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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Online haters seem to pick on Taylor Swift every chance they get, and we can’t figure out why. She’s got looks, talent, style, good manners, and phenomenal success. She’s not crass or vulgar, doesn’t badmouth people, and keeps her clothes on. In other words, she doesn’t embarrass her parents. So why is she a target for so many negative comments? By the way, we loved Taylor’s excitement because Madonna said nice things about her and her thrill at actually meeting her idol.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. iflyfar

    Maybe because she is a dead fish in bed and worst of all a chronic mouth breather.

  2. bella

    what is a “real” Strom ?

    well, he’s a racist and a homophobe, he’s real oily, anally obsessed, deeply insecure and chronically envious, another sub-literate, unemployable high school dropout – who still lives in his poor mom’s basement with his inflatable girl friends … oh, and he lies about being in the military, cause he’s too short, way too fat and far too dull witted

  3. Strom

    Tiny imposter…got its hand slapped but has snuck back from the call center.

    It so wants to be the real Strom!

  4. strom

    I admit, that my best, ” Strom’s success!” by far, is when I’m able to get that sticky plastic clear wrapping off my blow up, anatomically correct lady latex girfriend doll, without any help from my mum …

  5. Strom

    Tiny little imposter, never left the ghetto or travelled the world like Strom, so jealous of Strom’s success!

  6. strom

    ditto, Kabul liar

  7. Strom

    Tiny little imposter…so in love w/ Strom that it tries to be Strom!

  8. strom

    she’s perfect, she is white !

  9. Bubba Q

    she’s a hideous hillbilly, and merely another white, pop product delivery device, soulless and at her core, as crass a Kayne, landfill

  10. Philberto Cardenez

    Don’t let your daughters idolize this filthy promiscuous corporate drone.

  11. Daggers

    If this hideous dress is fashion, then the world has truly gone bonkers. There is something just so phony about her. She does know how to promote herself and is very crafty and of course very very rich.

    She is always on the front row of any type award dancing around and trying to get the camera fixed on her. Also, that blood red lipstick is too too much and the top lip is thin and crooked. (see her photo to the left below Katy Perry).

  12. Natalie

    Taylor is talented musically and has created a successful career. Like her music or not, at least she’s famous for doing something, rather than so many who are famous because they had a sex tape, their parents are famous/have money, they got pregnant when they were 16 & got a show, they’re a “real” housewife, etc etc etc. With all the bullshit “celebrity” out there circling the drain, people find fault with Taylor Swift’s personality. Unbelievable. Why are people so quick to trash someone who has talent and contributes something positive? Is it jealousy? What exactly is there to complain about? She’s fake? She’s arrogant? WOW! If this is your big issue, then you should apply it equally to every public figure, which means you will hate them all.

  13. MissEva

    Yes, her constant singing and dancing at award shows is beyond annoying. At the Grammys this year, however, I noticed that she’s finally doing better at hiding her hatred and disappointment when she doesn’t win. That dress, by the way, is simply hideous, especially with the mismatched shoes. She looks like a stick figure in it.

  14. Kitty

    I don’t like her either. I find her very annoying and she looks like a drowned rat to me.

  15. Fabu

    Hmmmm…. her songs tend to “bad mouth” every guy she’s ever dated.

  16. xyz

    Fake and talentless, Janet. Sorry to burst ur bubble. And most likely a closeted lesbian.

  17. Georgie

    Also, not a fan of her music, but I usually like her style, and I must admit she is talented. Oh, and nothing like a kartrashian, so big points for that.

  18. pinkandyellowroses

    I agree with everything you mention; however, I just don’t like any of her music.

  19. mister baja

    but don’t forget mom, folks.

  20. Janet's Filthy Wig

    I agree with the sentiments from the posters above. Katy Perry is right about taylor swift/fake nice girl. Furthermore, she’s not pretty, shes thin, blonde and tall, but that face is really odd, and not in a good way. Her style is decent, but that’s it.

  21. Palermo

    She always tries to be the center of attention, when she’s in the audience she ALWAYS has to stand up and dance and sing, let someone else have the spotlight occasionally

  22. ah-yuck

    Janet, although some the points you bring up are true, the biggest thing you miss is her arrogance & phoniness.

  23. Danielle

    Taylor Swift doesn’t badmouth anyone?

    Uh, let’s see. Katy Perry. John Mayor. Carrie Underwood. Diplo. Camilla Belle. Justin Bieber. Joe Jonas. Miley Cyrus. Anyone else who gets in her way.

    I can’t imagine how you missed that about her.