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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Dust off your motorcycle jackets, the eighties are BACK! We just got word from our Canadian spy that it’s official: Sting is back together with The Police for a concert tour. So far there are eighty dates planned in North America and the UK. Andy Summers and Stewart Copeland have been wanting this to happen for awhile, but they thought Sting would never agree. Maybe the fact that it’s the 30th anniversary of their first hit Roxanne, softened up Sting. Or maybe he was impressed with the success of The Rolling Stones and U2 tours. Whatever -this will be the first time the band has played in concert since 1984.

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  1. Anonymous

    Sting looks SO hot as a bleached blond. YUMMY!!

  2. Vickie the Robot

    who cares about these washed up old farts?

  3. Patrick


  4. Bev

    Patrick are you smoking something funny again?

  5. Patrick

    The trash collector called the radio station today and said it was surreal when he was behind the studio in North Van. today and heard Roxanne and Walking on the Moon wafting out.

  6. Nicola

    Lets face it the ordinary guy is not going to get to see them. Tickets are going to be an exorbitant price and probably sell out within the first 10 mins.

  7. Anonymous

    I saw them on their farewell concert, would rather think of them as they were.
    I always had a thing for Andy Summers. SWEET!

  8. Anonymous


  9. Patrick

    Oh well, I’ll save my money for the Genesis tour then.
    That rat bastard Phil Collins better not try pulling no Suisuiddio shit!

  10. Linda B.

    Music Hitz magazine is reporting.Africian Tribal singers as well as africian children dancers will be used as well as images from al gores movie about global all venues people will be treated to global warming issues and allowed to sign up for anti global laws.they have added jamaician steel drum players and are ready to announce a key world music player as their stage leader.Sounds a bit kooky

  11. Joyce Dewitt

    Man back in the day me and sting had some great times,he used to come to the set and we would hang out and talk about the earth and its problems.I wish him all the best and will get tickets to this show when it comes to los angeles.

  12. Anonymous

    I hope thry don’t do that! That idea reeks of Sting. Why can’t they just leave it as is? Nobody wants to hear new arrangements of their best songs. Sting sucks!

  13. A Police Fan

    I just read that they are going to be reworking all of their songs to stings new world style.It says that they will be bringing africian tribal singers as back up singers to go with the new sound.Why would they rework their classic songs this way?

  14. Deborah Gibson

    They will be opening for me on my huge comeback tour.I look forward to working with these great guys.Im sure as the rest of the world is that they will always be number 1.

  15. Jackie Harris

    yes i agree,seeing them now would be a huge let down,they should just let people remember them as they were.old men up on stage trying to recapture their youth is tragic.

  16. Bev

    stink is like 60 now,to see all those old geezers up there doing roxanne now would be sad.stay at home stink with your horsey wife and count your money

  17. GINGER


  18. Anonymous

    Sting’s solo efforts were initially innovative, but became arrogant and annoying. I hope they can pull this off without his huge ego and tantric sex nonsense fouling it up. Andy and Stewart never got the recognition they deserved years ago.

  19. Anonymous

    Hello Janet,
    I live in Vancouver, Canada and heard today on our great Rock 101 that Sting has reported checked into a studio with friends here in Vancouver.

  20. Hedda Bopper

    Or maybe its because stings last couple of cd”s tanked and that hes tired of looking into the arenas and seeing a crowd of fat soccer moms……Oh No!

  21. Hedda Bopper

    Or maybe its because stings last couple of cd”s tanked and that hes tired of looking into the arenas and seeing a crowd of fat soccer moms……Oh No!

  22. Hedda Bopper

    Or maybe its because stings last couple of cd”s tanked and that hes tired of looking into the arenas and seeing a crowd of fat soccer moms……Oh No!

  23. Anonymous


  24. Anonymous

    the only thing left to do is squirrel away the 500 dollars that will be needed to purchase a single ticket for a police concert.

  25. Patrick

    They will murder one another before breakfast!