We have nothing against PLAID, but Nick Nolte is giving it a bad name. Pajama bottoms for shopping in Malibu? Nick actually resembles his notorious mug shot with that crazy hair and beard. (Keep in mind, at one time he was a HOT commodity and Barbra Streisand had a huge crush on him.) Amazingly, Nick can pull himself together when he gets an acting job – and in fact, he’s never out of work.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Bill P.
Just tell Nick if he comes…. its a bit cold out right now. As in brrr.
Bill P.
Come to Tennessee and it’s the norm. Standing in line at the store somebody still in their PJ’s… Samething as sweatpants if you think about it like too much. Socks optional.
Edie on Sunset
Would love to see him with a decent haircut and a full shave.
Hope he doesn’t smell.
Looks like David Letterman
Nick is pimping the paps, as usual. Love him.
Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid
Oh, my.
But who can forget how hot Nick was in “Rich Man, Poor Man” (one of his earliest credits–in the late 70s)?
Time marches on–and so does Nolte, to his own drummer; and we admire his 24/7 off-camera pajama chic, which he’s been practicing for the last several decades. 🙂
Wow. I’ve seen homeless people that take more pride in their appearance.
Paloma Sirieda
He looks depraved
he still hopes for a role in the remake of the seven dwarfs together with tom cruise?