Justin Bieber is pampering his vinyl-wrapped Lamborghini SUV by parking in a handicap zone while he does hot pilates with Hailey. This car was hot pink when he got it and Justin was teased a lot about the color. Recently he had it vinyl wrapped and toned down the hue…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Saturday, September 12, 2020
You’re fat. And have too many cats.
You need a psychiatrist.
You need a hug.
Aaaand your pills.
Patrick, I thought you’re a Trump supporter. If you are a Republican you are not necessarily an ignorant bigot , but if you are one, you are no doubt a Republican.You probably cheered when the Cheeto in Chief mocked a disabled journalist or attacked a gold star family. That’s you’re type — rude and classless. You clearly are the type that has no problem taking up a disabled parking spot, do you? So, I tell you what, why don’t you follow your leader’s lead and go to his super spreader rallies. Hug as many people you can. Yell into year others breathing space and, by all means, don’t wear a mask. Please, do that.
Trump 2020.
By a landslide.
He loves you, Lipps.
No. I use a wheelchair you heartless sob. Do you find that humorous? And you know there are wonderful people who cannot use a keyboard, but thanks to technology can use a computer and work and are independent. I hired a young lady who was is a quadriplegic who is contributing society in a positive way, unlike you with your horrible attitude. There is a wonderful person, totally blind, who has been working in human resources for thirty years, again an extraordinary person, unlike you. You know, you can see my disability, we can’t see yours. But you clearly are disturbed and deplorable. Shame on you.
Do you type with a stick in your mouth, Lipps?
So dramatic.
what an ignorant piece of shit he is
Patrick’s comment is sad. He has little empathy or understanding for anyone but himself.
Miz Busybody
I just saw one of those Mary Kay pink cars the same color (altho not a Lamborghini)
Nigel's Mansell
That is one ugly suv
Why isn’t this idiot ticketed? The rest of us would be.
SHAME on him.
No one would argue he has a disability.
Always with the drama, Lipps.
Who the hell does he think he is? Parking in a disabled parking spot when you are not, is despicable. I know. I am disabled, need a disabled parking spot with a space to exit with a ramp and don’t have nearly the options non disabled people do. When callous creeps like this take away an option, it requires someone like myself to either not be able to park or find a spot far from where I want to go. It sometimes forces me to exit my van on-to the street, not on-to the curb; this is dangerous for me. His car should be towed and he heavily fined and, because of his celebrity, he should be shamed with articles and pics such as here.