Adrian Hughes was an extra on TXF episode Home and became friends with GA. She cut off their friendship when it was later revealed that he’d been sexually assaulting women. Unless she was telepathic, how could she have known about his previous behavior?
As for who GA has dated, I’d say she’s dated an average amount of men. She’s been with Mark Griffiths (her current partner and father of her two sons) for 6 years now. Before that, there was her first husband, co-star Rodney Rowland, the artist Darren Waterston, and her second husband Julian Ozanne. Compared to other celebrities (and human beings in general) that’s nothing spectacular. She might have been promiscuous during her college years, but so were a lot of people. What she does with her own body is up to her, anyway. It’s not for you or I to judge.
The fact that you think it would be “funny” if it turned out that DD was Felix’s father says it all about you, really.
Going back to my first comment, do you judge men as well, or is it only other women?
Why is Anderson and her life even a discussion point in this thread? This is about how Duchovny screwed up his life and his marriage. Anderson seems to be doing more than just a little bit fine these days and likely Duchovny is nothing more than a blip on her radar screen.
skeptic too
@ Kate I’m not being judgmental. I’m just saying what my impressions are. The only reason it seems obnoxious is because you don’t agree, lol! Her daughter has probably had to endure a PARADE of men in and out of her mother’s life. ADMIT IT. C’mon? Are you for real? Didn’t she marry a guy when her daughter moved over here? Then they moved in with him, then moved out, then moved again, then the new guy…there’s no telling what’s really going on. She used to date a rapist didn’t she? Or was that just a rumor? Either way, he’s just one of many. Sorry, I find it kind of funny how people think these people are so perfect when they’re probably more messed up than average. And about David Duchovny..I didn’t say I believe it, but it would make strange sense and be kind of funny as hell, actually. I don’t care if it’s true or not. Gillian’s partner may be the actual father of both her sons, but I wouldn’t even bat a lash if that weren’t the case. I think she’s a crazy good actress, though! Actually, probably one of the best right now.
Duchovny is an actor who frequents Hollywood, he’s like catnip to women (GA’s words), he’s an admitted sex addict, and yet he hasn’t ever cheated on his wife? Doesn’t add up, does it?
As for Anderson, I think whatever demons were bothering her, she now has them under control.
@skeptic too
You’re still being obnoxious-sounding, I see. I would hate to know you in person if you’re actually as judgemental as you come across online.
How would you know what Anderson’s kids’ fathers’ parenting skills are like and how much time Anderson spends with her children? What else can you tell me with that psychic ability of yours? Piper has lived in London with her mother for nearly a decade now, so how much time has her father spent with her over that time period exactly? And Anderson has said that she takes on small acting jobs nowadays so that she’s never away from her kids for too long. If you don’t believe that to be true, check out the projects she’s taken on in the last several years.
I’m only basing my opinions on what I’ve seen and read about her.
Well, maybe you should keep a more open mind about what you hear and read.