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He never ceases to amaze us. Now that George Santos made the history books by getting expelled from Congress in a rare bipartisan vote on December 1, the disgraced ex-congressman from NY is ready to start CASHING IN! A well placed media source reveals George is shopping around an EXCLUSIVE interview where he is promising Continue reading “WHY WE LOVE GEORGE SANTOS”
Here we go again – we told ya so! On November 26 we revealed that if disgraced congressman George Santos was kicked out of Congress he planned to take others down with him. Well, it seems our crystal ball got it dead to rights! Less than 24 hours after getting booted from Congress, George went Continue reading “WE TOLD YA SO! GEORGE SANTOS GOES DOWN, VOWS TO TAKE OTHERS WITH HIM!”
Disgraced NY Congressman George Santos is planning to turn the tables and become a whistleblower if he gets tossed out of the House of Representatives this week! His fellow congressmen are expected to vote to EXPEL him, and my inside DC source says that George is planning to rat out all of the “corruption and Continue reading “IF GEORGE SANTOS GOES DOWN, HE VOWS TO TAKE OTHERS WITH HIM!”
Now that the House Ethics Committee has released a scathing report on disgraced Republican Congressman George Santos, my DC source says if George gets booted out of Congress, he’s planning to move to West Hollywood, California, and open up a GAY BAR! As we previously reported, George is working on his memoir and dreams of Continue reading “GEORGE SANTOS PLANS TO ENJOY HIS BAD REPUTATION AND OPEN A GAY BAR!”
Sometimes we just can’t resist a good piece of political gossip and let’s face it, disgraced NY Congressman George Santos seems to always have something new for us to dish about. According to a Washington DC source, George’s latest scheme is a real doozy. As the ethics committee wades through his alleged and numerous Continue reading “GEORGE SANTOS: DENY EVERYTHING AND FORGE AHEAD!”
As far-out as it sounds, George Santos is hoping to pivot from Congress to the dance floor! The just indicted Congressman from New York is ignoring calls to resign after pleading not guilty to a plethora of charges, but IF he’s thrown out of the House of Representatives, he’s aspiring to show off his moves Continue reading “GEORGE SANTOS WANTS TO DANCE HIS TROUBLES AWAY”
Disgraced Congressman George Santos’ seemingly never-ending lies have already tarnished him beyond repair, but this latest scandal could be the juiciest yet! It’s unproven, so don’t pop the popcorn too soon, but word on the street is that a former fling is shopping around a sex tape featuring George! To be clear, the existence of Continue reading “HOW LOW CAN GEORGE SANTOS GO?”
Congressional conman George Santos has a backup plan if his time as a NY Congressman comes to an abrupt end. The disgraced politician could be ousted from Congress for multiple reasons -including lying about almost everything on his resume, possible campaign fraud, and even potential criminal charges in Brazil. If he does get booted, the Continue reading “GEORGE SANTOS HAS A PLAN B IF CONGRESS DUMPS HIM”
George Santos put the CON in Congress and now the disgraced newly-elected NY Congressman’s web of lies could be turned into a limited TV series, thanks to Jonah Hill. Practically everything out of his mouth and on his resume has been one giant lie, but Santos was still able to persuade a majority of savvy Continue reading “JONAH HILL LOVES A POLITICAL SCANDAL”