Up until 2019, Brazilian Rodrigo Alves had dozens of painful plastic surgeries to look like the perfect Ken Doll- including bicep and six-pack enhancement. After all that, he decided he’d rather be the perfect Barbie doll, and had the male surgeries reversed and started transitioning into a “woman.” Can you imagine having your adams apple removed? Now he’s called Jessica Alves, and he’s chalked up over a hundred surgeries hoping to look like Barbie, but looks more like Lil’ Kim. We just HAD to know where he got all the money needed to finance his indulgence and it turns out he inherited millions from his mother’s wealthy parents. We just cannot imagine how Jessica sleeps at night with all this extra padding injected into his/her body…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Jessica at UK premier of The Psychopath Life Coach
Janet is back At it with this creep. How a about some Meg Ryan or Amy Winehouse instead?
Puff Diddy pretty much admitted guilt by paying off his ex
This guy is obviously not all there. The surgeries when he was a man were bad enough, but these new one really take the cake. Imagine paying money to look like that, and what was the doctor using as a guide?
The doctor’s guide was a cheap blow up doll that Alves brought in!
Not Barbie, but maybe Parody.