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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Lourdes Leon, 18, has finished her first year at the University of Michigan as a Performing Arts major, and she’s back in New York for summer vacation. She returned home with a nose ring and silver dyed hair (the rage in London.) Lola discourages her mother Madonna from visiting her at school unless absolutely necessary because she creates such a stir. When Madonna DOES visit, they avoid walking down the street together. Will Lola have a summer job? Chances are she’ll work on the Material Girl clothing line before the family takes its yearly vacation in late August.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Diva

    I agree homley

  2. Patrick

    Meow, Strom.
    Go sign some books down at the trailer office.

  3. Strom

    In this picture you can clearly see her chipmunk face….no beauty by any means. Hope she has more class than her mother.

  4. Strom

    Poor little Alex….so jealous of Strom and the 1%.

    Walt and the Heel Napper….two little Indians!

  5. Alex

    Homley ?? really ?

    some real mental giants on this site
    (ie. Strom with his 1% IQ)

  6. deva


  7. Daggers


    I friggin’ never put a hate trip on Lourdes, simply said her hair color is not compatible with her skin color.

    Regarding Madge …..who could possibly approve of her filthy lifestyle which has been ongoing for decades. She picked out the spermatazoa to have Lourdes and Carlos Leon supplied her.

    I actually feel sorry for Lourdes and hope she can overcome the things she has seen her mother do and say. I’m sure she has mental images of the crapola her mother exposed her to. Amen.

  8. Heel Napper

    Well said. And add: chronic drain on the public dole.

  9. Strom

    Poor little Walt!

  10. Walt er

    there’s a load of featureless hatred and chronic stupidity visited on this poor, and utterly innocent kid –

    first of all – I’ll bet she’s a lot sharper, better travelled, more mature and will have a profoundly more diverse and rich life, than any of your:sour, narrow minded, pimply, pathetically educated,
    unsophisticated, xenophobic, obese, drug addled, grindingly unremarkable, soon to be imprisoned or pregnant drones – secondly you envious porkers, she didn’t pick her mom ! give her a break, you’re just a bunch of bovine mouth breathers

    and strom is your queen mother

  11. Daggers

    Omigosh, there are literally 100’s of shades of blonde, silver, plaatinum. This color definitely is hideous on her and makes her look 10 years older. I think being exposed to her witchbitch mama for years has F-ed up her head.

  12. susieserb

    How did she get her hair so silver without destroying it?

  13. Strom

    Didn’t take her long to screw up her looks…she will be a real woofer in another couple of years.

  14. ah-yuck

    Lets hope this child don’t take after her hideous, disgusting mother.

    PS: I wouldn’t wanna walk down the street with her mama either.

  15. mister baja

    ………….kids in America.