Cafe Society


Woody Allen is a character like no other. Private life aside, he has undeniably brought HOURS of intelligent and humorous entertainment to the world over the years. And he’s been happily married to Soon-Yi for twenty years. He describes her to The Hollywood Reporter as a great companion and a great wife and he adores her. (Mia Farrow’s children remain split on the “molestation” issue, but charges against Allen were investigated and dropped.) Maybe it’s for the best that he remains technologically challenged. This master of filmmaking does not own a computer and only uses a cell phone for making calls. Therefore he was oblivious to the negative furor during the Soon-Yi scandal. He also admits he has never emailed anybody! Woody is happy working nonstop and to his great relief, just finished his untitled Amazon series with Miley Cyrus. As seems to happen every year. Woody’s latest film, Cafe Society, was chosen to screen on the Festival’s opening night.
Above, Woody is arriving in Cannes

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News