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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


“Kardashian banning” might become a trend this year. South Beach has refused to allow Kim and Kourtney Kardashian to film their reality show and the girls and their film crew had to relocate fifteen miles away in a gated community in a decidedly unglamorous Miami neighborhood. The Miami Beach office of film and print didn’t grant the show “Kourtney and Kim Take Miami” the necessary permits to film in fashionable South Beach. The show, which airs in January, started filming last week wherever they can.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Alana

    Enough with the Kardashians, OK?

  2. yoyo

    Take a hint Kartrashians, NO ONE wants your busted ass circus in their hood. However, hell’s always hiring.

  3. mel

    eden roc is in sobe.

  4. MissEva

    That photo wasn’t taken anywhere near Miami. Note the umbrella logo “Eden Roc”, which is a hotel in the south of France. I’ve never seen beach lounges thatdeluxe in the U.S.!

  5. Shelby

    Good for Miami! I have nothing against Kourtney and Khloe, but Kim is a disgusting piece of publicity-hungry cacadoody. At least Kourtney and Khloe don’t spend their time trying to be photographed in ridiculous looking outfits. They have lives and responsibilities. I wish there were some way to ban Kim from the U.S. completely. Forever.

  6. Kitty

    I don’t know how they stay on the air. Is America really that depraved and starved for entertainment?!

  7. the beach club

    …….JUST SNUGGLE UP, you girls!!

  8. Paula

    God Damn idiots!

  9. mish mash

    Whoulda thought Miami could be so discriminating? Thank God someone finally said go away to that Kartrashian clan.

  10. Palermo

    Hopefully this is the beginning of the end

  11. Strom

    Halyard’s first sentence is absolutely correct!

  12. Frank


  13. Halyard

    Jeez.. When will America get fed up of looking at this ass fucked, pissed on , – just to be famous,family ….??
    They , all of them, are the essence of why America is looked on as a piece of shit in the world.

  14. Strom

    Good for South Beach. It would only attract a large group of ghetto cruzers. Film in Harlem or Watts, better yet send them all away, preferably out of the country.