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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD

Sweet Actress: Wrong Guy

Our intentions aren’t cruel, but we have to point out that this sweet actress is headed for heartbreak. After a series of disappointing relationships, she found happiness with her handsome new guy, but would she still be smiling if she found out he used to be a Gay for Pay escort? He didn’t trade sex for money- he traded it for FAME. His “clients” include the editor of a top celebrity magazine. Recently he started choosing famous girlfriends who can boost his career. They can’t help falling for him because he’s so darn hot.

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  1. Bubba

    the famous editor would be Jann Wenner of Rolling Stone of course!

  2. Anonymous

    Reese Witherspoon:
    1. Cruel Intentions
    2. Sweet Home Alabama

  3. Anonymous

    “Are you are a moron. JG has been in movies since he was a kid. His family are wealthy and well connected”
    There’s a BIG difference between having movie credits and being FAMOUS, you idiot.

  4. Celebretard

    “Are you are a moron. JG has been in movies since he was a kid. His family are wealthy and well connected.”
    Just because you have movie credits doesn’t mean you’re FAMOUS, you idiot — BIG difference!

  5. Celebretard

    “Are you are a moron. JG has been in movies since he was a kid. His family are wealthy and well connected.”
    Just because you have movie credits doesn’t mean you’re FAMOUS you idiot — BIG difference!

  6. GossipGal

    Please…it has to be Penelope Cruz and Josh Hartnett.

  7. glenda the good witch

    selma was in cruel intentions as well as reese

  8. debbie p

    I believe it’s Ryan Reynolds! He’s now with Scarlet Johansson!

  9. pocaknows

    everyone knows it’s renee zellwegger

  10. Anonymous


  11. Anonymous

    duh its gotta be kevin fenderline

  12. Anonymous

    “He doesn’t date women for fame cause he’s already famous. He had gay sex to BECOME famous. Now, he dates famous women like Kirsten Dunst and REESE WITHERSPOON… You people are slow”
    Are you are a moron. JG has been in movies since he was a kid. His family are wealthy and well connected.

  13. Anonymous

    Ok, Hayden was a child star in Canada before he came to the states and worked as a teen so exactly when would he be able to work as a rent boy? or have the need to. And being in Star Wars would probably make him more well known than Rachel Bilson by far.
    Jake Gyllenhal comes from a Hollywood family and imdb him and see his credits go back ages and he’s hardly not famous! Good Lord some of you folks are so dense.

  14. Anonymous

    If Selma’s new guy traded it for fame, he apparently wasn’t any good.

  15. Spacelamb

    Selma Blair. Still, she seems pretty open-minded!

  16. Anonymous

    would the few straight men out there please raise your right hand??? because nowadays sadly, all men are suspiciously gay. that bugs the crap out of me.

  17. think

    Reese Witherspoon didn’t have a “series of disappointing relationships”. She was married for quite some time to Ryan Phillipe. And Jake has been in showbiz for a long while now and has not been known for the women he’s dated.

  18. Anonymous

    Sabrina you don’t get it do you?

  19. Anonymous

    Cruel Intentions. Sweet Home Alabama.= Reese Witherspoon
    Jake was with Kirsten Dunst and is now famous.

  20. Anonymous

    Cruel Intentions. Sweet Home Alabama.= Reese Witherspoon
    Jake was with Kirsten Dunst and is now famous.

  21. Gabriel Aubrey Lover

    I don’t think so I think it’s Selma Blair too the clues are there like sweet and cruel.

  22. Sabrina

    I think its Halle Berry. She was the first person that popped in my mind. The clue is that the actress is dating a guy that is LESS famous and most obviously a male model. Halle has been unlucky in love for years. I definitely thought it was her!

  23. celebretard

    He doesn’t date women for fame cause he’s already famous. He had gay sex to BECOME famous. Now, he dates famous women like Kirsten Dunst and REESE WITHERSPOON… You people are slow.

  24. gross

    This is blind because? It’s so fabricated. If you named names they would file a giant lawsuit

  25. loser

    Who gave you your story? That patholgical duchebag lier richard perez feria

  26. duche

    I dont think it’s for fame. It’s for exploiting Hollywood and society for all of the silliness in gossip. The film he is making is just that. People writing blind items about it just fuels his point. I do believe they care very much about eachother.

  27. Duh

    It can’t be Reese/Jake. Jake is a successful actor who does not need to date women for fame. Before Reese, who was his last girlfriend? Exactly. You can’t remember. This obviously has to be Selma Blair.

  28. Long time listener, First time caller

    My vote would have to be for Selma Blair.
    Janet’s clues seem to be sweet and cruel.
    Selma was in both Cruel Intentions and The Sweetest Thing.

  29. Anonymous

    My vote has to be for Selma Blair.
    Janet’s clues seem to be sweet and cruel.
    Selma was in Cruel Intentions and The Sweetest Thing.

  30. Sad for Reese

    You guys TOTALLY missed the 2nd clue! The ‘sweet’ actress is Reese Witherspoon! She was in Cruel Intentions & Sweet Home Alabama. Even before Brokeback Mountain there were rumors that Jake Gyllenhaal is gay and they are suppose to be dating now.

  31. Anonymous

    Boo-Boo Rocks!

  32. Anonymous

    totally slema blair, who is recently divorced and dating Matthew Flecker…guy from the britney spears toxic vid. Go to his myspace aka brad lenz

  33. Boo-Boo

    Selma Blair Rocks!

  34. Boo-Boo

    Selma Blair Rocks!

  35. James

    I’m sorry, but If I was going to have coitus with someone to become famous and further my career…it sure wouldn’t be Selma “I had to google her to remind myself exactly who she is” Blair.

  36. Anonymous

    so it sounds like selma blair…. who is the guy?

  37. Anonymous

    reese was in cruel intentions

  38. Anonymous

    Has to be Selma Blair. He was dating a famous editor who got fired. Common knowledge in LA

  39. Anon.

    The gal is Rachel Bilson. Hayden is gayden.

  40. Anonymous

    Matt Felker. I knew him from Wisconsin

  41. Anonymous

    ^^ Uh? ‘Get what’s coming to her?’ Are you on crack?
    Maybe girl knows exactly what she’s doing as well outta the deal.

  42. james

    YOU need to get with the program. If anyone was going to fuck somebody for the fame, it WOULD NOT be Selma “I had to google her to remind me of who she is” Blair. It’s Halle Berry :^(

  43. Anonymous

    Selma Blair seems to only go for super-hot guys anyway (Zappa excluded). I read that when Seth MacFarlane approached her at a party, she bit his hand. Hilarious!
    She’ll get what she’s got coming to her.

  44. Anonymous

    It’s not Halle Berry…read the “hints” Cruel Intentions….Halle Berry wasn’t in that…get w/the program already

  45. Anonymous

    this is Halle Berry most definitely.

  46. McButters

    Cruel Intentions…gotta be Selma Blair…how sad. She’s adorable and finally got away from that dorky Zappa!


    Oh no, it’s OBVIOUSLY Halley Barry! So sad, she deserves someone great. Her model bf Gabriel whatever, fits this discription to a tee.

  48. Anonymous

    Definitely Selma Blair

  49. Anonymous

    I was gonna say the same…I think they want you to think it’s Reese and Jake…

  50. Glamour