We’re hearing that it’s finally OVER for Tea Leoni and “Californication” star David Duchovny and it’s a shame. They’ve been together for 14 years and have two children, Madelaine, 12, and Kyd, 9. They split in 2008 but reconciled after David spent time in rehab for sex addiction. Last June they separated again (perhaps David started hitting the porn websites again) because we’ve been told their divorce has quietly, and without fanfare, become final. Now maybe Tea will do something about her “crush” on Billy Bob Thornton.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
There are an awful lot of posters here using screen names of people from other sites. I know that the Gillovny on this site is a total fake. Everyone knows that David lives in NY and Gillian in London. IMO these are rabid Duchovny fans posing as snoggers to make DD and GA fans look stupid. These same rabids were annoyed when X File fans had a twitter campaign for XF3. They can’t stand DD and GA getting together,even professionally. I don’t know why they hate Gillian so much.
What GA´s fans are doing here?
Calling someone of
“ignorant crackpot” is extremely rude.
GAISABITCH is David&Tea from Haven. He/she is an idiot.
You’re a real charmer, Samantha (AKA GAISABITCH). You say you hope bad things happen to GA, you make death threats and you say *her* fans are unstable? Looks like you could use a visit to a mental health professional yourself. You blame GA for something that’s out of her control? You *really* are an illiterate, ignorant crackpot. By the way, you’re on the internet, so try using spellcheck for once, you imbecile.
I totally agree with GAISABITCH here.
I always think GILLIAN ANDERSON was kind of airhead someone who attracks just idiots as fans but after reading what her fans are writting here (the post is about D and T) I am sorry to say that she deserves all kind of bad things in her life because she attracks the most mentally ill or instable persons of the world as fans. I blame her for feed this animosity around her name.
Congratulations Gillian Anderson fans, you are the best, specially you Tom.
I think Bree’s right – it could be a snogger planting a nasty post so they can point to this and say that all Duchovny fans are nasty to Gillian. I like her
Wow, death threats?! You’re as bad, or worse, than the snoggers you despise, GAISABITCH. Oh, and you have a personal hotline to GA do you? LMFAO. Maybe you should watch what you say, you ignorant crackpot. You don’t get a free pass just because you’re writing this on the internet.
I doubt he/she is a snogger since most snogger’s love Gillian and he/she doesn’t
@GAisabitch or whatever must be a sicko snogger fan.
Very strange indeed!
@Lisa and Sam
Lisa, I saw that Tonight show and Gillian said no such thing about Mark not being a lover. She was simply saying that she doesn’t refer to him as her lover, but as her partner.
Sam, Leno wasn’t clarifying what kind of relationship Gillian has with Mark. He was simply asking or clarifying how she wanted Mark to be referred to, since they are not married she obviously doesn’t call Mark her husband.
Lisa, but as someone else mentioned, you normally don’t refer to someone you are having a long-term relationship with as a “lover”, especially in a public situation such as that. The term lover is generally used for someone with whom one only has a sexual relationship… as with an affair.
Sam, there are many kinds of partners… those one is involved in “business” with and those in one’s personal life. Gillian has never referred to Mark as a business partner and…
Lisa… one usually doesn’t LIVE with a business partner unless they are in a personal relationship also.
I have never heard of Mark being involved in show business, so there isn’t much reason they would be business partners. They are also not partners like Mulder and Scully were, in a professional way. That only leaves one other type of partner… romantic partners…life partners.
Any other stupid rationalizations or insinuations?
Personally, I think there is a snogger that is trying to make the rest us look bad by posting here. I liked David and Tea as a couple sorry to see that his problems likely caused a rift that was not repairable. I am not a big Gillian fan but I think she is a very good actress. I have too much respect for her to drag her into this mess – she isn’t involved in the problem that was/is Tea and David’s marriage. I also think a divorce is imminent but I doubt anything is offical just yet.
Both look like they need a bath!
How shallow to make die threats on a gossip website,,,,especially over these 2 low level has beens……makes you understand how the Kadashians have been successful!
Yes, GA got pregnant with Mark’s child while still married to Julian. They were separated (so her fans say) but still married as far as i understand. Not the smartest move on her part.
You don’t believe MARK was unfaithful to his girlfriend? Seriously? How can you call others delusional when you believe that. Both MARK and GA were known to go outside the marriage, it just got out of control for them. Do you remember GA having a baby from another man while being married with Julian??? It’s one thing to be a fan, it’s another to buy their BS. GILLIAN ANDERSON IS AN alcoholic and she will be forever.
WARNING: ONE MORE WORD ABOUT D OR T HERE and I will let GA know what all of you are doing here
WHAT SCULLY?!!!!! You´re such a IDIOT. This place is about one very sad event about two REAL people that can happen in every family.
YOU, delusional and eVIL GILLIAN THE BITCH ANDERSON FANS are doing here is unforgetable and putting on TWITTER for all people can read your disgusting comments is unbereable.
BREE,TOM, Julie I saved your comments and I will send them to GA.
Well, this is not the place to talk about your hate towards DD or GA. Love them both but I HATE DELUSIONAL PEOPLE!! GRR!!
Let me laugh a little bit more of all the delusionals out there. Hahaha
@Lisa, I’m still waiting for your video. I wanna see the context. I don’t remember very well, but I do believe she loves Mark.
The only thing I know is GILLIAN ANDERSON is NOT aging gracefully. She look too skinny, ho hips, no curves anywhere.
Gillian Anderson looks awful in recent pics with blond hair and terrible dresses. She looks as my English Teacher, Mrs. Bondfire. LOL That hairstyle makes her look awful.
I dont think she has any chance in Hollywood after all these years. I think she should go work in Bollywood. It would be better than working in another BBC production LOLOLOO.
I totally dislike her exaggerations in acting style.
While YOU fans of GILLIAN ANDERSON are here putting her friend and his family down YOU are building a terrible aura around her. YOU will SEE how ALL her projects will fail.
You are being a great work here. You know, if I meet GA i will say what are you saying about her ex-co-star.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? THIS IS ABOUT D and T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You and your bitc GILLIAN ANDERSON -THE MOST RIDICULOUS, UNGRATEFUL, GREED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD will to die in a very painful way.
Geez first Tea likes women and now GA:) Maybe they should become a couple:) Sorry, GA does not seem to be the lady on lady type. Neither does Tea. I do however agree with you that Gillian is not David’s type.
GILLIAN ANDERSON is not DD type because she likes WOMAN much more than men. She is DIRTY!
I´ve heard all kind of nasty things about GILLIAN THE BITCH ANDERSON.
Hollywood hates her!!
When she HAD to leave States she was one of the most hateful people in bussiness. I despise her and I am not even a Leoni fan.
I just imagine if she knows what her fans are doing on the Internet for years now.
SHAME ON YOU. You atract the worst for her, you know that?
A boring typical American…………Wow! I’m pretty sure that GA does not take her kids with her all of the time. Her daughter is in school. I didn’t say there was anything wrong with travel. I also don’t think there is anything wrong with being a homebody
Jesus Christ, who cares?!
GA loves to travel – so what? So would I if I had her money and lifestyle. Her kids will grow up having experienced many different cultures. They’ll be very open-minded like their mother. To me, Duchovny is a boring, typical American.
Tea would have let David years ago if he was unfaithful to her. She is not the type that would put up with that. I still don’t believe their breakup now had anything to do with another woman. IF David or Tea is with someone else I’d think by now you would see them out together wither their new loves. I agree with bree that David and Gillian are to opposite to ever be in a relationship other them working friends. David would never in a million years move to London and that’s where GA lives. He is also more of a homebody where as she loves to gallivant every chance she gets.
For what it is worth I have almost never seen two people who are more ill-suited to be in a relationship than Gillian and David. They might like and respect each other but their personalities are a complete mishmatch and not in the opposites attract kind of way. David couldn’t make it work with Tea and people have said for years how well they compliment each other. Personally I think his sex addiction makes it impossible for him to be in any relationship – I hope he just stays single and nobody is dumb enough to think he’s going to stay faithful to them.
I am NEVER going to be able to understand WHY David and Tea getting divorced now or having marital problems for years has anything to do with Gillian. She has her own life people. She doesn’t live in New York and he doesn’t live in London so in the extreme event that there is ANYTHING between them it certainly isn’t a real relationship. Maybe they hook up for sex (which i HIGHLY doubt) but their lives couldn’t be more different. IF David’s kids didn’t live in New York he’d be in LA full-time and Gillian hates it. Even if Gillian breaks up with Mark she’ll find someone else and it won’t be David. Somehow if she wanted him and he wanted her they would have done it PUBLICLY a long time ago. The rest of this is nonsense and fantasy with not one speck of evidence to prove it – not one in almost 20 years.
Gillian is in London now because of GE promotion. Isn’t it? Then she goes to the U.S. for Christmas. In early January, she will be in Los Angeles (GE promotion), then on Sundance. And then she will live in New York (Broadway). I do not know, if they together or not. But I hope that they will be together. They know each other very long. They love each other. They respect each other. I think this is an excellent foundation for successful relationship.
About Tea. I’m glad to hear that she is already in other relationship. I wish happiness to them all.
Hugh Fink’s son tweeted that he was in the green room at Letterman with DD and his kids, so they filmed it today and it’s on my tv schedule for Friday night. Guess what……….NO GA:)
Another London sighting for GA? That’s about 6 in the last 8 days. That commute time from NYC must be awful…;)
I’m waiting for the video too, but as far I can remember GA just said some nice words of Mark.
Picture this snoggers, she sleeps with that dude and has sex with him. got it?
IF they did that…you can’t prove that either 😛
Even if they cheated, they really loved/love each other.Eat my socks snoggers
They were known to go outside their marriage? Then how come in the 14 years they were never caught in a picture with someone else? So, no i don’t believe for one second that either of them cheated on one another.
@Bonnie You don’t believe David was unfaithful to his wife? Seriously? How can you call others delusional when you believe that. Both DD and TL were known to go outside the marriage, it just got out of control for him. I can’t believe anyone buys that porn addiction story either. That was disinformation put out by a publicist. It’s one thing to be a fan, it’s another to buy their BS. They liked to be known as one of the few normal Hollywood couples. Nothing was further from the truth.
I think its sounds nicer in an interview to say “my partner” rather then “my lover”. She was doing the right thing by putting it like that. It does sound much nicer. There are many married people that refer to their husband or wife as my partner. As in partner in life. Geez you people will try and pick at the least little thing to try and prove your take which is WRONG and horribly offensive to both David and Gillian.
where’s the video???
I still don’t believe that David was unfaithful to Tea. Also how do you know that David has been quite active. The paps have not had one picture of him with another women. That said if they are split then i hope they both find happiness with others. I do believe however they will both be there for their kids. I see pictures of David with the kids all of the time.
Oh come on!! I think I remember this.. could you please post the video here where GILLIAN SAYS that Mark is not her lover??? HAHA
If that’s the case why she would tell about her “secret plan”
Good lord, you people sound ridiculous. GA is one of the most forthright celebrities I’m aware of. There is no way on Earth that she would conduct a fake romantic relationship with someone. And she’s been living with MG for six years now. She’s not a big-name Hollywood star who has to constantly worry about her image and who she dates, she’s a low-profile actress who lives in a quiet part of London and keeps herself to herself.
If Tea Leoni has a new man, I say good luck to her. No one knows what she’s had to put up with from Duchovny all these years.
Well if Tea is actually dating someone yeah for her – maybe this guy will be faithful to her. For what it is worth I heard someone else say the same thing. I have also heard that David has been quite active these days and it isn’t with his former co-star.
Even if Mark is just a partner (which I doubt) it doesn’t mean anything. Gillian may have her own reasons for contracting with a gay (again I doubt) – who knows maybe they are bearding for each other.
Anderson isnt Duchovny’s type because she’s short, unathletic and brainless.
@sean You can’t argue with a simpleton.
I think in any case if a TV host, in this case Leno, had to ask that question is because the “relationship” is not clear to call it “something” If it was obvious what they were to each other, there would be no need to ask that type of question.
“Not my lover.” Can’t be more clear than that.
Partner sounds more like a business arrangement. Fancy that.
For Sean,
Partner is also someone who you have only a commercial relationship with;) Why did you forget about that definition?
For Sean,
Partner is also someone who you have only a commercial relationship with;) Why did you forget abouot that definition?
For lisa, from MacMillan Dictionary British English:
someone who you live with and have a sexual relationship with
Are partners invited to the office party?
Please state your partner’s name and occupation.
the search for an eligible marriage partner
Thesaurus entry for this meaning of partner
Anderson isn’t Duchovny’s type. Allegedly, he’s more into strippers and young girls.