We’re hearing that it’s finally OVER for Tea Leoni and “Californication” star David Duchovny and it’s a shame. They’ve been together for 14 years and have two children, Madelaine, 12, and Kyd, 9. They split in 2008 but reconciled after David spent time in rehab for sex addiction. Last June they separated again (perhaps David started hitting the porn websites again) because we’ve been told their divorce has quietly, and without fanfare, become final. Now maybe Tea will do something about her “crush” on Billy Bob Thornton.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
@Lisa She called Mark her partner. Lover sounds too flippant, like someone you’re having a fling with, so I can understand why she didn’t approve of the term. Nice try though.
@Pippy/Bonnie They’re not real GA fans, they’re Snoggers. Snoggers have no respect for GA or DD, or is that not yet apparent?
Look up GA’s last appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno at the end of July. Pay special attention to where she says that Mark “is not my lover.”
Isn’t it nice that these supposed GA fan’s are talking such shit about the man she loves and the father of her two little boys. Maybe Mark and GA can send you guys some money to get help.
Bitter, party of one. Table is yours, Laura.
@Lisa and @Gina
Better be prepared to cry :'( when your fantasies are destroyed. :'(
Bonnie/Pippy, Gina31 is writing about Tea and her new boyfriend.
Mark and his boyfriend live in London.
I thought that Mark owned a wheel clamping business. Yes, he has his own money. He did not have to pretend to be anyone other then himself.
Gina – who are you talking about?
BTW, he is the owner of an technology company. He got a multimillion dollar penthouse on 5th ave.
She got divorced in 2009. Now is dating a rich guy in Manhattan, an old flame from her Caribbean days.
ITA with you DScully. There has been no divorce announcement yet. Although I think this time David and Tea will eventually get divorced. Some say its a time element that in NY you have to wait up until a year. I hope I’m wrong. I find it so sad that those nut jobs seem to rejoice in a marriage falling apart. Gillian seems very happy with Mark. Where on earth did they come up with that gay thing anyway. What ever led them to believe he is. In MHO Its just a dumb scenario to keep their dream alive.
Actually…. I’m sure if David and Gillian come together again to start filming the XF3 soon, that will be just the fodder some of the loonies in here need to “prove what they always thought was true”. It doesn’t seem to take much to set this bunch off.
I really don’t think there are any “If’s” about it. Both David and Gillian are pretty honest straightforward people, and both have generally made announcements via spokespersons concerning events or changes in their personal lives.
Since no such announcements have been made regarding a divorce on David’s part or a breakup with partner on Gillian’s part, there is no reason to think either has occurred. An where in the heck are some in this site getting the idea that Mark is gay?
The only times Gillian’s has really been secretive or more accurately, not willing to talk about her personal life and relationships… was to protect the privacy of her family who are not celebrities and have not sought to be celebrities.
That of course would not be the case with David, so there would be no reason for any secrecy on their parts. They are friends as they have said, that is all…. there is no reason to think otherwise unless they announce something different.
Kym, don’t ascribe traits to me that I don’t exhibit. Where did I ever say they live together?
@ Sam
I don’t think so, as I have dealt with Pippy on another site where she is just as delusional and full of venom toward GA there also, due to her obsession with David and jealousy over GA. Re-reading Bonnie’s posts, she is too logical and realistic to be Pippy.
Wait a minute Lisa, you said “Secrets don’t stay secrets forever…” You are one of the people that think this is an almost 20 year relationship. You can’t have it both ways.
Non-snoggers are pretty sure that no relationship exists because the people involved have stated that they have had a very up and down relationship and they live in two different countries. Why are you so afraid to say why you are so convinced Gillian lives in New York with her kids?
Scully, you seem ridiculously obsessed by what other people may think. Why can’t you just live and let live?
Why does people like Lisa mention D&G relationship like if it was a fact? Something we have to wait and see. LOL
I bet January is gonna be over D&G will show up, we’ll see pictures of them 2gether, and they will all over twitter and facebook spreading their stupid fantasies. Gillian will be back in London, but they will be planning new fantasies…
Hey David and Gillian, if you are together you have my support and many other fans too!!!:D
IF they’re having a relationship and hiding it, perhaps irrational and judgemental “fans” like those posting here give them cause to wonder. I’m sure they’ve had run-ins with scary, nutjob fans before. IF a relationship exists, it will come out eventually. Secrets usually don’t stay secret forever. Usually.
Lisa, Bree wasnt afraid to answer your question so why dont you answer the question everyone else keeps asking: Why do they need to hide their relationship?
Bonnie IS Pippy, DScully.
If they were together nothing will happen, the world will continue to spin, you certainly have no life…still…usual stuff.
Wake up, stop living in fantasyland.
I loved the chemistry between David and Gillian on the X-Files. I was/am a BIG shipper. But i can separate the characters from the actors where as some of those snogger can’t.
I’m sorry… I think I mistakenly lumped you with Pippy, who along with Piper is one of the delusional making absurd and baseless accusation about Gillian.
Although I did want to correct you on one thing you said above. That is “In the time that David was with Tea GA has had two husbands and a boyfriend.” I believe that GA was married and divorced from her 1st husband before David even met Tea’ and certainly before they were married.
So in actuality, she has had the 2nd marriage which didn’t work out before she got together with her current partner and seems to be raising a family quite happily with him. But as you I agree that both Gillian and David have had their share of relationship difficulties… Gillian’s were in the past while David seems to be in the middle of them now.
In regards to the seemingly irrational hatred that Pippy and Bonnie have for Gillian Anderson… calling her a bad mother and other baseless accusations.
I think their irrational feelings stem from 2 things…. firstly their obsession with David and their jealousy of Gillian’s working relationship and chemistry with David… which they imagine meant they were really involved romantically… which leads back to their obsession with David and jealousy of Gillian.
It’s an endless circle of delusion and their inability to function in the real world, at least without hours psycho therapy. Perhaps electroshock would help them, or maybe I’m just exaggerating now like they do all the time. At least I’m aware of it, but I question whether they are.
Why is what i’m saying not rational? I agree with most of what you’ve said.
There is obviously a difference of opinion here as to whether or not David and Gillian are or have ever been together. And as usual, the difference is mostly between those of us who are capable of rational thought (we know who we are) and those who are slightly if not completely delusional and wacko such as Pippy and Bonnie. I name them because delusional people rarely know who they are.
These are the wackos who are asking the rational people to try to “prove they aren’t together”, challenging us to disprove something that doesn’t exist. So let me just offer this little tidbit of stark evidence, though the Wackos will most likely not accept it.
David and Gillian, being in the entertainment realm… generally operate in public via managers or spokespersons, when it comes to making points of their personal lives public. They have always made announcements about events in their personal lives, ie. marriages, divorces, separations, pregnancies, births of their children, etc.
If David and Tea are or have divorced, they would have a spokesperson make a formal announcement of that, just as they made known their separations, etc. Since there has not been any such announcement that I know of, I will assume that event has not happened as yet.. and hopefully they are still working to try to bring their family back together.
As far as David and Gillian getting together, which granted is not really in the realm of reality as far as the rational thinkers in the blog. But to the Wackos out there, living in an alternate reality from the rest of us, I have a question.
What makes you think that David and Gillian would need to keep that a secret if they did? I suggest that if by some chance they wanted to be together, they would simply be together in the open… with no reason to keep their relationship a secret. What would be the point or purpose of all this bizarre sneaking around in secret?
@ Lisa
Speaking to the subject of the chemistry between David and Gillian. OF COURSE IT IS OR WAS REAL. That is why they were cast together in their parts on the Xfiles. Their on-screen chemistry was REAL and it showed loud and clear in their scenes together. In fact, they were both aware of their on-screen chemistry and mentioned it in interviews. The operative word here being ON-SCREEN of course.
But that on-screen chemistry doesn’t necessarily translate to their REAL -LIFE. A point I believe Scully tried to make to you earlier. Since the series end, they have both gone on with their own SEPARATE lives, with their own families and have even made their homes in different countries. It’s seems perfectly clear to most people, they are living separate lives apart from being friends.
Okay Lisa – I’ll bite. It would mean that Gillian and David are BOTH morally bankrupt and every single thing they have said for the last 18 years has been a lie. They are adulterers that have cheated on spouses and significant others. They have brought children into the world that are not acknowledged nor parented by one of them. They have potentially hurt and scandalized the children that David legally acknowledges (Unless of course you believe that Miller and West are not really David’s like some snoggers do)by embrolied them in this mess when their father alrady embarrassed them with his sex addiction. Shall I go on?
Hey costars wanna hook up and not involve SO and children, go for it. Lie, cheat and fake the public for decades that’s about as low class as you get. Gillian sort or prides herself on being a role model for strong women so her example is to be a man’s dirty littel secret? Doesn’t sound like something she would do. Personally, I think Gillian is above that, hell even David is above that.
Bree, you cannot say anything with absolute certainty unless you are one of the involved parties.
My question was ‘What IF they were together? What’s so bad about that?’
Why are you so afraid to answer?
Exactly Bree! You hit the nail on the head. David is supposedly divorced. GA’s boyfriend Mark is not really her boyfriend but a gay man who is getting paid to pretend he is her boyfriend. So yeah, there is no reason to be keeping this BIG dark secret. Neither David or Gillian are A list actors. What they do will not affect their careers. So explain to me delusional people………. why this big cherarde?????????????????? Give us doubters a good answer and we might start to believe you. Until then i think you’re all nuts!!
I can’t say with absolute certainty that he hasn’t happened – my opinion only is that they might have hooked up back in the day. The reality is that there is more proof there is no ongoing romance and np proof at all that there is besides wishful thinking. To believe the snogger line you have to think that David and Gillian have keep secret an 18-year relationship, three children, being married, living together etc. and NOBODY has ever found this out. The parties involved have always denied it and Gillian is always talking about how important truth is – so she lies about everything? She seems like she has more integrity than that. Gillian is 43 and David 51 – if they are involved – why not be mature about it? Aren’t they tired of sneaking around? There is nothing holding them back at this point.
Sorry you’re so militantly closed minded, Scully. You still haven’t answered the question.
Why would anyone be afraid if they got together? The question is, where is the proof of this long term romance. So far I’ve seen nothing. Where is the proof? Where are the pictures? How do you think two people could keep something like that quiet for so many years. They have kids, kids talk to their friends. Friends come over to visit. There is no way on earth that these two people have ever been a couple no less living together.
What question? You think I’m afraid of them getting together? HA! Because I’m not. Unlike you, after 10 years of waiting you’re gonna be suicidal because they will be with different people LOL.
Scully, I haven’t created anything. I merely asked questions which you haven’t answered. Don’t be afraid.
Ok. I think we’re changing the subject here. The point is those people creating stories are delusional and sick IMHO, we can all agree with that.
Lisa, I KNOW, because I’m realistic, not a crazy delusional fan who can’t separate fiction and reality.
You should ask yourself why are you living a fantasy? does it have an end? when are you going to stop creating sh:t?
@Kym, why is David any more a mess then Gillian? He went and got help. You see him with his kids all of the time. You have not seen him out and about with any other woman. To me that sounds like a guy that is on the right track. You don’t see him galavanting all over the world to art openings etc like GA. In the time that David was with Tea GA has had two husbands and a boyfriend. Bottom line, he is no more of a mess then she is from what i see.
I keep coming back to the same question but snoggers make statements like “Gillian and David are living in New York City” some even claim they are married and when asked for even a shred of evidence to prove it they say prove that it didn’t happen? The evidence to prove that it didn’t happen or isn’t happen is pretty overwhelming namely three marriages, five kids with other partners and the fact that they live thousands of miles apart – he is seen in NYC and she is seen in London and they are never seen in each other’s city. People can hide secrets for awhile but I have a very hard time believing someone can live in a city for any length of time and never be seen at all – does Gillian go about in disguises all the time? Why are they still hiding if the divorce is final? I would think that if the snoggers KNOW this that the tabs would also – wouldn’t they great National Enquirer headline – “Mulder and Scully Get together!!!!!!” Just a shred of truth that is not made up is all I am asking for – why is that so hard?
P.S. I would think that Gillian has more self-respect to involve herself in David’s screwed up life – he’s a mess.
You sound awfully sure about that, Scully. How do you know it hasn’t happened already? How do you KNOW?
Dear Lisa,
If Gillian wants David/ David wants Gillian, good for them. BUT that’s not gonna happen, that’s only your delusion speaking..
Hey! If David wants Gillian, God Bless him:) He will really need all the help the lord can give him to be with a mess like her. I’d like to see him happy. If its Gillian that does it well, so be it. That said, then I would know for sure he had lost a few marbles along the way.:)
You’re actually afraid it could happen, aren’t you? Why else such a bitter, vitriolic reply? You sound like you’re coming unglued. If they’re laughing at anyone, it’s you.
David and Gillian would not end up together, just accept it, it’s a fact. If they were reading this they would laugh in your faces and feel pity for your sick minds.
You guys are so stupid waiting for them to be 2gether, you will be waiting FOREVER.
All screen couples, Scully? You’ve seen everything ever made for screen? You must not get out much, but you’ve certainly avoided answering the question. Back to the screening room for you.
Keep dreaming, all screen couples have chemistry, that’s why casting exists.
SCREEN!! does that ring a bell for you?
Real life and Fiction, two different things. I guess you don’t see the difference.
Sam, you know it’s just a typing mistake, don’t be so delusional
The gall of some Duchovny fans! Hypocrites, the lot of you.
I love it when tasteless people (Pippy being the prime example) decide to wag their finger and draw the line of what is acceptable. Been deriding the physical appearance of any children lately, Pippy?
Vladigora, you sound like a high school gossip columnist, only with a much more delusional and dangerous edge. It’s sad to think that your life is so bereft of any meaning that you have to make up stories about your favorite celebrities on the internet.
If GA had been having a secret romantic relationship with Duchovny for the last two decades, why did she move to London in 2002 and remain there? Surely she’d want to stay relatively close to the man she truly loves, not live millions of miles away from him. As for anyone who honestly thinks GA is living in NY, you should be launched into the sun for your enormous stupidity.
Duchovny isn’t a catch, by the way. He’s a middle-aged sex addict with a truckload of baggage. What woman would date him without thinking to themselves, “Can I trust him?”
What if David and Gillian end up together, KitKat and Bonnie/Pippy, why would that be a bad thing, not that they’ll ask you or need your permission. What if that chemistry was real and they really do care for each other? What would you do then?