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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Steven Adler is wallowing in his newfound fame thanks to Celebrity Rehab – the former Guns n’ Roses drummer performed at Opium Hard Rock in Hollywood, Florida this weekend. We’re curious about this girl sitting next to him. Except for the tattoos, she bears a striking resemblance to Tina Yothers. Anybody know who it is?

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  1. Marianne

    I don’t care how much of a drug addict he is. How in the world could he throw away the love of his beautiful wife who seemed to adore him? He is a fool. He will NEVER have what he had with her with anyone again let alone these stank rock and roll whores!

  2. Anonymous

    He can’t talk straight because he had a stroke da.

  3. Reta

    I have never seen such a collossal LOSER as this asshole. What a waste of oxygen he is, and I hope his poor wife finally DID leave him and toss in the towel, he’s never going to get straight, he can’t even SPEAK clearly or close to it! He makes me totally sick and I don’t know why anyone close to him puts up with his crap for one more second! He’s a useless waste of skin.

  4. Anonymous

    He is one MEAN drug addict; I can’t look at him the same way since I watched Sober House (which he will never be apparently)

  5. Anonymous

    it ain’t his wife!

  6. gerard Vandenberg

    …………HE CAN KILL HIMSELF NOW, folks?

  7. Dieter

    Only in America can a man be beloved and reveered for being a drugs addict.