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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Most of the time we like birds better than children, so we were enchanted by this cockatoo’s perfect performance to Willow Smith’s song “Whip My Hair.” The bird actually makes the dubious song entertaining. Our savvy colleague at The WOW Report, Stephen Saban, discovered this sweet and talented creature.

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  1. Indy

    The cockatoo definitely upstages Willow. Then, of course, so would the lowly pigeon and grackle.

  2. carolyn jydstrup

    this same cocktoo video is much’better with the song
    “Shake a Tail featheri” by Tina turner

  3. Palermo

    That bird is awesome

  4. Tinchy

    OMG!Love the bird!Bird definitely rocks it better than Willow !!!

  5. SebastianCanada

    In these hard times the cockatoo is an inspiration to America – it is making the best of a bad situation.

  6. dee cee

    Maybe Willow can be the cockatoo’s fly girl if she stays in the background.

  7. captain america

    the bird is also familiar with ASS-KISSERS & SCIENTOLOGY MORONS like the entire “will smith-family”, folks!!

  8. Bettye Bluejay

    Willow is totally talentless.
    The bird’s got it going.

  9. Reta

    That’s absolutely THE most fun I’ve ever had while being tortured in my entire life! This birdy has more rythem than Usher and Michael Jackson put together, and definitely a better hairdo than Willow Smith!!!! LOVE IT!!!MORE MORE MORE!!!