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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Sylvester Stallone is all pumped up and ready to start filming “The Expendables” which he wrote, will star in, and direct. It’s about an international team of mercenaries whose secret mission is to assassinate an evil South American dictator. And what a cast: besides Stallone, there’s Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li, Mickey Rourke, Jason Statham, Eric Roberts, and possibly Arnold Schwarzenegger and 50 Cent. It sounds like those “Dirty Dozen”/”Magnificent Seven” movies from the 60’s.

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  1. Anonymous

    I think he looks hunky for a man his age. Love the Rock er Rocky!

  2. Jeannified

    Man, he looks BAD! (And not in a GOOD way, either!) His eyes look horrible, like his whole face is drooping, yet his arms are HUGE! ‘Roid rage!

  3. Jeannified

    Man, he looks BAD! (And not in a GOOD way, either!) His eyes look horrible, like his whole face is drooping, yet his arms are HUGE! ‘Roid rage!

  4. Anonymous

    Rocky # 1 (won best picture) defined him, and after that: nothing. jmho

  5. gerard Vandenberg

    Although tons & tons of HORMONE’s he is still human, folks!!

  6. Reta

    GAWD is that one fuglyhideous hunk ‘o man meat?!!!

  7. Anonymous

    Couldn’t agree more with Dieter. Sylvester Stallone is his own parody. If “The Expendables” had been a cable project, rest assured Chuck Norris would have starred. Oh, and the plot — gee, wonder which “South American dictator” this film’s character’s are having a wet dream about assassinating? *eyeroll*

  8. Dieter's dumb

    While Stallone has had his share of flops, he at least is genuine and not a fake like so many others in hollywood. he’s been doing things his way. And is it that don’t like him because he’s not a liberal anti american scumbag like many of the other actors/actresses in hollyweird?

  9. Dieter

    This Man and his rubbish films will just not go away. Wake up America, this man is ruining your minds.