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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We’re hearing that it’s finally OVER for Tea Leoni and “Californication” star David Duchovny and it’s a shame. They’ve been together for 14 years and have two children, Madelaine, 12, and Kyd, 9. They split in 2008 but reconciled after David spent time in rehab for sex addiction. Last June they separated again (perhaps David started hitting the porn websites again) because we’ve been told their divorce has quietly, and without fanfare, become final. Now maybe Tea will do something about her “crush” on Billy Bob Thornton.

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  1. Wilbur

    Could this be straight from the horse’s mouth?

    Found Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011, on Twitter:

    jeffreyedwin Jeffrey Meeker
    So my wife met Téa Leoni last night. Apparently her and David Duchovny divorced a while back. IS IT MY JOB TO UPDATE THEIR WIKI PAGES!?!?!?

  2. This is how it is

    I completely understand your reticence. Believe me, anybody can say anything these days. Believe, don’t believe, I don’t care. I freely admit that my knowledge of the situation is at least 4 years old. But that’s what I know. I never said the relationship with Mark is fake. Just that D Duchovny and G Anderson are not monogamous people. Maybe they are now. Only they know. For former crew members it’s probably the main thing that they get asked. And any time an article is written about either one of them, the question comes up. There’re lots of things that happen that people don’t talk about because they want to keep working, not out of some loyalty to dysfunctional people who make sh*tloads of money for reciting words. I mean that in the general sense, though. Duchovny is moody but likes to make people laugh, and Anderson used to like to smoke pot and then wonder why she couldn’t remember sh*t. I’ve been around much worse, and maybe they’ve mellowed over the years. But they aren’t bad people, just regular people who get paid a lot of money for what they do.

  3. Rachel

    …and by the way, there’s quite a few disturbed-sounding people on here. Either get help if you need it, or stop acting like a-sholes who think they get a free pass just because they’re typing this on the internet. It’s all real-life.

  4. Rachel

    LO-f-cking-L. Yet another poor delusional soul who claims to know the ins and outs of David and Gillian’s private lives, nonchalantly acting like we’re expected to believe the word of yet another stranger on the Internet. I’d like to know how and when DD and GA conduct their secret liaisons. I know that DD is supposed to be well-hung, but I don’t think his penis extends as far as the UK, does it.

    GA is now in her 40’s and still as painfully honest about her personal relationship issues and the insecurities she has in relation to marriage as she ever was, and evidently tries to live as much of a “normal” life as possible, so why would she have spent the last six years of her life living with a man she’s not really that enamoured with? The answer is, she wouldn’t. She would never live a life of such pretence. She has no need to project a certain kind of image, and anyway, it’s not her MO.

    The paternity test story originated in The Daily Mail, so I’d hazard a guess that it was fabricated (just like DD’s supposed affair with his tennis instructor) 😉 . BTW, if you’d seen any photos of GA’s sons (they’re out there on the net, unfortunately), you’d know without hesitation that Griffiths is the father because of the strong resemblance they share.

  5. This is how it is

    Dave and Gillian aren’t in a “relationship.” They’re F&%@mates. They aren’t faithful in their personal relationships, and they aren’t faithful to each other. There’s no secret affair. They f&@% sometimes. That is troubling for whoever the significant others are because it’s just a fact. They also f&@# other people but seem particularly careless with one another. Which leads to the questionable timing of..all of Ms. Anderson’s pregnancies. I’m not saying I think/know who fathered any of her children, but I know that paternity tests were given to establish who was NOT the father/s, not who was. Julian Ozanne was simply eliminated as a prospect. BTW, He cheated on Gillian first. She was actually faithful to him, and was devastated by what some people refer to as “Karma.” She’s had more men than time. She’s trying to be stable right now, but a tiger can’t change it’s stripes. The same goes for D. Duchovny. I’d be struck dumb if they come out as a couple. But whoever Duchovny is “with,” that person will eventually realize what it is with those two. These people are who they are. They aren’t “evil” and certainly don’t deserve death threats.

  6. Weekky

    Thisisexhaustingtoread, Yup! If you are reading this you’re no better than us LOL

  7. Bonnie

    why are you here Thisisexhaustingtoread? Have nothing better to do?

  8. Thisisexhaustingtoread

    Why are you guys still talking? Nothing better to do than argue with each other over pointless matters and making assumptions without any facts. Assuming “snoggers” or “gillovny” (by the way wtf?) are all one actor fans over the other, assuming they all believe the same thing, Assuming to know everything about all (both sides of this dumba** argument) just contradict each other! Hypocrites! You guys do not know anything. Give it a rest. Argue over something worthy. Otherwise you all look pretty pathetic. I wish I never seen this thread.

  9. Wokr


    that was a good one

  10. Bonnie

    Of courese Mark is the father. They will do and say anyhing to make it seem as though her kids are with David.

  11. MonkeyGirl

    There is one simple fact that proves Mark is the father if Gillian’s boys – a paternity test. One was done when Oscar was born, at the request of Gillian’s former husband, Julian. Tests proved that Mark is Oscar’s father, not David Duchovny or anyone else. Since her boys are little clones of each other, we can assume Felix is his too. Some people need a reality check or some heavy drugs. David and Gillian are friends now, nothing more. They’re just people trying to make relationships work, like the rest of us.

  12. Bonnie

    Duchovny received a GG nomination…….Don’t think he will take his wife Gillian:)

  13. Marion

    @Pippy/Bonnie Er, the same goes for the DD fandom. At least acknowledge that. You’re the biggest “jerk” of them all in fact.

  14. Bonnie

    There are some really wonderful GA fans in the fandom. Some are BIG jerks but others are very nice.

  15. Truthseeker

    Nutters all of you, especially the fake Truthseeker who posted gibberish.

  16. Marion

    Sun light, if you’re going to try to convince people that you’re a different poster from GAISABITCH, here’s a hint: try and spell attract correctly.

    To DD fans again I say, how can Snoggers be genuine fans of either actor when they’re so blatantly disrespectful about aspects of their personal lives? Actually, if GA or DD were to read what many of their fans have to say, in general, they would be equal parts disgusted and horrified, but that’s a discussion for another time…

    In conclusion, stop putting the blame for the Snoggers behavior on the general population of GA fans. I’m a GA fan and I’d rather see her with *any* man than David Duchovny, so there.

  17. Sun light

    Snoggers are Gillian Anderson fans, a very disturbed kind of fan that just one very creepy celebrity like her could attrack. They are like a cancer eating your fandom and as a result we have people like Marion and other full of resentment writting the most ill messages that I have read in my life. You know that the malignant tumor tends to spread inside you and I just imagine how it will end.
    Peace and Love and God saves you.

  18. Bonnie

    Glad to see Gillian with Mark, he looks great! Maybe that will shut the snogger’s up.

  19. Realitybites

    @Marion – they like DD but they worship Gillian. That’s a fact.

  20. Marion

    Paula, you’re a laughing stock. Look at your life, look at your choices, woman.

  21. Marion

    Grow up, Pippy. People could be forgiven for thinking you’re a teenager, not a 50-something year-old woman and the mother of grown children. It must really rile you to see GA in a happy, stable relationship while Duchovny is on the outs with his wife while being an admitted sex addict. Didn’t see that coming when you were being abusive about GA all those years ago, did ya’? 😉

    Whoever you are, TruthSeeker (and I’m guessing you’re the one who posted under the monicker GAISABITCH), you seriously need to see someone about that mental affliction you have.

    @Bree I’ve noticed that Duchovny fans always try to push the blame on to GA fans, not even realizing that to be a Snogger, you can’t honestly be a real fan of either actor because of the lack of respect it entails. The reason that it might appear that all Snoggers are soley GA fans is because they’re young women who look up to GA (and Scully) as a role model. It’s not like many of these young women are going to gravitate towards Duchovny as a role model because he’s male, for one thing. Young female XF fans are more likely to be ‘Shippers as well, and that’s the part of the fandom where the whole Snogger thing kicked off. The Snoggers at least have to *like* Duchovny to want him to be with GA though, otherwise their obsession with wanting him and GA together really doesn’t contain any logic. This is all about Mulder and Scully in the end though. The Snoggers can’t separate the actors from the characters, just because of this so-called “chemistry” they had.

  22. Bonnie

    @Truthseeker, LOL:) Thanks for the laugh:)

  23. Winnie






    Paulasx24Paula Hopper

    I pity you, rabids. Spreading old David Duchovny and Tea Leoni videos as if they were a treasure. Sorry, you can’t beat us! #gillovny4ever

    Paulasx24Paula Hopper #Gillovny Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. And this isn’t old :p #FUC kYou Rabids

  25. Truthseeker

    Never mind. Mark is with Tea.

  26. Bonnie

    @bree, you’re right!! West and Miller are a beautiful combo of David and Tea. You’re also right about the snoggers really only loving Gillian. They don’t give a shit about David. So why they are so enthralled about them being a couple is beyond me. As far as Gillian’s little boys being David’s kids is also stupid. Then, how can you expect deranged people to have common sense:)

  27. Sue

    @Truthseeker Mark is with her at the premier, you creepy, offensive little servant of Satan.

  28. bree

    The one thing I will never understand – Why are all the Gillovny people so Gillian-focused? There are nice, normal Gillian Anderson fans who don’t care much for Duchovny and I understand that – they are not his fans what I don’t get is that all teh snoggers could care less about Duchovny EXCEPT as a partner for Gillian. They blod about her, post her pictures, gush over her, talk about her and barely notice that Duchovny is alive save as arm candy> I would think you would have to be a fan of both to be a snogger. All they care about is putting his estranged wife down and questioning the paternity of his children. P.S. Take a LONG look at West and Miller and tell me that David isn’t their father with a straight face!

  29. Truthseeker

    GA s. What are you doing here?sob!

    By the way, Gillian The vampire attacks again, now she is biting Tom Cruise. The woman is selling herself cheap.
    She is destroying her little credibility left.

    Too little too later. She is too old for all these horrible dresses. Ridiculous. Lololol

    Where is MARK? That pathetic Sob.

  30. KitKat

    I don’t think so, they will only come up with another delusional excuse like “publicity stunt” “contract”… you know the roll…

  31. hally

    i want to ask all you guys that tell gillian is with david if david link with another woman after divorce or gillian with another man ,then what they want say?will they finish their rumors?

  32. Bonnie

    Sure KitKat, on purpose:)

  33. KitKat

    Maybe just maybe…MAYBE!
    David read this bs, and said my *WIFE* on purpouse lol

  34. Truthseeker

    Don’t know what that is. You’re one of the nutters, Kym.

  35. Kym

    @ Truthseeker – Hi Mulderpause – queen of the snoggers!

  36. Truthseeker

    It is what it is. No one has to explain it to the nutter fans.

  37. Bonnie

    @kym ITA with every word you’ve said about the so called divorce. There is no reason in the world why they would have to keep this secret. Not when much bigger stars are OK with letting the world no that their marriage is done. Who the hell would care? Yes, i’ll feel bad that things didn’t work out but for sure neither David or Tea’s career could be hurt by them going their separate ways.

  38. StopFantasies

    Hmm…sealed divorce??. Hmm…what’s the point? They made public their separation.

    They haven’t divorced yet.
    You want to make him divorced so he can play your fantasies…

  39. Kym

    @Truthseeker I find it interesting that the only people who know about this “open secret” are snoggers. So since they are divorced but only announced that they are separated are they going to stay separated forever? Normally, people divorce and want to move onto new relationships, if they are already divorced why not openly be with their current partners? If nobody cares that they are divorced – say it and move on – people won’t brink an eyelash.
    You can seal a divorce record BUT not the fact that a divorce has taken place. It is very hard to hide anything in New York State – very strict divorce laws regardless of whether you are a celeb – it isn’t Hollywood.

  40. Realitybites

    What would be the point of sealing a divorce if they were then going to blab it all over Hollywood to the point that it’s an open secret. Ignorant and kind of defeats the purpose but then that matches the mentality of the person who started that rumor.
    They are not divorced.

  41. Truthseeker

    David and Tea were quietly divorced in late 2009. Their marriage was over long before that. Records were and still are sealed. This has nothing to do with snoggers or fantasies and more to do with David maintaining a viable, commercial public image after the sex addiction revelation nearly destroyed his career. Their divorce is an open secret in showbiz circles. Only the general public doesn’t know, and frankly, news of a divorce probably wouldn’t generate much interest with the general public, just a handful of nutter fans.

  42. KitKat

    There’s no doubt to me that David still loves Téa. Idk, just saying.

  43. Ohreally

    I want to thank each and every one of you for making me laugh. You guys are all quite entertaining to see fight with each other over something you cannot prove EITHER way. They could be very well divorced or not, David and Gillian could be bumping uglies OR maybe not. Basically, the fight is pointless because you cannot prove either way. Keep it up–I do admit that its a fun read.

  44. Daphne

    “my wife” eat that snoggers RLMFAO!!!

  45. DScully

    I agree with Bonnie… there is no reason to believe that David and Tea had anything other than a good marriage and that they were faithful to each other.

    Dee’s accusations that they were “known to go outside their marriage” is a simply a vague remark with nothing to back it up… except the delusions of her mind.

    I also don’t believe that Tea would have put up with David cheating, since she gave him an ultimatum before they got married. She made him choose between her or someone else he was dating before they got serious. A woman doesn’t do that and then allow her husband to cheat later.

    And when David was on Letterman tonight, he talked about Tea and it certainly didn’t seem or appear that there is a break in the relationship. Since there has been no official announcement of a divorce, I have to assume they are still trying to work things out until they say differently.

    Also to all of the remarks about Gillian’s traveling being some sort of problem, though I’m not sure why traveling should be a problem. For the information of those who seem to think it’s a problem.

    Gillian travels for a few specific reasons… ie. work in far off locations, charity work, which she is quite involved in to a large extent, and occasionally to the US either for work or to visit her family which live in the states. Her brother had become very ill and very recently died.

    So for those of you calling her names and saying hateful things, and you know WHO YOU ARE… you are all pathetic. And I don’t know what is wrong with this Samantha and/AKA GAISABITCH, but you really need some psychological help. Sign yourself into a mental health facility somewhere before the authorities lock you up.

  46. Scully

    @Dee I thought you were a snogger and you would start with the same old crazy stories…
    I do believe people can be fan of both without being delusional lol, I love both.

  47. Bonnie

    Just saw David on Letterman tonight. He is still referring to Tea as “his wife”. Someone better let Gillian know. I think the person attacking Gillian might just be trying to make Duchovny fans look bad. I’ve never seen any Duchovny fan say what he/she has said. Death threats is going to far.

  48. Dee

    I’m an X Files fan. Why is that delusional? I object to the way Gillian Anderson is attacked by people who claim to be David fans. I’m no snogger, but apparently anyone who mentions DD and GA in the same sentence is accused of being delusional. Gillian had nothing to do with the demise of David’s marriage. Believe it or not Scully you can be a fan of both DD and GA without believing in fantasies like the rabids and the snoggers do. The people on here who are trashing GA make themselves look bad. They don’t need me to do that for them. Unlike you I don’t hate delusional people, but I don’t like those who spew hatred against people they don’t even know.

  49. Scully

    start 😛

  50. Scully

    @Dee don’t star saying that. Because I love GILLIAN and DAVID, and most of us love seeing them 2gether BUT not in the same delusional way you do.

    You only want to make us look bad, thanks for trying…although no1 can compete with your delusions.