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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Now that Stormy Daniels has been ordered to pay an additional $120,000 in legal fees to Donald Trump, the former adult actress has cooked up a plan to make some cash. Stormy is working on a line of merchandise with Trump’s image along with her unflattering nickname for him,“Tiny.” The nickname is allegedly a reference to Trump’s manhood, or lack of it. Stormy is still working on the graphics and once everything is completed, she hopes to sell mugs, sweatshirts, notecards, and more – all online.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. emmy

    I hope she makes a ton of cash. trump is a disgusting pile of shit

  2. Gary

    Good for Stormy! Since she ended up sleeping with the pig, she might as well make a joke about the whole thing and make some fast cash. I love that nickname and just to let you know Trump shares it with Sean Penn.

  3. Rosie

    Good for her

  4. Diva

    You go girl!