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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We got our hands on a catalog from the Cher auction and the owner wrote down what everything sold for. Our auction friend said that the really valuable items – antiques and paintings – went for LESS than expected and some of Cher’s really cheap costume jewelry and accessories went for a FORTUNE! Bob Mackie’s costumes and sketches brought a ton of money and sometimes the sketches sold for more than the actual costume in the picture. The black spangly thong from the Turn Back Time video started a bidding war that ended at $50,000! Her beloved Laverne outfit from the TV show went for $9000.
Cher’s Valentino sunglasses from the 80’s went for $850. Cher’s crosses went for way above market value up in the thousands of dollars for plain sterling silver. The peace sign necklace pictured was worth around $150 at best and it sold for $11,000. Somebody took Cher’s 1956 custom Ford pickup truck home for $90,000 and we bet it’ll turn up in a car show.
The highly flattering family portrait by Leroy Nieman that makes Sonny look like a Marlboro Man sold for $40,000. We can only hope the four guys in the front row at the auction who bought most of the costumes will find a way to put them on display in a museum or fashion institute where we can all appreciate them. We’d hate to see them end up as Halloween costumes.

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  1. NoBozo

    Cher was a serious beauty in the late 70s and early 80s. Then she started fixing things — alas. Now, she’s just as laughable as that awful LeRoy Neiman painting — $40,000, is that Antique Roadshow estimate?

  2. Anonymous

    Thank you for posting about a true TALENT and remarkable LEGEND. She is fascinating! I am sick of hearing about the NO-TALENT “studio-manufactured” wanna-be’s who are out there now. NOT ONE of them comes close to Cher or other legends of her day like Tina Turner, Bette Midler, and Elton John. Cher is still going strong and I hope she will keep it up for many years to come.

  3. Anonymous

    Thanks for a story on a great lady. Nothing pretentious about Cher. More stories like this – and none on wanna-be’s like Paris and her ilk.

  4. Anonymous

    “I think it is seriously cool that Cher had Leroy Neiman paint her family portrait”
    Why didn’t she give it to Chastity?

  5. Anonymous

    Love Cher! Yes she’s had too much work done on her, but that doesn’t change all that she’s accomplished.
    4 Golden Globes, 2 Oscars, Grammy, and Emmy winner.
    She and Barbra are the ONLY two women who’ve had a #1 hit and an Oscar.
    Cher, you are amazing!

  6. Anonymous

    Sorry – Cher is a over-plasticized has-been. Had she aged gracefully, it would be one thing. But she looks like a freak…

  7. Anonymous

    Yeah Janet. Finally writing about real stars

  8. Ishouldntbedoingthis

    I think it is seriously cool that Cher had Leroy Neiman paint her family portrait.

  9. Anonymous

    Cher is so over rated. Come on, she’s all plastic and silicone. Of course she looks good at 60 or however old she is. Her and Barbara need to just go away already.

  10. Margo Channing

    Paris and Nicole who?
    Lindsay and Mischa what?
    Cher is the goddess.

  11. stuck in holly'hooD

    She is a legend.
    Good job Janet…….this will make the readers above 50 stop complaining about your Paris, Ni cole, and LaLohan postings…
    Even Perez took an extra day before posting about the 2!

  12. Anonymous

    Cher has her own style and she is still such a beautiful creature.

  13. To Tell the Truth

    She used to be so pretty– now she looks like a 60 year old alien from the planet “No- I haven’t had any work done!!”