Look who’s walking out of Barneys in Beverly Hills- it’s Stephen Dorff, and he’s not exactly a regular shopper there. Fashion isn’t his thing – in fact we rarely see him in anything but white t-shirt and jeans. We’re betting he bought a nice gift for somebody. Dorff, 44, has been a slave to cigarettes for years – he chainsmoked two packs a day and admits he “smelled like an ashtray.” Not only did he do ads for electronic cigarettes, but last we heard, he still smokes the real thing. It was reported a few years ago that he was diagnosed with emphysema – not sure what happened with that.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid
He was excellent in “Blood and Wine” with Michael Caine, Jennifer Lopez, Judy Davis *and* Jack Nicholson. What a cast!
His star has dimmed since then; too bad, he’s talented. Hope he doesn’t smoke himself into an early–not to mention miserable, painful–death.
so he hopes to die very soon?
Lauren Phillips
A very obscure man