We’re hearing that it’s finally OVER for Tea Leoni and “Californication” star David Duchovny and it’s a shame. They’ve been together for 14 years and have two children, Madelaine, 12, and Kyd, 9. They split in 2008 but reconciled after David spent time in rehab for sex addiction. Last June they separated again (perhaps David started hitting the porn websites again) because we’ve been told their divorce has quietly, and without fanfare, become final. Now maybe Tea will do something about her “crush” on Billy Bob Thornton.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
@skeptic too
Since you believe that Duchovny is the father of one of Gillian’s children please explain to me how he is the reliable stable parent when he was the one that knocked her up while married to another woman and lives an ocean away from his child?
I am willing to swallow a lot of bad behavior from celebs but the backstory that snoggers have created for these two read like a romance novel teenage fantasy. I can believe they may have hooked up when they shouldn’t but the whole Duchovny being the father of her kids is just insanity – besides I heard that Duchovny had a vasectomy years ago so he wouldn’t get the women he was sleeping with pregnant and get caught.
skeptic too
Gillian’s kids’ fathers and nannies take care of her kids.You avid fans know better than anybody that Gillian DOES NOT stay put, even when she’s not being photographed. She’s like a one woman circus, always going from country to country to country to house to house etc.. I’m not saying she doesn’t love or see her kids, just that they probably have to compete with her Blackberry all.the.time.. Lots of busy professional parents are like that. WOW, you sure took that personally. You don’t need to tell me Gillian’s whole itinerary. I’m a mom, and I know what it means to be there for your kids. I just think she seems unstable sometimes. Like if she stops moving she’ll lose it. She probably can’t spend more than a day at home with her family before needing to run somewhere to do something. Just my impression. So how do you know what Gillian’s sons look like? And how do you know her daughter was stalked? That’s kind of creepy because I couldn’t find 1 photo, or any info on that at all. Sorry, but you could be that stalker you mentioned. You seem to know details that the average person wouldn’t know. I’m only basing my opinions on what I’ve seen and read about her. She’s not my sole focus, I have opinions on a lot of celebs. I’m not even a fan! fan, and I can see that Gillian is a wild child, and her kids’ fathers are the more reliable, stable parents. Admitting it doesn’t make you less of a person. And it doesn’t make her a bad person. At least their fathers are capable nurturers. I hope.
WONDER IF DAVID AND TEA DID SOMETHING FOR V.Day there was an interview of david and he was asked about what he is going to do in valentine day and he didn’t answer maybe he didn’t want to say because he and tea want to do something nice in peace with out anybody bothering them like the press.
Thank you Kate.
@skeptic too
Firstly, I find your attitude very offensive. You’re talking about real human beings here, not fictional characters.
She rarely if ever mentions her second son in interviews.
Anderson barely makes mention of ANY of her kids in interviews these days because she feels, quite rightly, that it’s important to guard their privacy. Piper has been the victim of an online stalker, so you can’t really blame Anderson for not saying much.
Duchovny being the father of her second son would be a HUGE missing puzzle piece.
You do realise that Anderson’s partner was staying with her for the whole time she filmed ITWB? Not to mention that he was regularly seen on set. Not very conducive circumstances for carrying on a fling with Duchovny. Felix also looks like Mark Griffiths, so I’d say the chances of Duchovny being the father are nil.
Plus, is Gillian even still with her boyfriend?
There’s no reason to assume she isn’t. He hadn’t been seen in public with Anderson for several months, then all of a sudden he turned up to a premiere with her in December. FWIW, they looked very happy and relaxed.
She seems to spend as little time at home as possible.
If anything, she disappears from view for months on end. I think she was out of the limelight for over a year soon after Felix was born. During Fall of last year, she had a movie she was obligated to promote, then she had to do publicity for Great Expectations, so she was prominent in the public eye for several weeks (just like any other actor who has work to publicise, I might add). She’s been out a lot this last week, but that’s very unusual for her, and she wasn’t seen for the whole of January. Apart from a possible few award show appearances, It’s likely she’ll disappear again until she finishes filming her new TV series in June.
Happy now?
skeptic too
Ms. Anderson never really seemed to figure out what condoms are intended for. She rarely if ever mentions her second son in interviews. I’m just saying I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if there are three different fathers in that scenario. She’s great, but not very discrete. Duchovny being the father of her second son would be a HUGE missing puzzle piece. Somebody’s leaving something out. Plus, is Gillian even still with her boyfriend? Does he have custody of her two sons like her first husband had custody of her daughter? She seems to spend as little time at home as possible. Nobody could maintain the schedule she’s been keeping these last 18 or so months and claim to be deeply involved in their children’s lives. She’s looking dam# fine doin it, though. Aah, well, good luck to her, regardless.
stopfantasies, do us a favour and read my post properly before wiggin out.
@skeptic give me a break! So what…That means she could get pregnat with Mark, and prove once for all they truly love each other and have real sex …oh no wait…I’m a fool, that doesnt prove anything right??
If you have a little respect for GA, you would stop commenting all this bs.
I feel pity for you, months have passed and D is alone, who knows maybe with a new gal, but not with you know who(ga) – GA is happily living with his partner and kids. So stop your stupid fantasies…geez
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Hello my friend! I want to say that this post is awesome, great written and come with approximately all vital infos. I would like to see more posts like this .
I think David Duchovny is a good man with more good points than flaws. He’s a good father, he’s smart, funny, good intentioned and tries his best. Any woman lucky enough to have his love is foolish to give it up.
Those two reunited I guess as colleagues for WonderCon Feb 2008. Pretty much nine months later Felix was born in Oct 2008.
Not really into the whole DD & GA affair, but this coincidental inference makes me wonder from time to time…
@amy @sam
I mean why on earth does he mention her so much? We haven’t see them dating with anybody, maybe there’s hope they will reconciliate later and this is just a phase in their relationship.
or maybe david and tea working on there relationship in peace and quiet don’t want the craziness of the media for there kids.
well said bree
I don’t get why David and Tea don’t announce their divorce – it is over – move on. What is more incomprehensible to me is that fact that snoggers worship and adore Gillian and yet say nasty things about David. Why would they want him with Gillian then? They berate him for not making his divorce public but never call for Gillian to end what they call her contact with her gay bodyguard (Mark). The reality is likely that Gillian is perfectly happy in her relationship and David and Tea’s divorce has NOTHING to do with Gillian. All the nonsense about them supposedly living together is just that – hogwash.
Norma Jane
Hahaha… Gillian’s shoulder is busy with Gillian herself.
Gillian’s shoulder is busy with Mark.
Norma Jane
He needs her (Gillian)- A shoulder to cry on…
It’s so offbeat he still mentions her (tea) from nowhere, no1 asked him for her, but he still thinks about her, it’s like everytime they ask something he thinks about something she does or she did with him 🙂 which is romantic IMHO (Check the new AP interview, new mention of her)
Hope they can figure things out, and be together again! A girl can dream. Maybe he went to Jamaica whatever and had some fun so what gives…maybe she did the same…so who cares…they are even, get back together now!
No fantasy involved. David and Tea have two children together. They will always be parents. You’ll notice I never said anything about snogging or Gillian.
I don’t think it means anything either but I would love to. However, I was just making fun of snoggers. They are so upset because David is not following their fantasy.
@Wokr I don’t think it means anything between David and Tea but they are civil and adult. I have no doubt that Wilbur will claim this is all part of a secret plot to convince people that they are civil when they are just faking it.
The whole snogger crap and conspiracy theories of fake marriages is so teenage – just like something you would make up when you are 15 and no real life to worry about.
DD mentioned Téa AGAIN as his wife…and they were spotted together this month! Seems like he’s cheating GA. LOL!
im a fan of Anderson & i really love her & mark.I like that gillian is with mark.But i love tea leoni too and think she deserve better than duchovny.he is silly cheater & ugly.tea should not married with him at first.
sorry for my bad english
You people are fucked.
Go back to your twitter cave Wilbur
@DoubleD(umb) Look it up.
Ha! Wilbur talking about rude…
@StopFantasies You’re wrong, rude and quite a fool.
@Wilbur, you watch too much TV…
maybe that’s why you fantasize so much…
@Bree What mush are you spewing? Four years? Mulderpause? I’m Wilbur and just started posting here. You must be one if those people off their meds. No shortage of haters and loonies here. Enjoy.
@Wibur – sounds like you are just making stuff up and when someone questions you, the double talk starts because you haven’t made up the rest of the story. This is the same crap you have been pedaling for four years Mulderpause!
@Kym @Double D
Just because all of the elements of this story aren’t neatly wrapped up like an episode of CSI, doesn’t mean it isn’t accurate.
People often do unusual things for unusual reasons. We don’t know the whole story, but rumors persist.
Whatever will you do if one day they are proved true?
Norma Jane
Quote by:
October 22, 2011 at 2:08 am Log in to Reply
Yup, that’s true!
There are a lot of snoggers out there who keep hiding because they still think that Anderson and Duchovny together in real life is a fantasy and don’t want to be mocked at. This is sad to say, but it happens. Fans who ship Anderson and Duchovny are continuously being bullied in forums and groups. We’re seeing it here too. The moment someone guesses this blind is about Anderson and Duchovny, these haters come in to discredit the guess.
That’s not significant Wilbur, if it were it will be on TV and in the most important mags …at least! They only ones talking about it, is you delusional snoggers and some unkown blogs reposting the same story to create some traffic for their sites LOL.
@ Wibur talk about getting your panties in a bunch – tell me this what does getting divorced, pretending to reconcile and then announcing another separation get you? He certainly does seek attention and if he wanted it there are easier ways to get it. IF the reconciliation wasn’t real why go to all that bother when they did separate in June everybody assumed he was cheating again. His rep as a sex addict and cheater is firmly cemented in most people’s minds.
As for Tea talking to a complete stranger – she keeps everything hush hush for two years and tells a perfect stranger just for kicks? Sorry does not compute.
Norma Jane
Gillian and David should be together.
Someone like Janet Charlton and the folks at Blind Gossip don’t pull these items out of thin air. They’ve likely been hearing about the divorce since it happened more than two years ago. But getting someone representing the parties involved to officially confirm has been difficult, to say the least. That’s why reading a tweet stating that Tea Leoni confirmed the divorce during a casual conversation with the tweeter’s wife is so significant.
The truth is out there, bust some of the posters here have their heads so far up their own asses, all the can see are their teensy brains.
Normal people is not afraid of anything unlike you, everytime you see reality like Gillian with Mark…you go sucidal, until you create new lies with your bunch of wako and no-life friends.
@Wilbur, you forgot your medication today, since when there’s an open-secret divorce? LMFAO – Only in your delusional and pathetic fantasies.
You people are frickin’ ridiculous! I post a tweet and hope for a reasonable conversation about the open secret of the Duchovny-Leoni divorce and you people pounce. It’s like you’re trying to use a cannon to kill a fly.
Your response is not proportional to the question. What are you so afraid of?
For the record, I never mentioned Gillian Anderson. She had nothing to do with my first post. You anti-snoggers need glasses and/or medication.
Who really cares?
If there isn’t a piece of paper with both of their signatures on out there and the words “DIVORCE DECREE” in the heading of said paper, then they are NOT divorced. If they were then why can’t someone like Janet find a piece of paper stating this? Divorce decrees ARE obtainable by the general public under the Freedom of Information Act and while the terms of the divorce are NOT up for public consumption, the actually divorce decree is and can be easily obtained once you find out which State said divorce was filed in. Until said piece of paper has been dsicovered, uncovered and thrown out there for all to see, as far as I am concerned they ARE still married. Anyone saying otherwise is as stupid as a bag of rocks for believing otherwise.
What is amazing is that this no news thread about nobody’s has gotten this many posts,. mostly from people using assumed names.
Is it a 4 seconds of fame thrill or something? Catch an episode of the Kardashians and see if it turns you on more.
These two are serial no talents who are starting to look alike and hopefully will disappear in 2012.
@Wilbur, Yeah, that’s what all delusional snoggers believe, so far that tweeter has’t responded when asked if his wife talked to her. Why would Téa tell her “secrets” to an extranger?
As Kym points out no matter if they are divorced or not, David is not with Gillian. That’s just elaboration of your perverted minds.
Whether they divorce in 2012, have recently divorced or divorced months ago is doesn’t mean he’s with Gillian – all it means is that his marriage is over. More than than likely he’been scratching his sexual addiction on this side of the pond. Personally, I don’t think either David or Gillian give each other a second look at this point. If they had wanted to be together, they would have there is NOTHING stopping them. This fact seems to elude some rather simple and delusional minds.
It sounds to me like the tweeter’s wife and Tea Leoni got into a conversation and Tea Leoni told the woman that she and David Duchovny have been divorced for a while. That also sounds consistent with other blind items about a Duchovny-Leoni divorce that have shown up online over the past couple of years.
Sometimes, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
@Wilbur, it’s like a type something I read online (he didn’t say he got an exclusive right?), and then all the the crazy-delusional-withoutlife-snoggers retweet that a bunch of times LOL in their sick minds they think that it will become real if they just retweet it enough! LOLZ
They are so pathetic retweeting it..They will have to come up with a new delusional story when they comfirm that David hasn’t been divorced yet.
Norma Jane
David should marry Gillian!