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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Singer/songwriter Taylor Swift had a massive quantity of balloons delivered to her house today – and for a damn good reason. She has more to celebrate than anyone we know: tonight the Netflix film of her insanely successful Reputation tour premiers – it was the BIGGEST SELLING US TOUR IN HISTORY – keep in mind, this is a female artist in an all-stadium tour with two female opening acts (Camila Cabello and Charli XCX!) As you may know, Reputation was the BEST SELLING ALBUM of the year! Hence the balloons…Let’s hear it for the waspy white girls!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    No argument here, but how about an honorary shout out for Katy Perry?

    Her “Cozy Little Christmas” became our standard this year–such a wonderful track, and a welcome change from Mariah’s, which we think has been spoiled by over-playing.

    Look out Taylor, Katy’s in your rear view mirror–and coming up fast! 😀

    AND HAPPY 2019 TO JCH!!

  2. Cardi D

    She is totally manufactured by her geriatric white male management . The record industry mafia who offer payola to radio and streaming conglomerates

  3. Renee

    I am confused: Taylor Swift cannot hit a note yet she is outrageously successful. She is no singer but she is a master sales woman. She knows exactly how to con the masses.

  4. Cheerio

    Great job Taylor!

    Janet, I take umbrage with your focus on race. You are trash and trolling for comments. Very tacky.

  5. peewee

    WORKING HARD pays off………….